run(); if ($redirect) { header("/results/"); } } /** * Function to scan '/xampp/www/tmp' directory for catalog files */ public function scan_Catalog_Files() { chdir(DOC_ROOT . "/tmp"); $files = glob("*"); foreach ($files as $file) { if (substr($file, - 3) == 'zip') { // $this->import_STIG_ZIP("../tmp/$file"); } elseif (preg_match('/pdi\-|\_catalog/i', $file)) { // $this->import_PDI_CSV("../tmp/$file"); } elseif (preg_match('/\-xccdf\.xml$/i', $file)) { // $this->import_STIG("../tmp/$file"); } } } /** * Function to scan host data files and import findings */ public function import_Host_Data_Collection() { $db = new db(); $doc_root = realpath(DOC_ROOT); $overwrite = (isset($_REQUEST['overwrite']) && $_REQUEST['overwrite'] ? "true" : "false"); $conf = <<CurrentDirectory = DOC_ROOT; $shell->run($script, 0, false); } elseif (substr(strtolower(PHP_OS), 0, 3) == 'lin') { exec("$script > /dev/null &"); } else { Sagacity_Error::err_handler("Unknown OS: " . PHP_OS); } header("Location: /ste/"); } /** * function to import PDI CSV file to database */ public function import_PDI_CSV() { $db = new db(); $handle = fopen(DOC_ROOT . "/tmp/All-PDI-Catalog.csv", "r"); $data = fgetcsv($handle); $data = fgetcsv($handle); while ($data = fgetcsv($handle)) { $catalog = array( 'stig_id' => (isset($data[0]) ? $data[0] : ""), 'vms_id' => (isset($data[1]) ? $data[1] : ""), 'cat_lvl' => (isset($data[2]) ? $data[2] : "II"), 'ia_controls' => (isset($data[3]) ? $data[3] : ""), 'short_title' => (isset($data[4]) ? $data[4] : ""), 'description' => (isset($data[5]) ? $data[5] : ""), 'notes' => (isset($data[6]) ? $data[6] : ""), 'retina_id' => (isset($data[7]) ? $data[7] : ""), 'vul_id' => (isset($data[8]) ? $data[8] : ""), 'check_contents' => (isset($data[9]) ? $data[9] : ""), 'sv_rule_id' => (isset($data[10]) ? $data[10] : ""), 'nessus_id' => (isset($data[11]) ? $data[11] : "") ); if ($catalog['stig_id'] != 'No Reference') { $ref = $db->get_STIG($catalog['stig_id']); } if (is_null($ref) && $catalog['vms_id'] != 'No Reference') { $ref = $db->get_GoldDisk($catalog['vms_id']); } if (is_array($ref) && count($ref) && isset($ref[0])) { $ref = $ref[0]; } if (! is_null($ref)) { $pdi = new pdi($ref->get_PDI_ID(), $catalog['cat_lvl'], "NOW"); $pdi->set_Short_Title($catalog['short_title']); $pdi->set_Group_Title($catalog['short_title']); $pdi->set_Description($catalog['description']); if ($catalog['ia_controls']) { $ia_controls = array(); foreach (explode(" ", $catalog['ia_controls']) as $ia) { $ia_controls[] = new ia_control($ref->get_PDI_ID(), substr($ia, 0, - 2), substr($ia, - 1)); } if (! $db->save_IA_Control($ia_controls)) { print "error updating ia controls on id: " . $ref->get_ID() . "
"; } } // Check for retina data if ($catalog['retina_id']) { $retina = new retina($ref->get_PDI_ID(), $catalog['retina_id']); if (! $db->save_Retina($retina)) { print "error updating retina id: " . $catalog['retina_id'] . "
"; } } // Vul_ID if ($catalog['vul_id']) {} if ($catalog['sv_rule_id']) { $sv_rule = array(); foreach (explode(" ", $catalog['sv_rule_id']) as $rule) { $sv_rule[] = new sv_rule($ref->get_PDI_ID(), $rule); } if (! $db->save_SV_Rule($sv_rule)) { print "error updating sv rule on pdi: " . $ref->get_ID() . "
"; } } if ($catalog['nessus_id']) { $nessus = new nessus($ref->get_PDI_ID(), $catalog['nessus_id']); if (! $db->save_Nessus($nessus)) { print "error updating nessus id: " . $catalog['nessus_id'] . "
"; } } } else { $pdi = new pdi(0, $catalog['cat_lvl'], "NOW"); $pdi->set_Short_Title($catalog['short_title']); $pdi->set_Group_Title($catalog['short_title']); $pdi->set_Description($catalog['description']); $pdi_id = $db->save_PDI($pdi); if ($catalog['stig_id'] != 'No Reference') { $stig = new stig($pdi_id, $catalog['stig_id'], $catalog['description']); $ref = $stig; $db->add_Stig($stig); } if ($catalog['vms_id'] != 'No Reference') { $golddisk = new golddisk($pdi_id, $catalog['vms_id'], $catalog['short_title']); if ($ref == null) { $ref = $golddisk; } $db->save_GoldDisk($golddisk); } if ($catalog['ia_controls']) { $ia_controls = array(); foreach (explode(" ", $catalog['ia_controls']) as $ia) { $ia_controls[] = new ia_control($pdi_id, substr($ia, 0, - 2), substr($ia, - 1)); } if (! $db->save_IA_Control($ia_controls)) { print "error updating ia controls on pdi_id: " . $ref->get_ID() . "
