2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
< ? php
* File : installer . php
* Author : Ryan Prather < ryan . prather @ cyberperspectives . com >
* Purpose : This script runs the installer processes
* Created : Nov 28 , 2017
2018-07-26 08:33:50 -04:00
* Copyright 2017 - 2018 : Cyber Perspective , LLC , All rights reserved
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
* Released under the Apache v2 . 0 License
* See license . txt for details
* Change Log :
* - Nov 28 , 2017 - File created
* - Dec 27 , 2017 - Fixed bug with SCG showing empty , and added download progress meta keys
* - Jan 2 , 2018 - Add sleep to fix bug #357 race condition
* - Jan 10 , 2018 - Formatting
2018-07-26 08:33:50 -04:00
* - Apr 29 , 2018 - Removed settings to move to . sql file . Also , changed to pull CVEs from NVD instead of Mitre repo
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
include_once 'helper.inc' ;
set_time_limit ( 0 );
$params = [
$db_step = [
'doc-root' => $params ,
'pwd-file' => $params ,
'tmp-path' => $params ,
'log-path' => $params ,
'log-level' => $params ,
'db-server' => $params ,
'root-uname' => $params ,
'root-pwd' => $params ,
'conf-root-pwd' => $params ,
'web-pwd' => $params ,
'local-path' => $params ,
'action' => $params ,
'sample-data' => [ 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ],
'cpe' => [ 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ],
'cve' => [ 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ],
2018-09-26 10:41:20 -04:00
'stig' => [ 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ],
2018-10-19 18:45:08 -04:00
'update-freq' => [ 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT , 'flag' => FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE ]
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
$company_step = [
'company' => $params ,
'comp-add' => $params ,
'last-modified' => $params ,
'creator' => $params ,
'system-class' => $params ,
'classified-by' => $params ,
'scg' => $params ,
'derived-on' => $params ,
'declassify-on' => $params
$options_step = [
'flatten' => [ 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ],
'wrap-text' => [ 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ],
'notifications' => [ 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ],
'port-limit' => [
'options' => [ 'max_range' => 10000 ]
'max-results' => [
'options' => [ 'min_range' => 1 , 'max_range' => 20 ]
'output-format' => [
'options' => [ 'regexp' => " /xlsx|xls|html|csv|pdf|ods/ " ]
$step = filter_input ( INPUT_POST , 'step' , FILTER_VALIDATE_INT );
if ( $step == 0 ) {
$fields = filter_input_array ( INPUT_POST , $db_step );
save_Database ( $fields );
elseif ( $step == 1 ) {
$fields = filter_input_array ( INPUT_POST , $company_step );
save_Company ( $fields );
elseif ( $step == 2 ) {
$fields = filter_input_array ( INPUT_POST , $options_step );
save_Options ( $fields );
* Function to save database details and load data
* @ param array $params
function save_Database ( $params )
$config = file_get_contents ( " config.inc " , FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH );
$php = null ;
$mysql = null ;
if ( strtolower ( substr ( PHP_OS , 0 , 3 )) == 'lin' ) {
2018-08-28 20:46:48 -04:00
$res = [];
exec ( " which php " , $res );
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
if ( file_exists ( '/bin/php' )) {
$php = realpath ( " /bin/php " );
2018-08-28 20:46:48 -04:00
elseif ( is_array ( $res ) && isset ( $res [ 0 ]) && file_exists ( $res [ 0 ])) {
$php = realpath ( $res [ 0 ]);
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
else {
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => 'Cannot find the PHP executable' ]));
2018-08-28 20:46:48 -04:00
$res = [];
exec ( " which mysql " , $res );
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
if ( file_exists ( '/bin/mysql' )) {
$mysql = realpath ( '/bin/mysql' );
2018-08-28 20:46:48 -04:00
elseif ( is_array ( $res ) && isset ( $res [ 0 ]) && file_exists ( $res [ 0 ])) {
$mysql = realpath ( $res [ 0 ]);
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
else {
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => 'Cannot find the MySQL executable' ]));
