<?php /** * File: update.php * Author: Ryan Prather * Purpose: Perform update actions on db and files * Created: Sep 20, 2013 * * Portions Copyright 2016-2017: Cyber Perspectives, All rights reserved * Released under the Apache v2.0 License * * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Salient Federal Solutions * Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) * Released under Modified BSD License * * See license.txt for details * * Change Log: * - Sep 20, 2013 - File created * - May 06, 2014 - Added pthreads libraries, sha1 comparison for php and apache config files, and database reload (does not dump) * - Sep 1, 2016 - Copyright Updated and converted to constants * - Oct 10, 2016 - Commented out code for copying php_pthread libraries. Need to only do that if this is a Windows install. * - Nov 7, 2016 - Moved MySQL password for database reloading to defaults-file * - Nov 14, 2016 - Fixed bug with .sql files not being read and imported and formatting, * Added radio buttons to identify DB type (MySQL v. mariaDB), * Added checkbox to import sample_data.sql file * - Dec 8, 2016 - Changed create table code to use default database engine (#25) * - Dec 12, 2016 - Added parsing for engine attribute in table tag * - Apr 5, 2017 - Formating, switch to using filter_input function instead of direct calls to superglobals, * Deleted commented out pthreads copy code, check for Windows system before attempting to copy config files * Removed processing old content, search for *routines.sql files, remove, and process after all other sql files * - Jan 10, 2018 - Fixed bug with tables not being updated if they already exist * - May 24, 2018 - Modified to pull CVE data from NVD instead of Mitre */ include_once 'config.inc'; include_once 'database.inc'; include_once 'helper.inc'; include_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; $uname = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'uname', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $pwd = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'pwd', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if ($uname && $pwd) { set_time_limit(0); $successful = true; $restart_apache = false; $restart_mysql = false; $zip = new ZipArchive(); // attempt to create a new database connection $conn = new mysqli(DB_SERVER, $uname, $pwd); if ($conn->connect_error) { die($conn->connect_error); } $conn->real_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `sagacity`"); $conn->real_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `rmf`"); $conn->select_db("sagacity"); $db = new db_helper($conn); // clean /tmp directory array_map('unlink', glob("tmp/*.*")); $add_table = []; $reload = (boolean) filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'reload', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE); $json = json_decode(file_get_contents(DOC_ROOT . "/db_schema.json")); if ($reload) { foreach (array_reverse($json->tables) as $table) { $db->c->select_db($table->schema); $db->drop($table->schema, $table->name); } } $host = '%'; if (in_array(strtolower(DB_SERVER), ["localhost", ""])) { $host = 'localhost'; } print "<pre>"; foreach ($json->tables as $table) { $db->c->select_db($table->schema); print "Checking {$table->schema}.{$table->name}" . PHP_EOL; if ($db->table_exists("sagacity", "settings")) { $db->select("settings", ['db_data'], [ [ 'field' => 'meta_key', 'op' => '=', 'value' => "{$table->schema}.{$table->name}" ] ]); $td = $db->execute(); if (isset($td['db_data'])) { $jtable = json_decode($td['db_data']); if ($jtable == $table) { continue; } } if ($db->table_exists($table->schema, $table->name)) { $fd = $db->field_data($table->schema, $table->name); foreach ($table->fields as $field) { print "field: {$field->name}" . PHP_EOL; if (!isset($fd[$field->name])) { print "field doesn't exist" . PHP_EOL; $db->alter_table($table->name, "add-column", $field); } else { $index = (isset($table->index) && is_array($table->index) && count($table->index) ? $table->index : null); $sql = $db->field_check($fd[$field->name], $field, $table->primary_key, $index); if (!is_null($sql)) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE `{$table->schema}`.`{$table->name}` $sql"; $db->query_type = db_helper::ALTER_TABLE; $db->execute(MYSQLI_BOTH, $sql); } } } if (isset($table->constraints) && is_array($table->constraints) && count($table->constraints)) { foreach ($table->constraints as $con) { if (!$db->is_constraint($con->id)) { $sql .