90 days ago) * * @var string */ protected $stag_pwds = ''; /** * List of user that have never logged into the system * * @var string */ protected $never_logged_in = ''; /** * List of users that have passwords set to never expire * * @var string */ protected $pwd_never_expires = ''; /** * Target copyright info * * @var string */ protected $copyrighted = ''; /** * Is this target a VM * * @var boolean */ protected $is_vm = false; /** * Target system information * * @var string */ protected $system = ''; /** * Target bios info * * @var string */ protected $bios = ''; /** * Windows target pid that is WMI is listening on * * @var int */ protected $wmi_listening_pid = 0; /** * Target IP routes * * @var string */ protected $routes = ''; /** * Target firewall configuration info * * @var string */ protected $firewall_config = ''; /** * Variable to store finding counts * * @var integer */ protected $cat_1 = 0; /** * Variable to store finding counts * * @var integer */ protected $cat_2 = 0; /** * Variable to store finding counts * * @var integer */ protected $cat_3 = 0; /** * Variable to store finding counts * * @var integer */ protected $nf = 0; /** * Variable to store finding counts * * @var integer */ protected $nr = 0; /** * Variable to store finding counts * * @var integer */ protected $na = 0; /** * Constructor * * @param string $str_Name */ public function __construct($str_Name) { $this->name = $str_Name; } /** * Getter function for target ID * * @return integer */ public function get_ID() { return $this->id; } /** * Setter function for target ID * * @param integer $id_in */ public function set_ID($id_in) { $this->id = $id_in; } /** * Getter function for STE ID * * @return integer */ public function get_STE_ID() { return $this->ste_id; } /** * Setter function for STE ID * * @param integer $int_STE_ID */ public function set_STE_ID($int_STE_ID) { $this->ste_id = $int_STE_ID; } /** * Getter function for category ID * * @return integer */ public function get_Cat_ID() { return $this->cat_id; } /** * Setter function for category Id * * @param integer $int_Cat_ID */ public function set_Cat_ID($int_Cat_ID) { $this->cat_id = $int_Cat_ID; } /** * Getter function for the OS ID * * @return integer */ public function get_OS_ID() { return $this->os_id; } /** * Setter function for OS ID * * @param integer $int_OS_ID */ public function set_OS_ID($int_OS_ID) { $this->os_id = $int_OS_ID; } /** * Getter function for automated scan status * * @return integer */ public function get_Auto_Status_ID() { return $this->auto_status_id; } /** * Setter function for automated scan status * * @param integer $int_Auto_Status_ID */ public function set_Auto_Status_ID($int_Auto_Status_ID) { $this->auto_status_id = $int_Auto_Status_ID; } /** * Getter function for manual scan status * * @return integer */ public function get_Man_Status_ID() { return $this->man_status_id; } /** * Setter function for manual scan status * * @param integer $int_Man_Status_ID */ public function set_Man_Status_ID($int_Man_Status_ID) { $this->man_status_id = $int_Man_Status_ID; } /** * Getter function for data gathering scan status * * @return integer */ public function get_Data_Status_ID() { return $this->data_status_id; } /** * Setter function for data gathering scan status * * @param integer $int_Data_Status_ID */ public function set_Data_Status_ID($int_Data_Status_ID) { $this->data_status_id = $int_Data_Status_ID; } /** * Getter function for FP Cat1 scan status * * @return integer */ public function get_FP_Cat1_Status_ID() { return $this->fp_cat1_status_id; } /** * Setter function for FP/Cat1 scan status * * @param integer $int_FP_Cat1_Status_ID */ public function set_FP_Cat1_Status_ID($int_FP_Cat1_Status_ID) { $this->fp_cat1_status_id = $int_FP_Cat1_Status_ID; } /** * Getter function for target name * * @return string */ public function get_Name() { return $this->name; } /** * Setter function for target name * * @param string $str_Name */ public function set_Name($str_Name) { $this->name = $str_Name; } /** * Getter function for target location * * @return string */ public function get_Location() { return $this->location; } /** * Setter function for target location * * @param string $str_Location */ public function set_Location($str_Location) { $this->location = $str_Location; } /** * Gettr function for target source * * @return string */ public function get_Source() { return $this->source; } /** * Setter function for target source * * @param string $str_Source */ public function set_Source($str_Source) { $this->source = $str_Source; } /** * Getter function for target notes * * @return string */ public function get_Notes() { return $this->notes; } /** * Function to get the formatted notes for display * * @return string */ public function getDisplayNotes() { $notes = explode("\n", $this->notes); $note = null; if (is_array($notes) && isset($notes[0]) && strlen($notes[0]) <= 125) { $note = $notes[0]; } elseif (is_array($notes) && isset($notes[0]) && strlen($notes[0]) > 125) { $note = substr($notes[0], 0, 125); } if (is_array($notes) && count($notes) > 1) { unset($notes[0]); $extra_notes = implode("\n", $notes); if (strlen($extra_notes)) { $note .