"; } } // Check for retina data if ($catalog['retina_id']) { $retina = new retina($pdi_id, $catalog['retina_id']); if (! $db->save_Retina($retina)) { print "error updating retina id: " . $catalog['retina_id'] . "
"; } } // Vul_ID if ($catalog['vul_id']) {} // sv_rule if ($catalog['sv_rule_id']) { $sv_rule = array(); foreach (explode(" ", $catalog['sv_rule_id']) as $rule) { $sv_rule[] = new sv_rule($pdi_id, $rule); } if (! $db->save_SV_Rule($sv_rule)) { print "error updating sv rule on pdi: " . $ref->get_ID() . "
"; } } if ($catalog['nessus_id']) { $nessus = new nessus($pdi_id, $catalog['nessus_id']); if (! $db->save_Nessus($nessus)) { print "error updating nessus id: " . $catalog['nessus_id'] . "
"; } } } } fclose($handle); } /** * function for SRR script * runs script * exports a csv format file */ public function net_SRR() {} /** * function for unix SRR conversion to csv * runs script * runs script */ public function unix_srr_to_csv() {} /** * Function to import DISA STIG content to database * * @param array $request */ public function import_STIG_XML($request = array()) { $script = realpath(defined('PHP_BIN') ? PHP_BIN : PHP) . " " . realpath(DOC_ROOT . "/exec/background_stigs.php") . " " . (isset($request['delete']) ? ' --delete' : '') . (isset($request['override']) ? " --ia" : ""); $shell = new COM("WScript.Shell"); $shell->CurrentDirectory = DOC_ROOT . "/exec"; $shell->run($script, 0, false); header("location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } /** * Function to convert a retina CSV to an eChecklist and store on database */ public function retina_csv_echecklist() { $files = glob('*.csv'); $db = new db(); $source = $db->get_Sources('Retina'); $ste = $db->get_STE($_REQUEST['ste'])[0]; foreach ($files as $file) { $scan = new scan(null, $source, $ste, '1', $file, 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'); $db->save_Scan($scan); exec(PERL . "/perl " . DOC_ROOT . "/exec/ " . DOC_ROOT . "/tmp/$file --db", $output, $result); } } /** * function to import golddisk info into scans table * runs script */ public function golddisk_xml_echecklist() { $files = glob('*.xml'); $db = new db(); $source = $db->get_Sources('Golddisk'); $ste = $db->get_STE($_REQUEST['ste'])[0]; foreach ($files as $file) { $scan = new scan(null, $source, $ste, '1', $file, 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'); $db->save_Scan($scan); exec(PERL . "/perl " . DOC_ROOT . "/exec/ " . DOC_ROOT . "/tmp/$file --db", $output, $result); } } /** */ public function import_IAVM_CVE() { $filename = '../tmp/iavm-to-cve(u).xml'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($filename); $db = new db(); foreach ($xml->IAVM as $iavm) { $vms_id = preg_replace('/V[0]+/', 'V-', (string) $iavm->S['VMSKey']); $stig_id = (string) $iavm->S['IAVM']; $title = (string) $iavm->S['Title']; $release_date = DateTime::createFromFormat('d M Y', $iavm->S['ReleaseDate']); $revision_date = DateTime::createFromFormat('d M Y', $iavm->Revision['Date']); $cves_tags = $iavm->CVEs; $cves = array(); $pdi = $db->get_Stig($stig_id); if (is_array($pdi) && count($pdi) && isset($pdi[0]) && is_a($pdi[0], 'stig')) { $pdi = $pdi[0]; } if (is_null($pdi)) { $pdi = $db->get_GoldDisk($vms_id); if (is_array($pdi) && count($pdi) && isset($pdi[0]) && is_a($pdi[0], 'golddisk')) { $pdi = $pdi[0]; } } if (is_null($pdi)) { $cat_lvl = substr_count((string) $iavm->S['Severity'], 'I'); $pdi = new pdi(null, $cat_lvl, (string) $iavm->S['ReleaseDate']); $pdi->set_Short_Title($title); $pdi->set_Group_Title($title); $pdi->set_Description($title); $pdi_id = $db->save_PDI($pdi); $stig = new stig($pdi_id, $stig_id, $title); $db->add_Stig($stig); $golddisk = new golddisk($pdi_id, $vms_id, $title); $db->save_GoldDisk($golddisk); } else { $pdi_id = $pdi->get_PDI_ID(); } foreach ($cves_tags->CVENumber as $cve) { $cve_id = (string) $cve; $cves[] = new cve(null, $cve_id, $release_date, $title); } $db->add_CVE($cves); $ref_tags = $iavm->References; $refs = array(); foreach ($ref_tags->Reference as $ref) { $ref_type = ''; $adv_id = ''; $url = (string) $ref['URL']; $name = (string) $ref['RefName']; $match = array(); $refs[] = new advisory($pdi_id, $adv_id, $name, $ref_type, $url); } } $ref = $row[8]; $url = $row[9]; if (strpos($ref, 'Microsoft') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Microsoft'; $ret = preg_match('/(MS\d{2}\-\d{3}|KB\d{6,7}|\d{6,7})/', $ref, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Adobe') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Adobe'; $ret = preg_match('/(APSA\d{2}\-\d{2}|APSB\d{2}\-\d{2})/', $ref, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Apache') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Apache'; $ret = preg_match('/(CVE\-\d{4}\-\d{4}|S\d\-\d{3})/', $ref, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'CERT') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'US-CERT'; $match = array(); if (strpos($url, 'techalerts') !== false) { $ret = preg_match('/(TA\d{2}\-\d{3}\s).html/', $url, $match); } elseif (strpos($url, 'vuls') !== false) { $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)$/', $url, $match); } if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Cisco') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Cisco'; $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)(\.s?html)$/', $url, $match); if (count($match) > 0) { $id = $match[1]; } else { $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)$/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Citrix') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Citrix'; $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)$/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Debian') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Debian'; $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)$/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'HP') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'HP'; $ret = preg_match('/(HPSB\S+\ SSRT\S+)[\ ?\)?]/', $ref, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } else { $ret = preg_match('/(HPSB\S+)[\ ?\)?]/', $ref, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'IBM') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'IBM'; $ret = preg_match('/(\d{5,8})/', $ref, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } else { $ret = preg_match('/([^\=|\/]+)$/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Juniper') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Juniper'; $ret = preg_match('/(PSN\-\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{3}|JSA\d{5})/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Oracle') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Oracle'; $url = basename($url); $ret = preg_match('/([\S]+)\.html/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'McAfee') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'McAfee'; $query = parse_query($url); if (count($match)) { $id = isset($query['id']) ? $query['id'] : ''; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Red Hat') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Red Hat'; $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)\.html/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Secunia') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Secunia'; $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/?$/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { if ($match[2] == 'advisory') { $id = $match[1]; } elseif (is_numeric($match[1]) && count($match[2]) == 1) { $id = $match[1]; } else { $id = $match[2]; } } } elseif (strpos($url, 'securitytracker') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Security Tracker'; $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)\.html$/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'SecurityFocus') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'SecurityFocus'; $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)\/?