connect_error) { include_once ""; die($db->connect_error); } if (in_array(DB_SERVER, array("localhost", ""))) { $host = "localhost"; } else { $host = '%'; } if (!$db->real_query("SET PASSWORD FOR 'web'@'{$host}' = PASSWORD('{$web_pwd}')")) { include_once ""; die("DB Password change unsuccessful, ceasing further operation" . PHP_EOL . $db->error); } /* --------------------------------- * CREATE DB PASSWORD FILE * --------------------------------- */ $salt = null; $enc_pwd = null; if ($new_salt) { $salt = base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32)); $enc_pwd = my_encrypt($web_pwd, $salt); } else { $enc_pwd = my_encrypt($web_pwd); } if (!file_put_contents(DOC_ROOT . "/" . PWD_FILE, $enc_pwd)) { die("Failed to save password"); } if ($salt) { print "Successfully updated the password, please copy the following text to the constant 'SALT' in the file, then the connection to the database will be restored
"; print "Home"; } else { print "Successfully updated the password, click here to continue"; } } else { ?>
MySQL Admin User Name:
New Random SALT:

New Web User Password:
Confirm Password: