* Purpose: * Created: Feb 20, 2017 * * Copyright 2017: Cyber Perspective, LLC, All rights reserved * Released under the Apache v2.0 License * * See license.txt for details * * Change Log: * - Feb 20, 2017 - File created * - Mar 8, 2017 - Completed preliminary functionality * - May 13, 2017 - Set default export path to TMP/ckl * Only exporting manual checklists and not export orphan findings * - Oct 23, 2017 - Added a few more fields and added data to some fields that didn't have a value * - Nov 25, 2017 - Fixed notice bug #346 * - Jan 6, 2018 - Bug fix #337 and formatting */ include_once 'config.inc'; include_once 'database.inc'; include_once 'helper.inc'; include_once 'array2xml.inc'; $db = new db(); $dt = new DateTime(); $cmd = getopt('s:t::c::h::d::', ['help::', 'debug::']); if (!isset($cmd['s']) || !is_numeric($cmd['s'])) { die(usage()); } if (isset($cmd['t'])) { $tgts = $db->get_Target_Details($cmd['s'], $cmd['t']); } elseif (isset($cmd['c'])) { $tgts = $db->get_Target_By_Category($cmd['c']); } else { $tgts = $db->get_Target_Details($cmd['s']); } if (isset($cmd['d'])) { if (file_exists($cmd['d'])) { $dest = realpath($cmd['d']) . "/"; } else { die("Could not find destination path {$cmd['d']}"); } } else { check_path(TMP . "/ckl", true); $dest = realpath(TMP . "/ckl") . "/"; } print "Destination: $dest" . PHP_EOL; $status_map = [ 'Not Reviewed' => 'Not_Reviewed', 'Not a Finding' => 'NotAFinding', 'Open' => 'Open', 'Not Applicable' => 'Not_Applicable', 'No Data' => 'Not_Reviewed', 'Exception' => 'Open', 'False Positive' => 'NotAFinding' ]; $xml = new Array2XML(); $xml->standalone = true; $xml->formatOutput = true; $total_chk_count = 0; $total_stigs = 0; if ($tgt_count = count($tgts)) { print "Total Targets: $tgt_count" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($tgts as $tgt) { $host_ip = (is_array($tgt->interfaces) && count($tgt->interfaces) ? current($tgt->interfaces)->get_IPv4() : null); $host_fqdn = (is_array($tgt->interfaces) && count($tgt->interfaces) ? current($tgt->interfaces)->get_FQDN() : null); $host_mac = (is_array($tgt->interfaces) && count($tgt->interfaces) ? current($tgt->interfaces)->get_MAC() : null); print "Target: {$tgt->get_Name()}" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($tgt->checklists as $key => $chk) { if ($chk->name == 'Orphan' || $chk->type != 'manual') { unset($tgt->checklists[$key]); } } $total_chk_count += $chk_count = (is_array($tgt->checklists) ? count($tgt->checklists) : 0); print "Total Checklists: $chk_count" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($tgt->checklists as $chk) { print "Type: {$chk->type}\tChecklist: {$chk->name}" . PHP_EOL; $class = ''; $stig_class = ''; switch ($chk->get_Classification()) { case 'U': $class = 'UNCLASSIFIED'; $stig_class = "Unclass"; break; case 'FOUO': $class = 'UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO'; $stig_class = "FOUO"; break; case 'S': $class = 'SECRET'; $stig_class = "Secret"; break; } $arr = [ '@comment' => "CyberPerspectives Sagacity v" . VER, 'ASSET' => [ 'ROLE' => 'None', 'ASSET_TYPE' => 'Computing', 'HOST_NAME' => $tgt->get_Name(), 'HOST_IP' => $host_ip, 'HOST_MAC' => $host_mac, 'HOST_FQDN' => $host_fqdn, 'TECH_AREA' => '', 'TARGET_KEY' => '', 'WEB_OR_DATABASE' => false, 'WEB_DB_SITE' => '', 'WEB_DB_INSTANCE' => '' ], 'STIGS' => [ 'iSTIG' => [ 'STIG_INFO' => [ 'SI_DATA' => [ [ 'SID_NAME' => 'version', 'SID_DATA' => $chk->get_Version() ], [ 'SID_NAME' => 'classification', 'SID_DATA' => $class ], [ 'SID_NAME' => 'customname' ], [ 'SID_NAME' => 'stigid', 'SID_DATA' => $chk->get_Checklist_ID() ], [ 'SID_NAME' => 'description', 'SID_DATA' => $chk->get_Description() ], [ 'SID_NAME' => 'filename', 'SID_DATA' => $chk->get_File_Name() ], [ 'SID_NAME' => 'releaseinfo', 'SID_DATA' => "Release: {$chk->get_Release()} Benchmark Date: {$chk->get_Date()->format("j M Y")}" ], [ 'SID_NAME' => 'title', 'SID_DATA' => $chk->get_Name() ], [ 'SID_NAME' => 'uuid', 'SID_DATA' => UUID::v4() ], [ 'SID_NAME' => 'notice', 'SID_DATA' => 'terms-of-use' ], [ 'SID_NAME' => 'source', 'SID_DATA' => 'STIG.DOD.MIL' ] ] ] ] ] ]; $pdis = get_checklist_data($tgt, $chk); $stig_data = []; $total_stigs += $pdi_count = (is_array($pdis) ? count($pdis) : 0); $count = 0; foreach ($pdis as $pdi) { $find = $db->get_Finding($tgt, new stig($pdi['pdi_id'], $pdi['STIG_ID'], null)); if (is_array($find) && count($find) && isset($find[0]) && is_a($find[0], 'finding')) { $find = $find[0]; } $sev = 'low'; if ($pdi['CAT'] == 'I') { $sev = 'high'; } elseif ($pdi['CAT'] == 'II') { $sev = 'medium'; } $ccis = preg_grep("/CCI\-/", explode(" ", $pdi['IA_Controls'])); $cci_list = []; if (is_array($ccis) && count($ccis)) { foreach ($ccis as $cci) { $cci_list[] = [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'CCI_REF', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => $cci ]; } } // decoding because check contents are already