else {
if ( file_exists ( " c:/xampp/php/php.exe " )) {
$php = realpath ( " c:/xampp/php/php.exe " );
else {
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => 'Cannot find the PHP executable' ]));
if ( file_exists ( " c:/xampp/mysql/bin/mysql.exe " )) {
$mysql = realpath ( " c:/xampp/mysql/bin/mysql.exe " );
else {
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => 'Cannot find the MySQL executable' ]));
my_str_replace ( " { DOC_ROOT} " , realpath ( $params [ 'doc-root' ]), $config );
my_str_replace ( " { PWD_FILE} " , $params [ 'pwd-file' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " ' { E_ERROR}' " , " E_ { $params [ 'log-level' ] } " , $config );
my_str_replace ( " { PHP_BIN} " , $php , $config );
my_str_replace ( " { PHP_CONF} " , realpath ( php_ini_loaded_file ()), $config );
my_str_replace ( " { DB_SERVER} " , $params [ 'db-server' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " { DB_BIN} " , $mysql , $config );
2018-09-26 10:41:20 -04:00
my_str_replace ( " ' { UPDATE_FREQ}' " , $params [ 'update-freq' ], $config );
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
my_str_replace ( " @new " , " @step1 " , $config );
if ( ! file_exists ( $params [ 'tmp-path' ])) {
if ( ! mkdir ( $params [ 'tmp-path' ])) {
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => 'Temporary path is not available. Please create and give Apache user write permissions' ]));
elseif ( ! is_dir ( $params [ 'tmp-path' ]) || ! is_writable ( $params [ 'tmp-path' ])) {
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => 'TMP path is not a writable directory to Apache' ]));
my_str_replace ( " { TMP_PATH} " , $params [ 'tmp-path' ], $config );
if ( ! file_exists ( $params [ 'log-path' ])) {
if ( ! mkdir ( $params [ 'log-path' ])) {
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => 'Log path is not available. Please create and give Apache user write permissions' ]));
elseif ( ! is_dir ( $params [ 'log-path' ]) || ! is_writable ( $params [ 'log-path' ])) {
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => 'Log path is not a writable directory by Apache' ]));
my_str_replace ( " { LOG_PATH} " , $params [ 'log-path' ], $config );
file_put_contents ( " { $params [ 'doc-root' ] } /config.inc " , $config );
include_once 'config.inc' ;
include_once 'database.inc' ;
/* ---------------------------------
* --------------------------------- */
$enc_pwd = my_encrypt ( $params [ 'web-pwd' ]);
file_put_contents ( DOC_ROOT . " / " . PWD_FILE , $enc_pwd );
if ( isset ( $params [ 'conf-root-pwd' ]) && $params [ 'conf-root-pwd' ] == $params [ 'root-pwd' ]) {
$db = new mysqli ( DB_SERVER , $params [ 'root-uname' ], '' , 'mysql' );
if ( ! $db -> real_query ( " UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD(' { $db -> real_escape_string ( $params [ 'root-pwd' ]) } ') WHERE User='root' " )) {
error_log ( $db -> error );
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => " Could not set the root users password, manually set it and try this again " ]));
$db -> real_query ( " FLUSH PRIVILEGES " );
unset ( $db );
$zip = new ZipArchive ();
$db = new mysqli ( DB_SERVER , $params [ 'root-uname' ], $params [ 'root-pwd' ], 'mysql' );
if ( $db -> connect_errno && $db -> connect_errno == 1045 ) {
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => 'There was a problem with the user/password combination, please go back and try again' ]));
elseif ( $db -> connect_errno ) {
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => " There was an error connecting to the database on " . DB_SERVER . " with user { $params [ 'root-uname' ] } and { $params [ 'root-pwd' ] } " ]));
$help = new db_helper ( $db );
$svr_ver = ( int ) $db -> server_version ;
$maj = ( int ) ( $svr_ver / 10000 );
$svr_ver -= ( $maj * 10000 );
$min = ( int ) ( $svr_ver / 100 );
$svr_ver -= ( $min * 100 );
$update = $svr_ver ;
if ( version_compare ( " { $maj } . { $min } . { $update } " , " 5.5 " , " <= " )) {
die ( json_encode ([ 'error' => " The current version of MySQL needs to be at least 5.5 " ]));
// set the character set and default database
$db -> set_charset ( " utf8 " );
