Back"; exit; } if ($_REQUEST['export'] == 'Export STE') { export_STE(); } elseif ($_REQUEST['export'] == 'Export Host List') { export_Host_List(); } } elseif (isset($cmd['import'])) { import_STE(); } else { print "Usage: php ste_export_import.php -f=\"{path_to_ste_import_file}\" --import" . PHP_EOL; } /** * Function to export an ST&E */ function export_STE() { set_time_limit(0); global $db; $log = new Sagacity_Error("STE_Export.log"); $ste = $db->get_STE($_REQUEST['ste'])[0]; $json = [ 'ste' => [ 'id' => $ste->get_ID(), 'system_id' => $ste->get_System()->get_ID(), 'site_id' => $ste->get_Site()->get_ID(), 'eval_start' => $ste->get_Eval_Start_Date()->format("Y-m-d"), 'eval_end' => $ste->get_Eval_End_Date()->format("Y-m-d") ], 'systems' => [], 'site' => [], 'ste_cats' => [], 'targets' => [], 'scans' => [], 'tech_findings' => [], 'proc_findings' => [] ]; $system_arr = $db->get_System($ste->get_System()->get_ID()); foreach ($system_arr as $key => $sys) { $json['systems'][] = [ 'id' => $sys->get_ID(), 'name' => $sys->get_Name(), 'mac' => $sys->get_MAC(), 'classification' => $sys->get_Classification(), 'abbr' => $sys->get_Abbreviation(), 'exec-summary' => $sys->get_Executive_Summary(), 'accrediation-type' => $sys->get_Accreditation_Type(), 'desc' => $sys->get_Description(), 'mitigations' => $sys->get_Mitigations() ]; } $json['site'] = [ 'id' => $ste->get_Site()->get_ID(), 'name' => $ste->get_Site()->get_Name(), 'address' => $ste->get_Site()->get_Address(), 'city' => $ste->get_Site()->get_City(), 'state' => $ste->get_Site()->get_State(), 'zip' => $ste->get_Site()->get_Zip(), 'country' => $ste->get_Site()->get_Country(), 'poc' => $ste->get_Site()->get_POC_Name(), 'email' => $ste->get_Site()->get_POC_Email(), 'phone' => $ste->get_Site()->get_POC_Phone() ]; $cat_arr = $db->get_STE_Cat_List($ste->get_ID()); foreach ($cat_arr as $key => $cat) { $json['ste_cats'][] = [ 'id' => $cat->get_ID(), 'ste_id' => $cat->get_STE_ID(), 'name' => $cat->get_Name(), 'analyst' => $cat->get_Analyst() ]; } $all_findings = []; $targets_arr = $db->get_Target_Details($ste->get_ID()); $used_cats = []; if (empty($targets_arr)) { $log->script_log("There are no targets in the ST&E", E_ERROR); } foreach ($targets_arr as $key => $tgt) { if (!in_array($tgt->get_Cat_ID(), $used_cats)) { $all_findings = array_merge($all_findings, $db->get_Category_Findings($tgt->get_Cat_ID())); $used_cats[] = $tgt->get_Cat_ID(); } $os = $db->get_Software($tgt->get_OS_ID())[0]; $tgt_node = [ 'id' => $tgt->get_ID(), 'ste_id' => $tgt->get_STE_ID(), 'cat_id' => $tgt->get_Cat_ID(), 'os_id' => $tgt->get_OS_ID(), 'os_string' => $tgt->get_OS_String(), 'os_man' => $os->get_Man(), 'os_name' => $os->get_Name(), 'os_ver' => $os->get_Version(), 'name' => $tgt->get_Name(), 'location' => $tgt->get_Location(), 'source' => $tgt->get_Source(), 'pp_flag' => '0', 'pp_off' => '1', 'login' => $tgt->get_Login(), 'class' => $tgt->classification, 'status' => [ 'auto' => $tgt->get_Auto_Status_ID(), 'manual' => $tgt->get_Man_Status_ID(), 'data' => $tgt->get_Data_Status_ID(), 'fp_cat1' => $tgt->get_FP_Cat1_Status_ID() ], 'notes' => $tgt->get_Notes(), 