/*  XML parser for the NIST's National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
*   Open Source license, NCSA/U. of Illinois
*   Version 1.01, September 2, 2005
*   Pascal Meunier
*   Purdue University CERIAS
*   Contact: pmeunier

*  Uses the basic XML parser included with PHP
*  that doesn't perform schema validation
*   see http://us2.php.net/xml
*  The NVD's XML schema doesn't have conflicting name tags
*  at various nesting levels, so its parsing is relatively
*  simple.  Therefore, a flat namespace (independent of nesting level)
*  works fine.  This simple approach doesn't work, for example, with Microsoft's
*  XML export of vulnerabilities.

*  Note that this parser does not have cases for all tags in the NVD schema.
*  Simply add "case" statements for the additional tags that matter to you.
*  The data from parsing needs further validation or escaping if it is
*  to be inserted into another database.

*  -Replace the first line with the path to your installation of PHP
*  for command line execution.  Delete the path to PHP on the first line for
*  execution with an Apache web server.
*  -Choose a source for the XML file (see below)

* 1.0 first version August 29, 2005
* 1.01 September 2, 2005
   -Changed the name nvdcve-1999-2002.xml to nvdcve-2002.xml to match nvd changes
   -Removed comment "from Apache" regarding https locations, as they work from the command line too, depending on how PHP was installed
   -Now uses command line argument if present as XML source
   -Now captures the content of <REF> tags

error_reporting (E_ALL);

$debug = true; // will print messages about every field found if true
$count_entries = 0; // count number of new CVE entries found today

// Choose a source for parsing
// Check if a source was passed as argument
if (isset($argv[1])) {
} else {
   // other possibilities:
   // The following do not work with vanilla PHP installs
   // without the wrapper "https" (e.g., MacOS X default install)

echo "Found $count_entries entries in this NVD location".PHP_EOL;
die; // not necessary, added for clarity

function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) {
   global $all_data, $CVE, $debug, $insert, $vendor, $product, $count_entries, $desc_type;
   if ($debug) {
      echo "processing tag named '$name'".PHP_EOL;
   // the switch statement should enumerate all of the possible name tags.
   // State is kept using global variables, so that nested tags can
   // access their context.
   switch ($name) {
      case 'ENTRY':
         // get name and publication date
         $CVE = validate_CVE($attrs['NAME']);
         $published = validate_date($attrs['PUBLISHED']);
         // other attributes, such as severity, are available
         // see http://nvd.nist.gov/download/nvdcve-xmldoc.cfm
         if ($debug) {
            echo "found CVE entry $CVE with publication date {$attrs['PUBLISHED']}".PHP_EOL;
      case 'DESCRIPT':
         // if there ever was more than one type of description
         // remember which source with a global
         // NVD or CVE
         $desc_type = $attrs['SOURCE'];
         // reset data accumulator
         $all_data = '';
         // need to wait for end tag to get contents
      case 'PROD':
         $vendor = $attrs['VENDOR'];
         $product = $attrs['NAME'];
         if ($CVE == '') {
            echo "error, no CVE number";
         if ($debug) {
            echo "found vendor $vendor";
            echo " found product $product".PHP_EOL;
         if ($vendor == "") {
            // this happens
            echo "NVD integrity alert: no vendor for product $product, CVE is $CVE".PHP_EOL;
         if ($product == "") {
            echo "NVD integrity alert: no product, CVE is $CVE".PHP_EOL;
      case 'LOSS_TYPES':
      case 'VULNS_TYPES':
      case 'REF':
         // source, url, etc...
         if ($debug) {
            echo " reference from {$attrs['SOURCE']}";
            echo " is available at {$attrs['URL']}";
            echo PHP_EOL;
         $all_data = '';
         // need to wait for end tag to get contents
      case 'VERS':
         if ($debug) {
            echo " version {$attrs['NUM']}";
            echo " of product $product is vulnerable".PHP_EOL;
      case '':

function endElement($parser, $name) {
   global $all_data, $CVE, $debug;
   switch ($name) {
      case 'ENTRY':
         $CVE = '';
      case 'DESCRIPT':
         if ($CVE == '') {
            echo "error, no CVE number";
         if ($debug) {
            echo "found description $all_data".PHP_EOL." for CVE entry $CVE".PHP_EOL;

         // reset data accumulator
         $all_data = '';
      case 'REF':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "found reference content '$all_data'".PHP_EOL." for CVE entry $CVE".PHP_EOL;
         // reset data accumulator
         $all_data = '';
      case 'AVAIL':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "loss type is availability".PHP_EOL;
      case 'CONF':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "loss type is confidentiality".PHP_EOL;
      case 'INT':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "loss type is integrity".PHP_EOL;
      case 'SEC_PROT':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "loss type is security protection".PHP_EOL;
      case 'ACCESS':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "vulnerability type is access".PHP_EOL;
      case 'INPUT':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "vulnerability type is input".PHP_EOL;
      case 'DESIGN':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "vulnerability type is design".PHP_EOL;
      case 'EXCEPTION':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "vulnerability type is exception".PHP_EOL;
      case 'ENV':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "vulnerability type is environment".PHP_EOL;
      case 'CONFIG':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "vulnerability type is configuration".PHP_EOL;
      case 'RACE':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "vulnerability type is race".PHP_EOL;
      case 'OTHER':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "vulnerability type is other".PHP_EOL;
      case 'REMOTE':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "vulnerability range is remote".PHP_EOL;
      case 'LOCAL':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "vulnerability range is local".PHP_EOL;
      case 'USER_INIT':
         if ($debug) {
            echo "vulnerability range is through a user".PHP_EOL;
      case '':

function characterData($parser, $data) {
   global $all_data;
   // concatenate due to bug with & according to a user entry in PHP docs
   // entry by sam at cwa dot co dot nz, Sept 2000
   // This issue might have been fixed later.  The fix can't hurt though.
   $all_data .= $data;

function parse_this($url) {
   // code for this function is from http://us2.php.net/xml
   $xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
   // use case-folding so we are sure to find the tag in $map_array
   xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true);
   xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement");
   xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData");
   if (!($fp = fopen($url, "r"))) {
      die("could not open XML input");
   while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) {
      if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) {
          die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",

function validate_CVE($input) {
   // expecting something like CAN-2004-0002
   // NVD documentation suggests this reg exp,
   // (http://nvd.nist.gov/download/nvdcve-xmldoc.cfm)
   // (CAN|CVE)-/d/d/d/d-/d/d/d/d
   // which doesn't work.  See below
   if (preg_match('/(CAN|CVE)\-\d\d\d\d\-\d+/', $input, $matches)) {
      return $matches[0];
   } else {
      // if there was an error (false) or if 0 matches
      die ("Invalid CVE number encountered: $input");

function validate_Date($input) {
   // expecting something like 2004-03-03
   if (preg_match('/\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}/', $input, $matches)) {
      return $matches[0];
   } else {
      // if there was an error (false) or if 0 matches
      die ("Invalid date encountered: $input");
