## Lord’s Day 37 ### 101. Q. But may we swear an oath in God’s name if we do it reverently? **A**. Yes, when the government demands it, or when necessity requires it, in order to maintain and promote truth and trustworthiness for God’s glory and our neighbor’s good. Such oath-taking is grounded in God’s Word1 and was rightly used by the saints in the Old and New Testaments.2 1 [Deut. 6:13](/References/Bible/05%20-%20Deuteronomy/Deuteronomy6.md#13); [10:20](/References/Bible/05%20-%20Deuteronomy/Deuteronomy10.md#20); [Jer. 4:1–2](/References/Bible/24%20-%20Jeremiah/Jeremiah4.md); [Heb. 6:16](/References/Bible/58%20-%20Hebrews/Hebrews6.md#16) 2 [Gen. 21:24](/References/Bible/01%20-%20Genesis/Genesis21.md#24); [Josh. 9:15](/References/Bible/06%20-%20Joshua/Joshua9.md#15); [1 Kings 1:29–30](/References/Bible/11%20-%201Kings/1Kings1.md#29); [Rom. 1:9](/References/Bible/45%20-%20Romans/Romans1.md#9); [2 Cor. 1:23](/References/Bible/47%20-%202Corinthians/2Corinthians1.md#23)
### 102. Q. May we also swear by saints or other created things? **A**. No. A legitimate oath is calling upon God as the one who knows my heart to witness to the truth and to punish me if I swear falsely.1 No created thing is worthy of such honor.2 1 [Rom. 9:1](/References/Bible/45%20-%20Romans/Romans9.md); [2 Cor. 1:23](/References/Bible/47%20-%202Corinthians/2Corinthians1.md#23) 2 [Matt. 5:34–37](/References/Bible/40%20-%20Matthew/Matthew5.md#34); [23:16–22](/References/Bible/40%20-%20Matthew/Matthew23.md#16); [James 5:12](/References/Bible/59%20-%20James/James5.md#12)