'netstat' => $tgt->get_Netstat_Connections(), 'missing_patches' => $tgt->get_Missing_Patches(), 'interfaces' => [], 'software_list' => [], 'checklist_list' => [] ]; foreach ($tgt->interfaces as $int) { $int_node = [ 'id' => $int->get_ID(), 'name' => $int->get_Name(), 'ipv4' => $int->get_IPv4(), 'ipv6' => $int->get_IPv6(), 'hostname' => $int->get_Hostname(), 'fqdn' => $int->get_FQDN(), 'desc' => $int->get_Description(), 'tcp_ports' => [], 'udp_ports' => [] ]; foreach ($int->get_TCP_Ports() as $tcp) { $int_node['tcp_ports'][] = [ 'number' => $tcp->get_Port(), 'name' => $tcp->get_IANA_Name(), 'banner' => $tcp->get_Banner(), 'notes' => $tcp->get_Notes() ]; } foreach ($int->get_UDP_Ports() as $udp) { $int_node['udp_ports'][] = [ 'number' => $udp->get_Port(), 'name' => $udp->get_IANA_Name(), 'banner' => $udp->get_Banner(), 'notes' => $udp->get_Notes() ]; } $tgt_node['interfaces'][] = $int_node; } foreach ($tgt->software as $sw) { $tgt_node['software_list'][] = [ 'id' => $sw->get_ID(), 'man' => $sw->get_Man(), 'name' => $sw->get_Name(), 'ver' => $sw->get_Version(), 'string' => $sw->get_SW_String(), 'short_string' => $sw->get_Shortened_SW_String() ]; } foreach ($tgt->checklists as $chk) { $tgt_node['checklist_list'][] = [ 'id' => $chk->get_ID(), 'checklist_id' => $chk->get_Checklist_ID(), 'type' => $chk->get_type(), 'class' => $chk->get_Classification(), 'version' => $chk->get_Version(), 'release' => $chk->get_Release() ]; } $json['targets'][] = $tgt_node; } if (!is_null($scan_arr = $db->get_ScanData($ste->get_ID()))) { foreach ($scan_arr as $scan) { $scan_node = [ 'id' => $scan->get_ID(), 'ste_id' => $scan->get_STE()->get_ID(), 'src_id' => $scan->get_Source()->get_ID(), 'itr' => $scan->get_Itr(), 'file_name' => $scan->get_File_Name(), 'file_date' => $scan->get_File_Date(), 'host_list' => [] ]; foreach ($scan->get_Host_List() as $host) { $scan_node['host_list'][] = [ 'tgt_id' => $host['target']->get_ID(), 'tgt_name' => $host['target']->get_Name(), 'count' => $host['count'] ]; } $json['scans'][] = $scan_node; } } foreach ($all_findings as $worksheet_name => $data) { foreach ($data['stigs'] as $stig_id => $data2) { $stig = $db->get_Stig($stig_id); if (is_array($stig) && count($stig) && isset($stig[0]) && is_a($stig[0], 'stig')) { $stig = $stig[0]; } else { continue; } $ec = $db->get_eChecklist($stig, $data2['chk_id']); $find_node = [ 'stig_id' => $stig->get_ID(), 'vms_id' => $ec->get_VMS_ID(), 'cat' => $ec->get_Cat_Level_String(), 'short_title' => $ec->get_Short_Title(), 'check_contents' => $ec->get_Check_Contents(), 'notes' => $data2['notes'], 'target_status' => [], 'ia_controls' => [] ]; foreach ($data['target_list'] as $host_name => $col_id) { $tgt = $db->get_Target_Details($ste->get_ID(), $host_name)[0]; $finding = $db->get_Finding($tgt, $stig)[0]; if (is_null($finding)) { continue; } $find_node['target_status'][] = [ 'tgt_name' => $host_name, 'status' => (isset($data2[$host_name]) ? $data2[$host_name] : 'Not Applicable'), 'scan_id' => $finding->get_Scan_ID() ]; } foreach ($data2['ia_control'] as $ia) { $find_node['ia_controls'] = $ia; } $json['tech_findings'][] = $find_node; } } header(JSON); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $sys->get_Name() . '-' . $ste->get_Site()->get_Name() . '-ste-export.json"'); print json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } /** * Function to export the hosts in an ST&E */ function export_Host_List() { global $db; $csv = "Target ID,Name,HostName,IPv4,FQDN,OS" . PHP_EOL; $ste = $db->get_STE($_REQUEST['ste'])[0]; $tgts = $db->get_Target_Details($_REQUEST['ste']); foreach ($tgts as $key => $tgt) { $csv .