<?php /** * File: compare_host.php * Author: Ryan Prather * Purpose: Allow the comparaison between 2 targets * Created: Dec 16, 2014 * * Portions Copyright 2016: Cyber Perspectives, All rights reserved * Released under the Apache v2.0 License * * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Salient Federal Solutions * Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) * Released under Modified BSD License * * See license.txt for details * * Change Log: * - Dec 16, 2014 - File created * - Sep 1, 2016 - Updated copyright and file purpose */ include_once 'database.inc'; include_once 'header.inc'; $db = new db(); $left_tgt = $db->get_Target_Details($_REQUEST['left_ste'], $_REQUEST['left_tgt'])[0]; $right_tgt = $db->get_Target_Details($_REQUEST['right_ste'], $_REQUEST['right_tgt'])[0]; $findings = $db->get_Finding_Comparrison($left_tgt, $right_tgt); ?> <style type='text/css'> .none { background-color: #808080; } .header { color: #000; } td, th { border: solid 1px black; } </style> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="main-wrapper"> <div class="12u" id="main-content"> <div class="5grid-layout" style="text-align: right;"> <div class="row"> <div class="12u"> <table style="width:100%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class='header'>STIG ID</th> <th class='header'>CAT</th> <th class='header'>IA Controls</th> <th class='header'>Left Status</th> <th class='header'>Right Status</th> <th class='header'>Left Notes</th> <th class='header'>Right Notes</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $odd = true; foreach($findings['left'] as $stig_id => $find) { ?> <tr class="<?php print ($odd ? "odd" : "even"); ?>_row"> <td><?php print $stig_id; ?></td> <?php $str = ""; $diff = false; if(is_null($find)) { $str .= " "; } else { $str .= str_repeat("I", $find['cat']); } if(isset($findings['right'][$stig_id])) { $str .= " / ".str_repeat("I", $findings['right'][$stig_id]['cat']); if($find['cat'] != $findings['right'][$stig_id]['cat']) { $diff = true; } } else { $str .= " /"; } if($diff) { print "<td style='background-color:#FFF200;'>".$str."</td>"; } else { print "<td>".$str."</td>"; } $str = ""; $diff = false; if(is_null($find)) { $str .= " "; } else { $str .= $find['ia_controls']; } if(isset($findings['right'][$stig_id])) { $str .= " / ".$findings['right'][$stig_id]['ia_controls']; if($find['ia_controls'] != $findings['right'][$stig_id]['ia_controls']) { $diff = true; } } else { $str .= " /"; } if($diff) { print "<td style='background-color:#FFF200;'>".$str."</td>"; } else { print "<td>".$str."</td>"; } $str = ""; if(is_null($find)) { $str .= "<td class='nr'>Not Reviewed</td>"; } else { $status = strtolower(str_replace(" ", "_", $find['status'])); $str .= "<td class='$status'>".$find['status']."</td>"; } if(isset($findings['right'][$stig_id])) { $status = strtolower(str_replace(" ", "_", $findings['right'][$stig_id]['status'])); $str .= "<td class='$status'>".$findings['right'][$stig_id]['status']."</td>"; } else { $str .= "<td class='nr'>Not Reviewed</td>"; } print $str; $str = ""; if(is_null($find)) { $str .= "<td> </td>"; } else { $str .= "<td>".$find['notes']."</td>"; } if(isset($findings['right'][$stig_id])) { $str .= "<td>".$findings['right'][$stig_id]['notes']."</td>"; } else { $str .= "<td> </td>"; } print $str; $odd = !$odd; } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>