/* --------------------------------
* -------------------------------- */
$help -> delete ( " mysql.user " , null , [
'field' => 'User' ,
'op' => '=' ,
'value' => ''
$help -> execute ();
$errors = [];
/* --------------------------------
* -------------------------------- */
if ( ! $db -> real_query ( " CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `rmf` " )) {
$errors [] = $db -> error ;
if ( ! $db -> real_query ( " CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `sagacity` " )) {
$errors [] = $db -> error ;
$db -> real_query ( " DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS cdcol " );
$db -> real_query ( " DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS phpmyadmin " );
$db -> real_query ( " DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test " );
/* --------------------------------
* -------------------------------- */
$host = '%' ;
if ( in_array ( strtolower ( DB_SERVER ), [ " localhost " , " " ])) {
$host = 'localhost' ;
$help -> select ( " mysql.user " , [ " COALESCE(COUNT(1), 0) AS 'count' " ], [
'field' => 'User' ,
'op' => '=' ,
'value' => 'web'
if ( ! $help -> execute ()[ 'count' ]) {
if ( ! $db -> real_query ( " CREATE USER 'web'@' $host ' IDENTIFIED BY ' { $db -> real_escape_string ( $params [ 'web-pwd' ]) } ' " )) {
$errors [] = $db -> error ;
else {
if ( ! $db -> real_query ( " SET PASSWORD FOR 'web'@' $host ' = PASSWORD(' { $db -> real_escape_string ( $params [ 'web-pwd' ]) } ') " )) {
$errors [] = $db -> error ;
2018-07-26 08:33:50 -04:00
if ( ! $db -> real_query ( " GRANT ALL ON `rmf`.* TO 'web'@' $host ' " )) {
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
$errors [] = $db -> error ;
2018-07-26 08:33:50 -04:00
if ( ! $db -> real_query ( " GRANT ALL ON `sagacity`.* TO 'web'@' $host ' " )) {
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
$errors [] = $db -> error ;
if ( count ( $errors )) {
die ( json_encode ([ 'errors' => implode ( " <br /> " , $errors )]));
$db -> real_query ( " FLUSH PRIVILEGES " );
chdir ( realpath ( DOC_ROOT ));
$json = json_decode ( file_get_contents ( " db_schema.json " ));
foreach ( $json -> tables as $table ) {
Sagacity_Error :: err_handler ( " Creating { $table -> schema } . { $table -> name } " );
$help -> create_table_json ( $table );
if ( isset ( $table -> triggers )) {
// see if the first entry is a drop statement, run it and remove for subsequent statements
if ( substr ( $table -> triggers [ 0 ], 0 , 4 ) == 'DROP' ) {
$db -> real_query ( $table -> triggers [ 0 ]);
unset ( $table -> triggers [ 0 ]);
// concatenate the trigger into one string
$trig = implode ( " " , $table -> triggers );
if ( ! $db -> real_query ( str_replace ( " { host} " , $host , $trig ))) {
die ( $db -> error );
$help -> insert ( " sagacity.settings " , [
'meta_key' => " { $table -> schema } . { $table -> name } " ,
'db_data' => json_encode ( $table )
], true );
if ( ! $help -> execute ()) {
$help -> debug ( E_WARNING , " JSON for { $table -> schema } . { $table -> name } table was not pushed to database " );
* ***********************************************************
* Load table data
* ***********************************************************
chdir ( DOC_ROOT );
$zip -> open ( " Database_Baseline.zip " );
$zip -> extractTo ( " Database_Baseline " );
chdir ( " Database_Baseline " );
$sql_files = glob ( " *.sql " );
$zip -> close ();
if ( ! $params [ 'sample-data' ]) {
if (( $key = array_search ( " sample_data.sql " , $sql_files )) !== false ) {
unset ( $sql_files [ $key ]);
unlink ( " sample_data.sql " );
$defaults = <<< EOO
[ client ]
password = " { $params [ 'root-pwd' ] } "
port = 3306
file_put_contents ( realpath ( TMP ) . " /defaults.tmp " , $defaults );
$routines = glob ( " *routines.sql " );
foreach ( $routines as $file ) {
if (( $key = array_search ( $file , $sql_files )) !== false ) {
unset ( $sql_files [ $key ]);
if ( count ( $sql_files )) {
sort ( $sql_files );
foreach ( $sql_files as $file ) {
$output = [];
$cmd = realpath ( DB_BIN ) . " --defaults-file= \" " . realpath ( TMP . " /defaults.tmp " ) . " \" " .
" --user= { $params [ 'root-uname' ] } " .
" --host= " . DB_SERVER .
