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@echo off
REM File: uninstall.bat
REM Author: Jeff Odegard
REM Purpose: Windows / XAMPP Uninstallation Script
REM Created: Oct 3, 2018
REM Copyright 2018: Cyber Perspective, All rights reserved
REM Released under the Apache v2.0 License
REM See license.txt for details
REM Change Log:
REM - Oct 3, 2018 - File created
echo This will completely uninstall Sagacity and XAMPP and delete
echo the findings database and all result files in www/tmp.
echo This cannot be undone.
set /p uninstall="Are you sure? (y/N) "
set result=0
if "%uninstall%"=="Y" (set result=1)
if "%uninstall%"=="y" (set result=1)
if "%uninstall%"=="Yes" (set result=1)
if "%uninstall%"=="yes" (set result=1)
if "%uninstall%"=="YES" (set result=1)
if "%result%"=="1" (
cd C:\
echo - Stopping Apache and MySQL services.
sc stop Apache2.4
sc stop mysql
echo - Deleting the MySQL service.
sc delete mysql
echo - Deleting the Sagacity www folder.
del /F /S /Q C:\xampp\www 1>nul
rmdir /S /Q C:\xampp\www
echo - Uninstalling XAMPP
C:\xampp\uninstall.exe --mode unattended
echo Thank you for trying Sagacity. If you have any questions or comments, please echo contact us at
if "%result%"=="1" (
set /p foo="Uninstall complete. Press enter to continue."
) else (
set /p foo="Whew, that was a close one! Uninstall aborted. Press enter to continue."