= "ALTER TABLE `{$table->schema}`.`{$table->name}`" . " ADD CONSTRAINT `{$cont->id}` " . "FOREIGN KEY (`{$con->local}`) " . "REFERENCES `{$con->schema}`.`{$con->table}` (`{$con->field}`) " . "ON DELETE " . (!is_null($con->delete) ? strtoupper($con->delete) : "NO ACTION") . " ON UPDATE " . (!is_null($con->update) ? strtoupper($con->update) : "NO ACTION"); if (!$conn->real_query($sql)) { die($conn->error); } } } } $db->update("sagacity.settings", ['db_data' => json_encode($table)], [ [ 'field' => 'meta_key', 'op' => '=', 'value' => "{$table->schema}.{$table->name}" ] ]); $db->execute(); } else { print "Creating {$table->schema}.{$table->name}" . PHP_EOL; $db->create_table_json($table); if (isset($table->triggers)) { // see if the first entry is a drop statement, run it and remove for subsequent statements if (substr($table->triggers[0], 0, 4) == 'DROP') { $db->query($table->triggers[0]); unset($table->triggers[0]); } // concatenate the trigger into one string $trig = implode(" ", $table->triggers); if (!$db->query(str_replace("{host}", $host, $trig))) { print $trig . PHP_EOL; die($db->error); } } $db->insert("sagacity.settings", [ 'meta_key' => "{$table->schema}.{$table->name}", 'db_data' => json_encode($table) ]); if (!$db->execute()) { $help->debug(E_ERROR); } } } else { $db->create_table_json($table); $db->insert("sagacity.settings", [ 'meta_key' => "{$table->schema}.{$table->name}", 'db_data' => json_encode($table) ]); $db->execute(); } } /* * ********************************************************** * Reload table data * ********************************************************** */ if ($reload) { $defaults = <<<EOO [client] password="{$pwd}" port=3306 EOO; file_put_contents(realpath(TMP) . "/defaults.tmp", $defaults); chdir(realpath(DOC_ROOT)); $zip->open("Database_Baseline.zip"); $zip->extractTo("Database_Baseline"); chdir("Database_Baseline"); $sql_files = glob("*.sql"); $zip->close(); $sample = (boolean) filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'sample_data', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE); if (!$sample) { if (($key = array_search('sample_data.sql', $sql_files)) !== false) { unset($sql_files[$key]); unlink('sample_data.sql'); } } $routines = glob("*routines.sql"); foreach ($routines as $file) { if (($key = array_search($file, $sql_files)) !== false) { unset($sql_files[$key]); } } if (count($sql_files)) { sort($sql_files); foreach ($sql_files as $file) { $cmd = realpath(DB_BIN) . " --defaults-file=\"" . realpath(TMP . "/defaults.tmp") . "\"" . " --user={$uname}" . " --host=" . DB_SERVER . " --default-character-set=utf8 < \"$file\""; //print "$cmd".PHP_EOL; exec($cmd); unlink($file); print "Imported $file<br />"; flush(); } foreach ($routines as $file) { $cmd = realpath(DB_BIN) . " --defaults-file=\"" . realpath(TMP . "/defaults.tmp") . "\"" . " --user={$uname}" . " --host=" . DB_SERVER . " --default-character-set=utf8 < \"$file\""; exec($cmd); unlink($file); print "Imported $file<br />"; flush(); } } unlink(realpath(TMP . "/defaults.tmp")); if (ping("cyberperspectives.com")) { try { $script = realpath(PHP_BIN) . " -c " . realpath(PHP_CONF) . " -f update_db.php" . " -- --cpe --nvd --stig"; $process = new Cocur\BackgroundProcess\BackgroundProcess($script); $process->run(); } catch (Exception $e) { die(print_r($e, true)); } } } print "</pre><br />Updated complete<br />"; if ($restart_apache) { print "Apache or PHP configuration files were updated, please restart Apache to enact changes<br />"; } if ($restart_mysql) { print "MySQL configuration file was updated, please restart MySQL service to enact changes<br />"; } print "Click <a href='/'>here</a> to resume"; exit(); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Update Sagacity</title> <script src='/style/5grid/jquery-1.11.3.min.js'></script> </head> <body> <form method='post' action='#'> MySQL User Name: <input type='text' name='uname' title='Must have permissions to create/alter tables' /><br /> Password: <input type='password' name='pwd' /><br /> <label for='reload_chk'>Reload data in database?</label> <input type='checkbox' name='reload' id='reload_chk' value='1' title='Deletes all tables and data then reloads with baseline data' /><br /> <label for='sample_data'>Add sample data</label> <input type='checkbox' name='sample_data' id='sample_data' value='1' title='Add sample data to database' /><br /> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Update' /> </form> </body> </html>