= " "; } } return $note; } /** * Setter function for target notes * * @param string $str_Notes */ public function set_Notes($str_Notes) { $this->notes = $str_Notes; } /** * Function to append notes * * @param string $str_Notes */ public function append_Notes($str_Notes) { $this->notes .= $str_Notes; } /** * Getter function for target netstat connections * * @return string */ public function get_Netstat_Connections() { return $this->netstat_connections; } /** * Setter function for target netstat connections * * @param string $str_Netstat_Connections */ public function set_Netstat_Connections($str_Netstat_Connections) { $this->netstat_connections = $str_Netstat_Connections; } /** * Function to append a connection to the netstat string * * @param string $str_Netstat_Connections */ public function append_Connection($str_Netstat_Connections) { $this->netstat_connections .= $str_Netstat_Connections; } /** * Getter function for login * * @return string */ public function get_Login() { return $this->login; } /** * Setter funciton for login * * @param string $str_Login */ public function set_Login($str_Login) { $this->login = $str_Login; } /** * Getter function for missing patches * * @return string */ public function get_Missing_Patches() { return $this->missing_patches; } /** * Setter function for missing patches * * @param string $str_Missing_Patches */ public function set_Missing_Patches($str_Missing_Patches) { $this->missing_patches = $str_Missing_Patches; } /** * Returns the OS string of the target * * @return string */ public function get_OS_String() { return $this->os_string; } /** * Set OS String * * @param string $os_string */ public function set_OS_String($os_string) { $this->os_string = $os_string; } /** * Returns true if system needs to be post-processed * * @return boolean */ public function is_PP_Flag_Set() { return $this->pp_flag; } /** * Sets the post-processing flag * * @param boolean $pp_flag */ public function set_PP_Flag($pp_flag) { $this->pp_flag = $pp_flag; } /** * Returns true if post-processing is suspended * * @return boolean */ public function is_PP_Suspended() { return $this->pp_off; } /** * Suspends the post-processing * * @param boolean $pp_off */ public function set_PP_Suspended($pp_off) { $this->pp_off = $pp_off; } /** * Getter function for mounted info * * @return string */ public function get_Mounted() { return $this->mounted; } /** * Setter function for mounted info * * @param string $str_Mounted */ public function set_Mounted($str_Mounted) { $this->mounted = $str_Mounted; } /** * Getter function for process list * * @return string */ public function get_Process_List() { return $this->process_list; } /** * Setter function for process list * * @param string $str_Process_List */ public function set_Process_List($str_Process_List) { $this->process_list = $str_Process_List; } /** * Getter function for autorun list * * @return string */ public function get_Autorun() { return $this->autorun; } /** * Setter function for autorun list * * @param string $str_Autorun */ public function set_Autorun($str_Autorun) { $this->autorun = $str_Autorun; } /** * Getter function target service list * * @return string */ public function get_Services() { return $this->services; } /** * Setter function for target service list * * @param string $str_Services */ public function set_Services($str_Services) { $this->services = $str_Services; } /** * Getter function for target user list * * @return string */ public function get_User_List() { return $this->user_list; } /** * Setter function for target user list * * @param string $str_User_List */ public function set_User_List($str_User_List) { $this->user_list = $str_User_List; } /** * Getter function for last boot datetime stamp * * @return DateTime */ public function get_Last_Boot() { return $this->last_boot; } /** * Setter function for last boot timestamp * * @param string|DateTime $str_Last_Boot */ public function set_Last_Boot($str_Last_Boot) { if (is_a($str_Last_Boot, 'DateTime')) { $this->last_boot = $str_Last_Boot; } else { $this->last_boot = new DateTime($str_Last_Boot); } } /** * Getter function for last logged in user * * @return string */ public function get_Last_Login() { return $this->last_login; } /** * Setter function for last logged in user * * @param string $str_Last_Login */ public function set_Last_Login($str_Last_Login) { $this->last_login = $str_Last_Login; } /** * Getter function for target shares * * @return string */ public function get_Shares() { return $this->shares; } /** * Setter function for target shares * * @param string $str_Shares */ public function set_Shares($str_Shares) { $this->shares = $str_Shares; } /** * Getter function for remote registry settings * * @return string */ public function get_Remote_Registry() { return $this->remote_registry; } /** * Setter function for remote registry settings * * @param string $str_Remote_Registry */ public function set_Remote_Registry($str_Remote_Registry) { $this->remote_registry = $str_Remote_Registry; } /** * Getter function for disabled user accounts * * @return string */ public function get_Disabled_Accts() { return $this->disabled_accts; } /** * Setter function for disabled user accounts * * @param string $str_Disabled_Accts */ public function set_Disabled_Accts($str_Disabled_Accts) { $this->disabled_accts = $str_Disabled_Accts; } /** * Getter function for stagnant user passwords * * @return string */ public function get_Stag_Pwds() { return $this->stag_pwds; } /** * Setter function for stagnant user passwords * * @param string $str_Stag_Pwds */ public function set_Stag_Pwds($str_Stag_Pwds) { $this->stag_pwds = $str_Stag_Pwds; } /** * Getter function for user never logged in * * @return string */ public function get_Never_Logged_In() { return $this->never_logged_in; } /** * Setter function for users never logged in * * @param string $str_Never_Logged_In */ public function set_Never_Logged_In($str_Never_Logged_In) { $this->never_logged_in = $str_Never_Logged_In; } /** * Getter function for passwords that never expire * * @return string */ public function get_Pwds_Never_Expire() { return $this->pwd_never_expires; } /** * Setter function for passwords that never expire * * @param string $str_Pwd_Never_Expire */ public function set_Pwds_Never_Expire($str_Pwd_Never_Expire) { $this->pwd_never_expires = $str_Pwd_Never_Expire; } /** * Getter function for copyright info * * @return string */ public function get_Copyright() { return $this->copyrighted; } /** * Setter function for copyright info * * @param string $str_Copyright */ public function set_Copyright($str_Copyright) { $this->copyrighted = $str_Copyright; } /** * Is the target a virtual machine guest * * @return boolean */ public function is_VM() { return $this->is_vm; } /** * Set if the target is a virtual machine guest * * @param string $is_VM */ public function set_VM($is_VM) { $this->is_vm = $is_VM; } /** * Getter function for system information * * @return string */ public function get_System() { return $this->system; } /** * Setter function for system information * * @param string $str_System */ public function set_System($str_System) { $this->system = $str_System; } /** * Getter function for system BIOS information * * @return string */ public function get_BIOS() { return $this->bios; } /** * Setter function for system BIOS informatino * * @param string $str_BIOS */ public function set_BIOS($str_BIOS) { $this->bios = $str_BIOS; } /** * Getter function for the PID that WMI is running on * * @return int */ public function get_WMI_PID() { return $this->wmi_listening_pid; } /** * Setter function for PID that WMI is running on * * @param int $int_WMI_PID */ public function set_WMI_PID($int_WMI_PID) { $this->wmi_listening_pid = $int_WMI_PID; } /** * Getter function for target routing information * * @return string */ public function get_Routes() { return $this->routes; } /** * Setter function for targert routing information * * @param string $str_Routes */ public function set_Routes($str_Routes) { $this->routes = $str_Routes; } /** * Getter function for the target firewall configuration * * @return string */ public function get_Firewall_Config() { return $this->firewall_config; } /** * Setter function for the target firewall configuration * * @param string $str_Firewall_Config */ public function set_Firewall_Config($str_Firewall_Config) { $this->firewall_config = $str_Firewall_Config; } /** * Getter function for cat_1 findings * * @return integer */ public function getCat1Count() { return $this->cat_1; } /** * Setter function for cat_1 findings * * @param integer $count */ public function setCat1Count($count) { if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) { $this->cat_1 = $count; } } /** * Getter function for cat_2 finding * * @return integer */ public function getCat2Count() { return $this->cat_2; } /** * Setter function for cat_2 findings * * @param integer $count */ public function setCat2Count($count) { if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) { $this->cat_2 = $count; } } /** * Getter function for cat_3 findings * * @return integer */ public function getCat3Count() { return $this->cat_3; } /** * Setter