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## Lord’s Day 24
### 62. Q. Why can’t our good works be our righteousness before God, or at least a part of our righteousness?
**A**. Because the righteousness which can pass God’s judgment must be entirely perfect and must in every way measure up to the divine law.<sup>1</sup> But even our best works in this life are all imperfect and stained with sin.<sup>2</sup>
<sup>1</sup> [Rom. 3:20](/References/Bible/45%20-%20Romans/Romans3.md#20); [Gal. 3:10](/References/Bible/48%20-%20Galatians/Galatians3.md#10) ([Deut. 27:26](/References/Bible/05%20-%20Deuteronomy/Deuteronomy27.md#26))
<sup>2</sup> [Isa. 64:6](/References/Bible/23%20-%20Isaiah/Isaiah64.md#6)
### 63. Q. How can our good works be said to merit nothing when God promises to reward them in this life and the next?<sup>1</sup>
**A**. This reward is not merited; it is a gift of grace.<sup>2</sup>
<sup>1</sup> [Matt. 5:12](/References/Bible/40%20-%20Matthew/Matthew5.md#12); [Heb. 11:6](/References/Bible/58%20-%20Hebrews/Hebrews11.md#6)
<sup>2</sup> [Luke 17:10](/References/Bible/42%20-%20Luke/Luke17.md#10); [2 Tim. 4:7–8](/References/Bible/55%20-%202Timothy/2Timothy4.md#7)
### 64. Q. But doesn’t this teaching make people indifferent and wicked?
**A**. No. It is impossible for those grafted into Christ by true faith not to produce fruits of gratitude.<sup>1</sup>
<sup>1</sup> [Luke 6:43–45](/References/Bible/42%20-%20Luke/Luke6.md#43); [John 15:5](/References/Bible/43%20-%20John/John15.md#5)