<?php /** * File: parse_host_data_collection.php * Author: Ryan Prather * Purpose: This script will parse the configuration files that are passed to it and update the finding details * Created: May 29, 2014 * * Portions Copyright 2016: Cyber Perspectives, All rights reserved * Released under the Apache v2.0 License * * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Salient Federal Solutions * Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) * Released under Modified BSD License * * See license.txt for details * * Change Log: * - May 29, 2014 - File created * - Sep 1, 2016 - Copyright Updated, added CWD parameter, and functions after class merger * - Jan 30, 2017 - Updated to use parse_config.ini file * - Feb 15, 2017 - Moved MYSQL_DT_FROMAT constant to inc/helper.inc with other constants */ $conf = parse_ini_file("parse_config.ini", false); $cmd = getopt(array('debug::', 'help::')); if (isset($cmd['help'])) { usage(); exit; } chdir($conf['doc_root']); include_once 'config.inc'; include_once "database.inc"; include_once 'helper.inc'; set_time_limit(0); $db = new db(); if ($tgt_id = $db->check_Target($conf['ste'], $conf['target'])) { $tgt = $db->get_Target_Details($conf['ste'], $tgt_id)[0]; } else { Sagacity_Error::err_handler("Could not find host ID " . $conf['target']); die; } $err = new Sagacity_Error($tgt->get_Name() . "_data_col.log"); chdir(TMP . "/data_collection/" . $tgt->get_Name()); $os = $db->get_Software($tgt->get_OS_ID())[0]; $sw_arr = $db->get_Target_Software($tgt->get_ID()); $sw_str = ''; foreach ($sw_arr as $key => $sw) { $sw_str .= $sw->get_Man() . " " . $sw->get_Name() . " " . $sw->get_Version() . PHP_EOL; } $answer_files = glob("*-answers.txt"); if (isset($conf['overwrite'])) { foreach ($answer_files as $file) { unlink($file); } $answer_files = array(); } if (!count($answer_files)) { if ($tgt->get_Cat_ID()) { $qa = $db->get_Interview_Answers($tgt->get_Cat_ID()); $cat = $db->get_Category($tgt->get_Cat_ID())[0]; $qa_handle = fopen($cat->get_Name() . "-answers.txt", "w"); foreach ($qa as $key => $ans) { fwrite($qa_handle, $ans->key . "=" . ($ans->answer ? "y" : "n") . PHP_EOL); } fclose($qa_handle); } } $findings = $db->get_Finding($tgt, null, null, false, "Not Reviewed"); $run_stigs = array(); $files = glob("*.*"); $hostfiles = array(); $filepermsSize = 0; $minfilepermsSize = 15000000; foreach ($files as $file) { if (preg_match("/summary|error|checksum/i", $file)) { continue; } if (preg_match("/\-answers\.txt/i", $file)) { $fname = "answerfile"; } elseif (preg_match("/\-config\.txt/", $file)) { $fname = "cisco_config"; } elseif ($file == "file_permissions.txt") { $filepermsSize = filesize($file); $fname = "file_permissions"; } else { $fname = preg_replace("/[\.][^\.]+$/", '', basename($file)); } $hostfiles["$fname"] = preg_replace("/[^[:print:]]/", "", file($file)); } // print "finding count: ".count($findings).PHP_EOL; $scan_id = 0; foreach ($findings as $key => $find) { if (false) { $find = new finding(); } $ret = array(); if ($find->get_Scan_ID()) { $scan_id = $find->get_Scan_ID(); } elseif ($scan_id) { $find->set_Scan_ID($scan_id); } else { $existing_scan = $db->get_ScanData($tgt->get_STE_ID(), $tgt->get_Name() . " data collection"); if (count($existing_scan)) { $scan = $existing_scan[0]; $scan_id = $scan->get_ID(); } else { $src = $db->get_Sources("Data Collection"); $dt = new DateTime(); $ste = $db->get_STE($tgt->get_STE_ID())[0]; $scan_id = $db->save_Scan(new scan(null, $src, $ste, 1, $tgt->get_Name() . " data collection", $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } $find->set_Scan_ID($scan_id); } $stig = $db->get_STIG_By_PDI($find->get_PDI_ID()); if (!is_a($stig, 'stig')) { continue; } $function = $db->get_STIG_Function($stig, $tgt); if (empty($function)) { continue; } $stig_function = preg_replace("/[\.\-\ ]+/", "", $stig->get_ID()); if (is_numeric(substr($stig_function, 0, 1))) { $stig_function = "S" . $stig_function; } if (!in_array($stig_function, $run_stigs)) { eval($function); $run_stigs[] = $stig_function; } $start = new DateTime(); $ret = call_user_func($stig_function); $end = new DateTime(); $diff = $end->diff($start); $err->script_log("Tweak function: $stig_function" . PHP_EOL . "Result: " . print_r($ret, true)); if ($diff->format("%s") > 3) { $err->script_log("Tweak function execution exceeded 3 seconds."); } $find->set_Finding_Status_By_String($ret['status']); $find->prepend_Notes("(Script) " . $ret['notes']); $db->update_Finding($find); } function usage() { print <<<EOO Purpose: To execute tweak function to limit the number of manual checks that need to be accomplished. Usage: php parse_host_data_collection.php -s={ST&E ID} -t={target name} [--debug] [--overwrite] [--help] -s={ST&E ID} The ST&E ID the results are going to imported for -t={target name} The name of the target this data is for (can be formal name, hostname, or IP address) --overwrite Will create a new answer file for this target using what is in the database --debug Debugging output EOO; }