function for cat_3 findings * * @param integer $count */ public function setCat3Count($count) { if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) { $this->cat_3 = $count; } } /** * Getter function for nf findings * * @return integer */ public function getNotAFindingCount() { return $this->nf; } /** * Setter function for nf findings * * @param integer $count */ public function setNotAFindingCount($count) { if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) { $this->nf = $count; } } /** * Getter function for na findings * * @return integer */ public function getNotApplicableCount() { return $this->na; } /** * Setter function for na findings * * @param integer $count */ public function setNotApplicableCount($count) { if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) { $this->na = $count; } } /** * Getter function for nr findings * * @return integer */ public function getNotReviewedCount() { return $this->nr; } /** * Setter function for nr findings * * @param integer $count */ public function setNotReviewedCount($count) { if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) { $this->nr = $count; } } /** * Getter method to calculate the total finding count * * @return integer */ public function getTotalFindingCount() { return ($this->nr + $this->na + $this->nf + $this->cat_1 + $this->cat_2 + $this->cat_3); } /** * Getter method to calculate the compliant percentage * * @return float */ public function getCompliantPercent() { if ($this->getTotalFindingCount() - $this->nr == 0) { return 0; } $comp = ($this->na + $this->nf) / ($this->getTotalFindingCount() - $this->nr); return $comp; } /** * Getter method to calculate the assessed percentage * * @return float */ public function getAssessedPercent() { if ($this->getTotalFindingCount() == 0) { return 0; } $ass = ($this->getTotalFindingCount() - $this->nr) / $this->getTotalFindingCount(); return $ass; } /** * Returns the first non-loopback, non-0 IP address for the target or NULL if none found. * * @return string|NULL */ public function getIP() { foreach($this->interfaces as $int) { if(!in_array($int->get_IPv4(), ['', '', ''])) { return $int->get_IPv4(); } } return null; } /** * Getter function for pre-formatted table row * * @param boolean $odd * * @return string */ public function get_Table_Row($odd) { if ($odd) { $class = "odd_row"; } else { $class = "even_row"; } $auto_class = "task-" . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($this->get_Task_Status($this->auto_status_id))); $man_class = "task-" . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($this->get_Task_Status($this->man_status_id))); $data_class = "task-" . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($this->get_Task_Status($this->data_status_id))); $fp_class = "task-" . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($this->get_Task_Status($this->fp_cat1_status_id))); $ret = "" . "" . "" . "" . $this->name . ""; foreach ($this->interfaces as $int) { if (false) { $int = new interfaces(); } if (!in_array($int->get_IPv4(), array("", ""))) { $ret .= "" . $int->get_IPv4() . ""; break; } } $ret .= "" . "" . $this->os_string . "" . "" . $this->location . "" . "" . $this->get_Task_Status($this->auto_status_id) . "" . "" . $this->get_Task_Status($this->man_status_id) . "" . "" . $this->get_Task_Status($this->data_status_id) . "" . "" . $this->get_Task_Status($this->fp_cat1_status_id) . "" . ""; $icons = array(); if (is_array($this->checklists) && count($this->checklists)) { foreach ($this->checklists as $key => $chklst) { $current_icon = $chklst->get_Icon(); if ($current_icon == '') { continue; } if (!array_key_exists($current_icon, $icons)) { $icons[$current_icon] = array( 'icon' => $current_icon, 'title' => '- ' . $chklst->get_Name() . " V" . $chklst->get_Version() . "R" . $chklst->get_Release() . ' (' . $chklst->get_type() . ')' ); } else { $icons[$current_icon]['title'] .= PHP_EOL . " - " . $chklst->get_Name() . " V" . $chklst->get_Version() . "R" . $chklst->get_Release() . ' (' . $chklst->get_type() . ')'; } } } if (is_array($icons) && count($icons)) { foreach ($icons as $key => $icon) { $ret .= ""; } } else { $ret .= " "; } $ret .= "" . "" . $this->notes . "" . ""; return $ret; } /** * Getter function for task status * * @param integer $intStatus * @return string */ public function get_Task_Status($intStatus) { $status = array( 1 => "Comp", 2 => "IP", 3 => "NP", 4 => "NA", 5 => "NR" ); if (is_numeric($intStatus)) { return $status[$intStatus]; } else { return 'NR'; } } /** * Get array to convert to JSON * * @return array */ public function get_JSON() { return array( 'id' => $this->id, 'ste_id' => $this->ste_id, 'cat_id' => $this->cat_id, 'name' => $this->name, 'os' => $this->os_string, 'location' => $this->location, 'notes' => nl2br($this->notes) ); } }