encoded //$cc = str_replace("\\n", "\n", htmlentities(html_entity_decode($pdi['check_contents']))); $stig_data = array_merge([ [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Vuln_Num', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => $pdi['VMS_ID'] ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Severity', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => $sev ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Group_Title', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => $pdi['group_title'] ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Rule_ID', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => $pdi['SCAP_Rule'] ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Rule_Ver', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => $pdi['STIG_ID'] ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Rule_Title', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => $pdi['short_title'] ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Vuln_Discuss', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => $pdi['Description'] ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'IA_Controls', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => $pdi['IA_Controls'] ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Check_Content', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => htmlentities(str_replace("\\n", "\n", html_entity_decode(html_entity_decode($pdi['check_contents'])))) ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Fix_Text', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => htmlentities(str_replace("\\n", "\n", html_entity_decode(html_entity_decode($pdi['fix_text'])))) ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'False_Positives', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => '' ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'False_Negatives', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => '' ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Documentable', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => 'false' ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Mitigations', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => '' ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Potential_Impact', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => '' ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Third_Party_Tools', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => '' ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Mitigation_Control', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => '' ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Responsibility', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => '' ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Security_Override_Guidance', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => '' ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Check_Content_Ref', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => 'M' ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Weight', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => '10.0' ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'Class', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => $stig_class ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'STIGRef', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => "{$chk->get_Name()} :: Release: {$chk->get_Release()} Benchmark Date: {$chk->get_Date()->format("j M Y")}" ], [ 'VULN_ATTRIBUTE' => 'TargetKey', 'ATTRIBUTE_DATA' => '' ] ], $cci_list); $status = 'Not_Reviewed'; $notes = ''; if (is_a($find, 'finding')) { /** @var finding $find */ $status = $status_map[$find->get_Finding_Status_String()]; $notes = $find->get_Notes(); } $arr['STIGS']['iSTIG']['VULN'][] = [ 'STIG_DATA' => $stig_data, 'STATUS' => $status, 'FINDING_DETAILS' => $notes, 'COMMENTS' => '', 'SEVERITY_OVERRIDE' => '', 'SEVERITY_JUSTIFICATION' => '' ]; $count++; printf("\r%.2f%%", ($count / $pdi_count) * 100); } print PHP_EOL; $file = $xml->createXML('CHECKLIST', $arr); $file->save("{$dest}{$tgt->get_Name()}_{$chk->get_Checklist_ID()}_{$chk->get_type()}_{$dt->format("Ymd")}.ckl"); } } } print <<help->select("sagacity.pdi", ["pdi.*", "pcl.*", "s.description AS 'Description'"], [ [ 'field' => 'tc.tgt_id', 'op' => '=', 'value' => $tgt->get_ID() ], [ 'field' => 'tc.chk_id', 'op' => '=', 'value' => $chk->id, 'sql_op' => 'AND' ] ], [ 'table_joins' => [ "JOIN sagacity.pdi_checklist_lookup pcl ON pcl.pdi_id = pdi.pdi_id", "JOIN sagacity.target_checklist tc ON tc.chk_id = pcl.checklist_id", "JOIN sagacity.stigs s ON s.pdi_id = pdi.pdi_id" ] ]); $pdis = $db->help->execute(); return $pdis; } /** * Function retrieve * * @global db $db * * @param target $tgt * @param checklist $chk * * @return mixed */ function get_finding_data($tgt, $chk) { global $db; $ret = []; return $ret; } /** * Usage output */ function usage() { print <<