$/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { if ($match[1] != 'info') { $id = $match[1]; } else { $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)\/info/', $url, $match); $id = $match[1]; } } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Sun') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Sun'; $query = parse_query($url); $id = isset($query['assetkey']) ? $query['assetkey'] : ''; if (! $id) { $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)$/', parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), $match); $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Symantec') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Symantec'; $ret = preg_match('/(\d{5}|SYM\d{2}\-\d{3})/', $ref, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($url, 'ZDI') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'ZDI'; $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)(\.html|\/)$/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } elseif (strpos($ref, 'Wireshark') !== false) { $x ++; $type = 'Wireshark'; $ret = preg_match('/([^\/]+)\.html$/', $url, $match); if (count($match)) { $id = $match[1]; } } } /** * * @param string $in * @return multitype:Ambigous <> */ public function parse_query($in) { /** * Use this function to parse out the query array element from * the output of parse_url(). */ $query_string = substr($in, strpos($in, '?') + 1); $query_arr = explode('&', $query_string); $arr = array(); foreach ($query_arr as $val) { $x = explode('=', $val); $arr[$x[0]] = isset($x[1]) ? $x[1] : ''; } unset($val, $x, $var); return $arr; } /** * Function for fixing a DISA OVAL file */ public function fix_Oval() { chdir("../tmp"); $files = glob("*-oval.xml"); $ret = ''; $db = new db(); foreach ($files as $file) { $xml = new DOMDocument(); if (! $xml->load($file)) { error_log("error reading xml file"); } $xml->formatOutput = true; $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = true; $const_arr = null; $variables = $xml->getElementsByTagName("variables")->item(0); $first_node = $variables->firstChild; while ($node = $xml->getElementsByTagName("external_variable")->item(0)) { $id = $node->getAttribute("id"); $id = explode(':', $id)[3]; $comment = $node->getAttribute("comment"); $ver = $node->getAttribute("version"); $datatype = $node->getAttribute("datatype"); $tmp = $db->get_Oval_Const($id); $const_arr[$tmp['const_id']]['values'] = $tmp['values']; $const_arr[$tmp['const_id']]['ver'] = $ver; $const_arr[$tmp['const_id']]['datatype'] = $datatype; $const_arr[$tmp['const_id']]['comment'] = $comment; $var_com = $xml->createElement('variable_component'); $var_com->setAttribute('var_ref', "" . $tmp['const_id']); $loc_var = $xml->createElement('local_variable'); $loc_var->setAttribute('id', "" . $id); $loc_var->setAttribute('version', $ver); $loc_var->setAttribute('datatype', $datatype); $loc_var->setAttribute('comment', $comment); $loc_var->appendChild($var_com); $variables->replaceChild($loc_var, $node); } foreach ($const_arr as $key => $value) { $const_var = $xml->createElement('constant_variable'); $const_var->setAttribute('id', '' . $key); $const_var->setAttribute('version', $const_arr[$key]['ver']); $const_var->setAttribute('datatype', $const_arr[$key]['datatype']); $const_var->setAttribute('comment', $const_arr[$key]['comment']); foreach ($value['values'] as $val) { $txt = $xml->createTextNode($val); $val_var = $xml->createElement("value"); $val_var->appendChild($txt); $const_var->appendChild($val_var); } $variables->appendChild($const_var); } rename($file, "oval\\$file"); return $xml->saveXML(); } } private function getElementById($doc, $id) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); return $xpath->query("//*[@id='$id']")->item(0); } }