host_list = array(); $this->count = 0; $this->db->update_Running_Scan($this->scan->get_File_Name(), array('name' => 'pid', 'value' => getmypid())); } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET($attrs) { $this->tag = array(); } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET_ASSET_ID($attrs) { if (isset($attrs['TYPE'])) { $this->tag_id = str_replace(" ", "_", $attrs['TYPE']); } else { $this->tag_id = null; } } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET_ASSET_ID_data($data) { if ($this->tag_id == "IP_ADDRESS") { if (preg_match("/\./", $data)) { $this->tag_id = "IP4_ADDRESS"; } elseif (preg_match("/\:/", $data)) { $this->tag_id = "IP6_ADDRESS"; } } $this->tag[$this->tag_id] = $data; } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET_ELEMENT($attrs) { // finished ingesting the target data...need to check for target existence if ($tgt_id = $this->db->check_Target($this->ste_id, $this->tag['HOST_NAME'])) { $this->tgt = $this->db->get_Target_Details($this->ste_id, $tgt_id)[0]; } elseif (isset($this->tag['IP4_ADDRESS']) && $tgt_id = $this->db->check_Target($this->ste_id, $this->tag['IP4_ADDRESS'])) { $this->tgt = $this->db->get_Target_Details($this->ste_id, $tgt_id)[0]; } else { $this->tgt = new target($this->tag['HOST_NAME']); $this->tgt->set_STE_ID($this->ste_id); $sw = new software("cpe:/o:generic:generic:-"); $os = $this->db->get_Software($sw)[0]; $this->tgt->set_OS_ID($os->get_ID()); if (isset($this->tag['IP4_ADDRESS'])) { $int = new interfaces(null, null, null, $this->tag['IP4_ADDRESS'], null, $this->tag['HOST_NAME'], $this->tag['HOST_NAME'], null); $this->tgt->interfaces[] = $int; } if (isset($this->tag['IP6_ADDRESS'])) { $int = new interfaces(null, null, null, null, $this->tag['IP6_ADDRESS'], $this->tag['HOST_NAME'], $this->tag['HOST_NAME'], null); $this->tgt->interfaces[] = $int; } $this->db->save_Target($this->tgt); } } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET_TARGET($attrs) { $this->updated_findings = array(); $this->new_findings = array(); $this->schema = null; } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET_TARGET_IDENTIFIER_data($data) { $this->schema = $data; } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET_TARGET_FINDING($attrs) { $this->vms = null; $this->stig = null; $this->notes = null; $this->status = "Not Reviewed"; } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET_TARGET_FINDING_FINDING_ID_data($data) { $vms_id = preg_replace("/V0+/", "V-", $data); $vms = $this->db->get_GoldDisk($vms_id); if (is_array($vms) && count($vms) && isset($vms[0]) && is_a($vms[0], 'golddisk')) { $this->vms = $vms[0]; } else { $this->log->script_log("VMS $vms_id not found", E_WARNING); $this->skip = true; return; } if (!empty($this->vms)) { $this->stig = $this->db->get_STIG_By_PDI($this->vms->get_PDI_ID()); } } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET_TARGET_FINDING_FINDING_STATUS_data($data) { if ($data == "O") { $this->status = "Open"; } elseif ($data == "NF") { $this->status = "Not a Finding"; } else { $this->status = "Not Reviewed"; } } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET_TARGET_FINDING_FINDING_DETAILS_data($data) { if (!empty($this->schema)) { $this->notes = $this->schema . " - " . $data; } else { $this->notes = $data; } } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET_TARGET_FINDING_end() { if ($this->skip) { $this->skip = false; return; } // check for finding $finding = $this->db->get_Finding($this->tgt, $this->stig); if (is_array($finding) && count($finding)) { $finding = $finding[0]; if (false) { $finding = new finding(); } $finding->prepend_Notes("(MSSQL) " . $this->notes); if ($finding->get_Finding_Status_String() != "Not Reviewed" && $finding->get_Finding_Status_String() != $this->status) { $finding->set_Finding_Status_By_String( $finding->get_Deconflicted_Status($this->status) ); } else { $finding->set_Finding_Status_By_String($this->status); } $this->updated_findings[$finding->get_PDI_ID()] = $finding; } else { $finding = new finding(null, $this->tgt->get_ID(), $this->stig->get_PDI_ID(), $this->scan->get - ID(), $this->status, $this->notes, finding::NC, "MSSQL", 1); $this->new_findings[$this->stig->get_PDI_ID()] = $finding; } // if present in $new_findings, append notes // if present in $updated_findings, ? check for notes? } public function IMPORT_FILE_ASSET_TARGET_end() { $this->db->add_Findings_By_Target($this->updated_findings, $this->new_findings); } } $xml = new mssql_parser($cmd['s'], $cmd['f']); $xml->debug = (isset($cmd['debug']) ? true : false); //Enter xml code here $xml->parse(); if (!$xml->debug) { rename($cmd['f'], DOC_ROOT . "/tmp/mssql/" . $base_name); } $db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, array("name" => "perc_comp", "value" => 100, "complete" => 1)); function usage() { print <<