= $tgt->get_ID() . "," . $tgt->get_Name() . ","; $int_str = ''; $fqdn_str = ''; $host_str = ''; foreach ($tgt->interfaces as $key2 => $int) { if (false) { $int = new interfaces(); } $host_str .= $int->get_Hostname() . ","; $int_str .= $int->get_IPv4() . ","; $fqdn_str .= $int->get_FQDN() . ","; } $host_str = substr($host_str, 0, -1); $int_str = substr($int_str, 0, -1); $fqdn_str = substr($fqdn_str, 0, -1); $csv .= "\"$host_str\",\"$int_str\",\"$fqdn_str\","; $os = $db->get_Software($tgt->get_OS_ID())[0]; $csv .= $os->get_Man() . " " . $os->get_Name() . " " . $os->get_Version() . PHP_EOL; } header('Content-type: plain/text'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $ste->get_System()->get_Name() . '-' . $ste->get_Site()->get_Name() . '-host-list.csv"'); print $csv; } /** * Function to import an ST&E */ function import_STE() { global $cmd, $db; set_time_limit(0); $base_name = basename($cmd['f']); include_once ''; $log = new Sagacity_Error($cmd['f']); if (!file_exists($cmd['f'])) { $log->script_log("File not found", E_ERROR); } $xml = new DOMDocument(); $ste_cat_arr = array(); $all_scans = array(); $all_tgts = array(); if (!$xml->load($cmd['f'])) { $log->script_log("Error loading XML", E_ERROR); } $site_node = getValue($xml, "/root/site", null, true); if ($site_node->length) { $site_node = $site_node->item(0); $site = $db->get_Site($site_node->getAttribute("name")); if (is_array($site) && count($site)) { $site = $site[0]; print "Existing site " . $site->get_Name() . PHP_EOL; } else { print "Adding new site " . $site_node->getAttribute("name") . PHP_EOL; $site = new site(null, $site_node->getAttribute("name"), $site_node->getAttribute("address"), $site_node->getAttribute("city"), $site_node->getAttribute("state"), $site_node->getAttribute("zip"), $site_node->getAttribute("country"), $site_node->getAttribute("poc_name"), $site_node->getAttribute("poc_email"), $site_node->getAttribute("poc_phone")); $site->set_ID($db->save_Site($site)); } } else { $log->script_log("No site associated with this ST&E", E_ERROR); } $sys_nodes = getValue($xml, "/root/systems/system", null, true); if ($sys_nodes->length) { foreach ($sys_nodes as $node) { $sys = $db->get_System($node->getAttribute("name")); if (is_array($sys) && count($sys)) { $sys = $sys[0]; print "Existing system " . $sys->get_Name() . PHP_EOL; } else { print "Adding new system " . $node->getAttribute("name") . PHP_EOL; $sys = new system(null, $node->getAttribute("name"), $node->getAttribute("mac"), $node->getAttribute("classified")); $sys->set_ID($db->save_System($sys)); } } } else { $log->script_log("No system associated with this ST&E", E_ERROR); } $ste_node = getValue($xml, "/root/ste", null, true); if ($ste_node->length) { print "Adding new ST&E" . PHP_EOL; $ste_node = $ste_node->item(0); $old_ste_id = $ste_node->getAttribute("id"); $ste = new ste(null, $sys->get_ID(), $site->get_Id(), $ste_node->getAttribute("eval_start"), $ste_node->getAttribute("eval_end"), false, 0); $ste->set_ID($db->save_STE($ste)); } else { $log->script_log("No ST&E in this export file", E_ERROR); } $cat_nodes = getValue($xml, "/root/ste_cats/cat", null, true); if ($cat_nodes->length) { foreach ($cat_nodes as $node) { print "Adding new category " . $node->getAttribute("name") . PHP_EOL; $id = $node->getAttribute('id'); $ste_cat_arr[$id] = new ste_cat(null, $ste->get_ID(), $node->getAttribute("name"), $node->getAttribute("analysts")); $ste_cat_arr[$id]->set_ID($db->save_Category($ste_cat_arr[$id])); } } else { $log->script_log("There are no categories in this ST&E", E_ERROR); } $tgt_nodes = getValue($xml, "/root/targets/target", null, true); if ($tgt_nodes->length) { foreach ($tgt_nodes as $node) { print "Adding new target " . $node->getAttribute("name") . PHP_EOL; $cat_id = $node->getAttribute("cat_id"); $os = $db->get_Software([ 'man' => $node->getAttribute("os_man"), 'name' => $node->getAttribute("os_name"), 'ver' => $node->getAttribute("os_ver") ]); if (is_array($os) && count($os)) { $os = $os[0]; } else { $os = $db->getSoftware(array( 'man' => 'Generic', 'name' => 'Generic', 'ver' => 'N/A' ), false)[0]; } $statuses = getValue($xml, "status", $node, true)->item(0); $notes = getValue($xml, "notes", $node); $netstat = getValue($xml, "netstat_connection", $node); $patches = getValue($xml, "missing_patches", $node); $os_string = getValue($xml, "os_string", $node); $tgt = new target($node->getAttribute("name")); $tgt->set_STE_ID($ste->get_ID()); $tgt->set_Cat_ID($ste_cat_arr[$cat_id]->get_ID()); $tgt->set_OS_ID($os->get_ID()); $tgt->set_OS_String($node->getAttribute("os_string")); $tgt->set_Auto_Status_ID($statuses->getAttribute("auto")); $tgt->set_Man_Status_ID($statuses->getAttribute("manual")); $tgt->set_Data_Status_ID($statuses->getAttribute("data")); $tgt->set_FP_Cat1_Status_ID($statuses->getAttribute("fp_cat1")); $tgt->set_Location($node->getAttribute("location")); $tgt->set_Notes($notes); $tgt->set_Netstat_Connections($netstat); $tgt->set_Login($node->getAttribute("login")); $tgt->set_Missing_Patches($patches); $tgt->set_PP_Flag($node->getAttribute("pp_flag")); $tgt->set_PP_Suspended($node->getAttribute("pp_off")); $ints = getValue($xml, "interfaces/interface", $node, true); foreach ($ints as $int_node) { $int = new interfaces(null, null, $int_node->getAttribute("name"), $int_node->getAttribute("ipv4"), $int_node->getAttribute("ipv6"), $int_node->getAttribute("hostname"), $int_node->getAttribute("fqdn"), getValue($xml, "description", $int_node)); $tcp_nodes = getValues($xml, "tcp_ports/port", $int_node, true); foreach ($tcp_nodes as $tcp) { $int->add_TCP_Ports(new tcp_ports(null, $tcp->getAttribute("number"), $tcp->getAttribute("name"), getValue($xml, "banner", $tcp), getValue($xml, "notes", $tcp))); } $udp_nodes = getValues($xml, "udp_ports/port", $int_node, true); foreach ($udp_nodes