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2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
* File: parse_csv_echecklist.php
* Author: Ryan Prather
* Purpose: Background script to parse CSV eChecklist files
* Created: May 9, 2014
* Portions Copyright 2016: Cyber Perspectives, All rights reserved
* Released under the Apache v2.0 License
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Salient Federal Solutions
* Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
* Released under Modified BSD License
* See license.txt for details
* Change Log:
* - May 9, 2014 - File created
* - Sep 1, 2016 - Copyright Updated, added CWD parameter, and
* Updated to use correct functions after class mergers
* - Jan 30, 2017 - Updated to use parse_config.ini file
* - Mar 4, 2017 - Removed Thread class calls
$start = new DateTime();
$cmd = getopt("f:", array('debug::', 'help::'));
if (!isset($cmd['f']) || isset($cmd['help'])) {
$conf = parse_ini_file("parse_config.ini");
if (!$conf) {
die("Could not find parse_config.ini configuration file");
print "Start Time: " . $start->format("H:i:s") . PHP_EOL;
include_once '';
include_once "";
include_once '';
$dbh = new db();
$base_name = basename($cmd['f']);
$err = new Sagacity_Error($base_name);
if (!file_exists($cmd['f'])) {
$dbh->update_Running_Scan($base_name, array('name' => 'status', 'value' => 'ERROR'));
$err->script_log("File not found", E_ERROR);
$dbh->update_Running_Scan($base_name, array('name' => 'pid', 'value' => getmypid()));
$error = array();
$success = array();
$tgts = array();
$finding_count = array();
$sum = '';
$host_list = array();
$src = $dbh->get_Sources('eChecklist');
$handle = fopen($cmd['f'], "r");
// Get the headers (might be one extra line)
$eol = true;
$header_lines = 0;
while ($data = fgetcsv($handle)) {
if (preg_match('/STIG[\_ ]ID/i', $data[0])) {
$eol = false;
if ($eol) {
$err->script_log("Got to end of " . $cmd['f'] . " without finding 'STIG ID'", E_ERROR);
// add a new scan for this E-Checklist
if (count($data) >= 9) {
for ($x = echecklist::HOST_COL_START; $data[$x] != 'Notes'; $x++) {
if (!preg_match("/^(\d{1,3}\.){3}(\d{1,3})$/", $data[$x])) {
if ($pos = strpos($data[$x], '.')) {
$data[$x] = substr($data[$x], 0, $pos);
if ($id = $dbh->check_Target($conf['ste'], $data[$x])) {
$tgt = $dbh->get_Target_Details($conf['ste'], $id)[0];
$tgts[] = $tgt;
//print "Identified: ".$data[$x].PHP_EOL;
else {
$tgt = new target($data[$x]);
$tgt->set_Location("New Target");
$tgt->set_Notes("New Target");
//print "Added target: ".$data[$x].PHP_EOL;
if (preg_match('/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/', $data[$x])) {
$int = new interfaces(null, $tgt_id, null, $data[$x], null, null, null, null);
$tgt->interfaces[] = $int;
$tgt_id = $dbh->save_Target($tgt);
$tgts[] = $tgt;
$host_list[$tgt->get_Name()] = array('target' => $tgt, 'count' => 0);
//$host_list = substr($host_list, 0, -1);
$dt = new DateTime();
$existing_scan = $dbh->get_ScanData($conf['ste'], $cmd['f']);
if (!count($existing_scan)) {
$ste = $db->get_STE($conf['ste'])[0];
$scan = new scan(null, $src, $ste, 1, $base_name, $dt->format('Y-m-d'));
// $scan->add_Target_Array_to_Host_List($host_list);
if (!$scan_id = $dbh->save_Scan($scan)) {
$err->script_log("Failure to add scan for " . $cmd['f'], E_ERROR);
else {
else {
$scan = $existing_scan[0];
else {
$err->script_log("There were less than 9 columns in " . $cmd['f'], E_ERROR);
$line = 0;
$line_count = 0;
while ($data = fgetcsv($handle)) {
// rewind after counting the lines
// skip the header lines
for ($x = 0; $x < $header_lines; $x++) {
$data = fgetcsv($handle);
// loop through all the findings and add a new finding item
while ($data = fgetcsv($handle)) {
if (empty($data[0])) {
if (!$dbh->add_Finding($scan, $tgts, $data)) {
$sum .= "Failure adding finding: $data[0]<br />";
$err->script_log("Error adding STIG ID: " . $data[0], E_WARNING);
else {
$err->script_log("Added STIG ID: " . $data[0]);
$dbh->update_Running_Scan($base_name, array('name' => 'perc_comp', 'value' => ($line / $line_count) * 100));
foreach ($tgts as $key => $tgt) {
$host_list[$tgt->get_Name()]['count'] = $line;
$dbh->update_Scan_Host_List($scan, $host_list);
$count = 0;
while (is_resource($handle)) {
if (fclose($handle)) {
$err->script_log("File closed");
if ($count == 3) {
$err->script_log("File didn't close, forcing");
if (!isset($cmd['debug'])) {
rename($cmd['f'], DOC_ROOT . "/tmp/echecklist/$base_name");
$dbh->update_Running_Scan($base_name, array('name' => 'perc_comp', 'value' => 100, 'complete' => 1));
$end = new DateTime();
print "End Time: " . $end->format("H:i:s") . PHP_EOL;
$diff = $end->diff($start);
print "Total Time: " . $diff->format("%H:%I:%S") . PHP_EOL;
function usage() {
print <<<EOO
Purpose: To parse a CSV E-Checklist file
Usage: php parse_csv_echecklist.php -s={ST&E ID} -f={CSV eChecklist} [--debug] [--help]
-s={ST&E ID} The ST&E ID that this result file is going to be imported for
-f={eChecklist file} The eChecklist file to import
--debug Debugging output
--help This screen