parse_excel_echecklist.php: Skip parsing orphan worksheet Issue error if there are more than 100 targets in any worksheet Save findings when you get above 1000Ryan Prather2018-12-14 09:32:40 -05:00
Fix error with compliant and assessed percentages format on the stats page (was showing more than 2 decimal places).Ryan Prather2018-12-14 09:22:06 -05:00
52159a16a6Fix for bug #34 Import was deleted because export was changed to JSON format instead of XML, will have to rebuildRyan Prather2018-11-16 13:39:23 -05:00
f530c5a2a1Changes to support bug #33 Remove query limit when retrieving CPEsRyan Prather2018-11-16 11:54:19 -05:00 - Added method to increase finding count - fixed typo parse_excel_echecklist.php - added functionality to assign OS and checklists based on worksheet contents - Added a couple methods to support changes for #25 export.php - Minor change to OS listing and added add_cell_comment method to migrate scanner notes to a comment instead of the main note (separating the scanner and anaylst comments)Ryan Prather2018-11-08 17:26:27 -05:00 - updated sagacity_routines.sql to support removing field - uncomment code block in post_ProcessingRyan Prather2018-11-06 15:42:59 -05:00 - deleted duplicate BIND 9 checklist icon entry - removed ID property to prevent duplicate findings from being added to the table - deleted unused constructor - formatting db_schema.json - removed field (making tgt_id and pdi_id new primary keys), and updated references - updated routines for above change background_results.php - fixed bug #19 export-ckl.php - performance adjustments parse_excel_echecklist.php - performance improvements, ensure duplicate findings are not created, make eChecklist true status, update for removing field parse_nvd_json_cve.php - convert reading json to array instead of object for reading CPEs (which were updated to CPE 2.3 instead of 2.2) parse_* - remove field - formatting, and update for removing field index.php - ensure user can't import a host list without uploading a host list fileRyan Prather2018-11-06 15:36:48 -05:00
Add ROLE to .ckl ASSET Tag and delete HOST_GUID
Jeff Odegard
2018-10-29 19:42:36 -06:00
5d8711d494Fix bug #49 Revert update_db.php to download compilation STIG library instead of individual as links are inconsistent (#60, #64, #61 Add scape_webpage method to for future efforts Fixed typo in uninstall.batRyan Prather2018-10-29 13:19:31 -04:00
ab9005f0c3Partial bug fix for #62 since new versions of SCC include extra characters in the VMS ID.Ryan Prather2018-10-27 12:20:33 -04:00
7f2f6a9046Fix for #60 Some formatting Die if installer.php fails to create password file Update target counts after importing eChecklist and CKLRyan Prather2018-10-25 17:48:57 -04:00
d43775b26fFix bug with host list import not working correctly.Ryan Prather2018-10-25 11:32:48 -04:00 - Revisions for creating views and routines installer.php - Fix bug when update_db.php - Converted STIG download to identify the zip files from the a-z master list and download them individually instead of downloading the compilation zip file. Also integrated the sunset list into the same process so ALL STIGs are downloaded and imported at the same timeRyan Prather2018-10-19 18:45:08 -04:00
1645914d32Update to fix some of the improper working of the results page. This does not fix the SCC result parsing...still working on that.Ryan Prather2018-10-17 19:44:37 -04:00
dde7409f01Bug fix for #26 Make sure debug log does not output integers, but only mysqli_result object in db_helper Couple other fixesRyan Prather2018-09-26 10:39:38 -04:00
927ae69743ajax.php - sort checklists background_stigs.php - change to support adding sunset STIGs to update_db.php parse_nessus.php/parse_nmap.php - disable post processing until the end of reading the file update_db.php - Add sunset STIGs downloading and parsing - Removed unnecessary variables ($key, etc), fixed typo (proc_ia_control v. proc_ia_controls), fix typo line 11072, added query_type to other queries in post_Processing method, call update_Target_Count method at the end of post_Processing, convert update_Target_Count to use queries instead of get_pdi_count and get_finding_count views (caused a performance hit), removed calling update_Target_Count from save_Target method to support previously mentioned changes index.php - removed ajax timeout when bulk removing targetsRyan Prather2018-09-18 19:53:19 -04:00
78e584c1b9Update 3rd party libraries Forgot these twoRyan Prather2018-09-18 19:30:32 -04:00
87feac65a2Delete php-db library due to confusion with db_helper class and required rewrite to use it.Ryan Prather2018-09-18 19:28:10 -04:00