as $udp) { $int->add_UDP_Ports(new udp_ports(null, $udp->getAttribute("number"), $udp->getAttribute("name"), getValue($xml, "banner", $udp), getValue($xml, "notes", $udp))); } $tgt->interfaces[] = $int; } $sw_nodes = getValue($xml, "software_list/software", $node, true); foreach ($sw_nodes as $sw) { $tgt->software[] = $db->get_Software(array( 'man' => $sw->getAttribute("sw_man"), 'name' => $sw->getAttribute("sw_name"), 'ver' => $sw->getAttribute("sw_ver") ))[0]; } $chk_nodes = getValue($xml, "checklist_list/checklist", $node, true); foreach ($chk_nodes as $chk) { $tgt->checklists[] = $db->get_Checklist(array( 'checklist_id' => $chk->getAttribute('checklist_id'), 'type' => $chk->getAttribute('type'), 'version' => $chk->getAttribute('version'), 'release' => $chk->getAttribute('release') ))[0]; } $tgt->set_ID($db->save_Target($tgt)); $all_tgts[$node->getAttribute("id")] = $tgt; } } else { $log->script_log("No targets were found on this ST&E", E_ERROR); } $scan_nodes = getValue($xml, "/root/scans/scan", null, true); if ($scan_nodes->length) { foreach ($scan_nodes as $node) { $src = $db->get_Sources($node->getAttribute("src_id")); print "Adding new scan result file " . $node->getAttribute("file_name") . PHP_EOL; $scan = new scan(null, $src, $ste, $node->getAttribute('itr'), $node->getAttribute("file_name"), $node->getAttribute('file_date')); $host_list_nodes = getValue($xml, "host_list", $node, true); foreach ($host_list_nodes as $host) { $scan_tgt = $db->get_Target_Details($ste->get_ID(), $host->getAttribute('tgt_name'))[0]; $hl = new host_list(); $hl->setTargetId($scan_tgt->get_ID()); $hl->setTargetName($scan_tgt->get_Name()); $hl->setFindingCount($host->getAttribute("count")); $hl->setScanError(false); $scan->add_Target_to_Host_List($hl); } $scan->set_ID($db->save_Scan($scan)); $all_scans[$node->getAttribute("id")] = $scan; } } else { $log->script_log("No scan result files were found in this ST&E", E_ERROR); } $x = 1; $finding_nodes = getValue($xml, "/root/tech_findings/finding", null, true); if ($finding_nodes->length) { print "Adding findings (total " . $finding_nodes->length . ")" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($finding_nodes as $node) { print "."; if ($x % 100 == 0) { print "\t$x" . PHP_EOL; } $ia_nodes = getValue($xml, "ia_control", $node, true); $ia_arr = array(); foreach ($ia_nodes as $ia) { $ia_arr[] = $ia->textContent; } $cc = getValue($xml, "check_contents", $node); $tgt_status_nodes = getValue($xml, "target_status", $node, true); foreach ($tgt_status_nodes as $status_node) { $notes = getValue($xml, "notes", $status_node); $tgt = $db->get_Target_Details($ste->get_ID(), $status_node->getAttribute("tgt_name"))[0]; $finding = array( 0 => $node->getAttribute("stig_id"), 1 => $node->getAttribute("vms_id"), 2 => $node->getAttribute("cat"), 3 => implode(' ', $ia_arr), 4 => $node->getAttribute("short_title"), 5 => $status_node->getAttribute("status"), 6 => $notes, 7 => $cc, 8 => '' ); $db->add_Finding($all_scans[$status_node->getAttribute("scan_id")], $tgt, $finding); } $x++; } } else { $log->script_log("No findings were recorded in this ST&E", E_WARNING); } }