'nessus', 'file' => $file, 'ste' => $conf['ste'], 'source' => 'nessus' ); break; case SCC_XCCDF: $stack[] = array( 'exec' => 'scc_xccdf', 'file' => $file, 'ste' => $conf['ste'], 'source' => 'scc_xccdf' ); break; case STIG_VIEWER_CKL: $stack[] = array( 'exec' => 'stig_viewer', 'file' => $file, 'ste' => $conf['ste'], 'source' => 'stig_viewer' ); break; case TECH_ECHECKLIST_EXCEL: $ignore = false; if (isset($conf['ignore'])) { $ignore = true; } $stack[] = array( 'exec' => 'excel_echecklist', 'file' => $file, 'ste' => $conf['ste'], 'ignore_hidden' => $ignore, 'source' => 'echecklist' ); break; case ECHECKLIST_CSV: $stack[] = array( 'exec' => 'csv_echecklist', 'file' => $file, 'ste' => $conf['ste'], 'source' => 'echecklist' ); break; case PROC_ECHECKLIST_EXCEL: $stack[] = array( 'exec' => 'proc_echecklist', 'file' => $file, 'ste' => $conf['ste'] ); break; case HOST_DATA_COLLECTION: $stack[] = array( 'exec' => 'data_collection', 'file' => $file, 'ste' => $conf['ste'], 'target' => $cmd['t'], 'source' => 'data_collection' ); break; case NMAP_GREPABLE: case NMAP_TEXT: case NMAP_XML: $stack[] = array( 'exec' => 'nmap', 'file' => $file, 'ste' => $conf['ste'], 'source' => 'nmap' ); break; case MBSA_TEXT: case MBSA_XML: $stack[] = array( 'exec' => 'mbsa', 'file' => $file, 'ste' => $conf['ste'], 'source' => 'mbsa' ); break; case MSSQL_XML: $stack[] = array( 'exec' => 'mssql', 'file' => $file, 'ste' => $conf['ste'], 'source' => 'mssql' ); break; case DIRECTORY: break; case strpos("UNSUPPORTED", $file) !== false: rename($file, realpath(TMP . "/unsupported/" . basename($file))); break; default: error_log("Do not have a parser for " . $file); } } if ($debug) { Sagacity_Error::err_handler(print_r($stack, true), E_DEBUG); } foreach ($stack as $key => $s) { $existing = $dbh->get_Running_Script_Status($s['ste'], $s['file']); if (isset($existing['status']) && $existing['status'] == 'RUNNING') { unset($stack[$key]); continue; } $ignore = ''; if ($s['source'] == 'echecklist' && $s['ignore_hidden']) { $ignore = " -i=1"; } $stack[$key]['script'] = realpath(defined('PHP_BIN') ? PHP_BIN : PHP) . " -c " . realpath(PHP_CONF) . " " . " -f " . realpath(DOC_ROOT . "/exec/parse_{$s['exec']}.php") . " --" . " -f=\"{$s['file']}\"" . $ignore . ($debug ? " --debug" : ""); $dbh->add_Running_Script(basename($s['file']), $s['ste'], $s['source'], $conf['location']); } $proc = array(); $count = 0; chdir(realpath(DOC_ROOT . "/exec")); foreach ($stack as $s) { $threads[] = new Cocur\BackgroundProcess\BackgroundProcess($s['script']); end($threads)->run(); sleep(3); $count++; while ($count >= MAX_RESULTS) { sleep(1); $count = $dbh->get_Running_Script_Count($conf['ste']); } } do { sleep(1); } while ($dbh->get_Running_Script_Count($conf['ste'])); if (!$debug) { unlink(DOC_ROOT . "/exec/parse_config.ini"); } /** * Function to import SCC Oval XML Result files * * @param string $file */ function import_SCC_OVAL($file) { if (preg_match('/.*Results\_iavm\_(2009|2010)|Results\_USGCB/i', $file)) { return; } $target_data = array(); $db = new db(); $match = array(); preg_match('/\_SCC-(\d\.?)+\_(\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}\_\d{6})\_OVAL/', $file, $match); $time_stamp = $match[2]; $dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d_His', $time_stamp); $source = $db->get_Sources('SCC'); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->load($file); $csv = fopen("scc/" . substr(basename($file), 0, -3) . "csv", 'w'); $ste = $db->get_STE($GLOBALS['opt']['s'])[0]; $scan = new scan(null, $source, $ste, 1, basename($file), $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $scan->set_ID($db->save_Scan($scan)); $x = new DOMXPath($dom); $sysinfo = $x->query('/oval-res:oval_results/oval-res:results/oval-res:system/oval-sc:oval_system_characteristics/oval-sc:system_info')->item(0); $target_data['os_name'] = $x->query('oval-sc:os_name', $sysinfo)->item(0)->textContent; $target_data['os_ver'] = $x->query('oval-sc:os_version', $sysinfo)->item(0)->textContent; $target_data['host_name'] = $x->query('oval-sc:primary_host_name', $sysinfo)->item(0)->textContent; $interfaces = $x->query('oval-sc:interfaces/oval-sc:interface', $sysinfo); $int_count = 0; foreach ($interfaces as $node) { $target_data['interface_name' . $int_count] = $x->query('oval-sc:interface_name', $node)->item(0)->textContent; $target_data['ip' . $int_count] = $x->query('oval-sc:ip_address', $node)->item(0)->textContent; $target_data['mac' . $int_count] = $x->query('oval-sc:mac_address', $node)->item(0)->textContent; $int_count++; } $defs = $x->query('/oval-res:oval_results/oval-def:oval_definitions/oval-def:definitions/oval-def:definition'); foreach ($defs as $node) { $id = $node->getAttribute('id'); print "Checking oval id: $id" . PHP_EOL; //$meta = $x->query('oval-def:metadata', $node)->item(0); $title = $x->query('oval-def:metadata/oval-def:title', $node)->item(0)->textContent; $desc = $x->query('oval-def:metadata/oval-def:description', $node)->item(0)->textContent; $plat = $x->query('oval-def:metadata/oval-def:affected/oval-def:platform', $node)->item(0)->textContent; $ext = $x->query('oval-def:criteria/oval-def:extend_definition', $node); if ($ext->length > 0) { $ext_def = $ext->item(0)->getAttribute('definition_ref'); $ext_def_op = $x->query('oval-def:criteria', $node)->item(0)->getAttribute('operator'); } else { $ext_def = ''; $ext_def_op = ''; } $ref = $x->query('oval-def:metadata/oval-def:reference', $node); $oval = $db->get_Oval($id); if ($oval->get_PDI_ID()) { print "current oval: " . print_r($oval, true); $oval->clear_References(); } else { $oval = new oval(null, $id, $title, $desc, $plat, $ext_def, $ext_def_op); } foreach ($ref as $ref_node) { $source = $ref_node->getAttribute('source') == 'http://cce.mitre.org' ? 'CCE' : $ref_node->getAttribute('source'); $url = $ref_node->hasAttribute('ref_url') ? $ref_node->getAttribute('ref_url') : ''; $ref_id = $ref_node->getAttribute('ref_id'); $oval->add_Reference(new oval_ref($id, $source, $url, $ref_id)); if (is_null($oval->get_PDI_ID()) && $source == 'CCE') { $cce = $db->get_CCE($ref_id); if (!is_null($cce)) { $oval->set_PDI_ID($cce->get_PDI_ID()); } } } if ($db->save_Oval($oval)) { error_log("Saved oval id: " . $oval->get_Oval_ID()); } else { error_log("Error saving oval id: " . $oval->get_Oval_ID()); } } } function usage() { print <<