" --default-character-set=utf8 < \" $file\ " " ;
exec ( $cmd , $output );
if ( preg_grep ( " /Access Denied/i " , $output )) {
$errors [] = $output ;
else {
unlink ( $file );
foreach ( $routines as $file ) {
$str = file_get_contents ( $file );
my_str_replace ( " { host} " , $host , $str );
file_put_contents ( $file , $str );
$cmd = realpath ( DB_BIN ) . " --defaults-file= \" " . realpath ( TMP . " /defaults.tmp " ) . " \" " .
" --user= { $params [ 'root-uname' ] } " .
" --host= " . DB_SERVER .
" --default-character-set=utf8 < \" $file\ " " ;
exec ( $cmd );
unlink ( $file );
flush ();
if ( count ( $errors )) {
print json_encode ([ 'errors' => implode ( " <br /> " , $errors )]);
return ;
unlink ( realpath ( TMP . " /defaults.tmp " ));
rmdir ( realpath ( DOC_ROOT . " /Database_Baseline " ));
$cpe = null ;
$cve = null ;
$stig = null ;
$action = null ;
if ( $params [ 'cpe' ]) {
$cpe = " --cpe " ;
if ( $params [ 'cve' ]) {
2018-07-26 08:33:50 -04:00
$cve = " --nvd " ;
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
if ( $params [ 'stig' ]) {
$stig = " --stig " ;
$msg = null ;
if ( $params [ 'action' ] == 'do' || $params [ 'action' ] == 'po' ) {
$action = " -- { $params [ 'action' ] } " ;
$msg = " Files need to be placed in { doc_root}/tmp for parsing to work correctly " ;
print json_encode ([ 'success' => true , 'msg' => $msg ]);
if ( ! is_null ( $cpe ) || ! is_null ( $cve ) || ! is_null ( $stig )) {
2018-07-26 08:33:50 -04:00
include_once 'vendor/autoload.php' ;
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
$script = realpath ( PHP_BIN ) .
" -c " . realpath ( PHP_CONF ) .
" -f " . realpath ( DOC_ROOT . " /exec/update_db.php " ) .
" -- { $cpe } { $cve } { $stig } { $action } " ;
2018-07-26 08:33:50 -04:00
$process = new Cocur\BackgroundProcess\BackgroundProcess ( $script );
2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00
$process -> run ();
* Function to save company information
* @ param array $fields
function save_Company ( $fields )
$config = file_get_contents ( " config.inc " , FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH );
$scg_date = new DateTime ( $fields [ 'derived-on' ]);
$declass_date = new DateTime ( $fields [ 'declassify-on' ]);
if ( ! is_a ( $scg_date , " DateTime " ) || ! is_a ( $declass_date , " DateTime " )) {
print json_encode ([ 'error' => 'Error parsing the dates' ]);
return ;
my_str_replace ( " { COMPANY} " , $fields [ 'company' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " { COMP_ADD} " , $fields [ 'comp-add' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " { LAST_MODIFIED_BY} " , $fields [ 'last-modified' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " { CREATOR} " , $fields [ 'creator' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " { SYSTEM_CLASS} " , $fields [ 'system-class' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " { CLASSIFIED_BY} " , $fields [ 'classified-by' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " { SCG} " , $fields [ 'scg' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " { DERIVED_ON} " , $scg_date -> format ( " Y-m-d " ), $config );
my_str_replace ( " { DECLASSIFY_ON} " , $declass_date -> format ( " Y-m-d " ), $config );
my_str_replace ( " @step1 " , " @step2 " , $config );
file_put_contents ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ )) . " /config.inc " , $config );
print json_encode ([ 'success' => true ]);
* Function to save Sagacity options
* @ param array $fields
function save_Options ( $fields )
$config = file_get_contents ( " config.inc " , FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH );
my_str_replace ( " ' { FLATTEN}' " , ( $fields [ 'flatten' ] ? 'true' : 'false' ), $config );
my_str_replace ( " ' { WRAP_TEXT}' " , ( $fields [ 'wrap-text' ] ? 'true' : 'false' ), $config );
my_str_replace ( " ' { NOTIFICATIONS}' " , ( $fields [ 'notifications' ] ? 'true' : 'false' ), $config );
my_str_replace ( " ' { PORT_LIMIT}' " , $fields [ 'port-limit' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " ' { MAX_RESULTS}' " , $fields [ 'max-results' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " { ECHECKLIST_FORMAT} " , $fields [ 'output-format' ], $config );
my_str_replace ( " @step2 " , " " , $config );
file_put_contents ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ )) . " /config.inc " , $config );
print json_encode ([ 'success' => true ]);