## Lord’s Day 25 ### 65. Q. It is by faith alone that we share in Christ and all his benefits: where then does that faith come from? **A**. The Holy Spirit works it in our hearts1 by the preaching of the holy gospel,2 and confirms it by the use of the holy sacraments.3 1 [John 3:5](/References/Bible/43%20-%20John/John3.md#5); [1 Cor. 2:10–14](/References/Bible/46%20-%201Corinthians/1Corinthians2.md#10); [Eph. 2:8](/References/Bible/49%20-%20Ephesians/Ephesians2.md#8) 2 [Rom. 10:17](/References/Bible/45%20-%20Romans/Romans10.md#17); [1 Pet. 1:23–25](/References/Bible/60%20-%201Peter/1Peter1.md#23) 3 [Matt. 28:19–20](/References/Bible/40%20-%20Matthew/Matthew28.md#19); [1 Cor. 10:16](/References/Bible/46%20-%201Corinthians/1Corinthians10.md#16)
### 66. Q. What are sacraments? **A**. Sacraments are visible, holy signs and seals. They were instituted by God so that by our use of them he might make us understand more clearly the promise of the gospel, and seal that promise.1 And this is God’s gospel promise: he grants us forgiveness of sins and eternal life by grace because of Christ’s one sacrifice accomplished on the cross.2 1 [Gen. 17:11](/References/Bible/01%20-%20Genesis/Genesis17.md#11); [Deut. 30:6](/References/Bible/05%20-%20Deuteronomy/Deuteronomy30.md#6); [Rom. 4:11](/References/Bible/45%20-%20Romans/Romans4.md#11) 2 [Matt. 26:27–28](/References/Bible/40%20-%20Matthew/Matthew26.md#27); [Acts 2:38](/References/Bible/44%20-%20Acts/Acts2.md#38); [Heb. 10:10](/References/Bible/58%20-%20Hebrews/Hebrews10.md#10)
### 67. Q. Are both the word and the sacraments then intended to focus our faith on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as the only ground of our salvation? **A**. Yes indeed! The Holy Spirit teaches us in the gospel and confirms by the holy sacraments that our entire salvation rests on Christ’s one sacrifice for us on the cross.1 1 [Rom. 6:3](/References/Bible/45%20-%20Romans/Romans6.md#3); [1 Cor. 11:26](/References/Bible/46%20-%201Corinthians/1Corinthians11.md#26); [Gal. 3:27](/References/Bible/48%20-%20Galatians/Galatians3.md#27)
### 68. Q. How many sacraments did Christ institute in the New Testament? **A**. Two: holy baptism and the holy supper.1 1 [Matt. 28:19–20](/References/Bible/40%20-%20Matthew/Matthew28.md#19); [1 Cor. 11:23–26](/References/Bible/46%20-%201Corinthians/1Corinthians11.md#23)