cpe = $cpe; $this->cpe23 = $cpe23; if (!empty($this->cpe23)) { $arr = explode(":", $this->cpe23); $this->os = ($arr[2] == 'o' ? true : false); $this->man = (isset($arr[3]) ? ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $arr[3])) : "*"); $this->name = (isset($arr[4]) ? ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $arr[4])) : "*"); $this->ver = (isset($arr[5]) ? ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $arr[5])) : "-"); $this->sp = (isset($arr[6]) ? ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $arr[6])) : ""); } if (!empty($this->cpe)) { $arr = explode(":", $this->cpe); if (empty($cpe23)) { $this->os = ($arr[1] == '/o' ? true : false); $this->man = (isset($arr[2]) ? ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $arr[2])) : "*"); $this->name = (isset($arr[3]) ? ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $arr[3])) : "*"); $this->ver = (isset($arr[4]) ? ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $arr[4])) : "-"); $this->sp = (isset($arr[5]) ? ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $arr[5])) : ""); $this->cpe23 = "cpe:2.3:" . ($arr[1] == '/o' ? 'o' : 'a') . ":" . $this->man . ":" . $this->name . ":" . $this->ver . ":" . (!empty($this->sp) ? $this->sp : "*") . ":*:*:*:*:*:*"; $this->cpe23 = strtolower(str_replace(" ", "_", $this->cpe23)); } } $this->reduce_count = 0; } /** * Getter function for Software ID * * @return integer */ public function get_ID() { return $this->id; } /** * Setter function for Software ID * * @param integer $sw_id_in * Value to set the ID to */ public function set_ID($sw_id_in) { $this->id = $sw_id_in; } /** * Getter function for manufacturer * * @return string */ public function get_Man() { return $this->man; } /** * Setter function for manufacturer * * @param string $str_Man */ public function set_Man($str_Man) { $this->man = $str_Man; } /** * Getter function for name * * @return string */ public function get_Name() { return $this->name; } /** * Setter function for name * * @param string $str_Name */ public function set_Name($str_Name) { $this->name = $str_Name; } /** * Getter function for version * * @return string */ public function get_Version() { return $this->ver; } /** * Setter function for version * * @param string $str_Version */ public function set_Version($str_Version) { $this->ver = $str_Version; } /** * Getter function for build string * * @return string */ public function get_Build() { return $this->build; } /** * Setter function for build string * * @param string $str_Build */ public function set_Build($str_Build) { $this->build = $str_Build; } /** * Getter funciton for build date * * @return DateTime */ public function get_Build_Date() { return $this->date; } /** * Setter function for build date * * @param string $dt_Build_Date */ public function set_Build_Date($dt_Build_Date) { $this->date = new DateTime($dt_Build_Date); } /** * Getter function for manual * * @return boolean */ public function is_Manual() { return $this->manual; } /** * Setter function for manual * * @param boolean $bln_Manual */ public function set_Manual($bln_Manual) { $this->manual = $bln_Manual; } /** * Getter function for operation system * * @return boolean */ public function is_OS() { return $this->os; } /** * Setter function for operating system * * @param boolean $bln_OS */ public function set_OS($bln_OS) { $this->os = $bln_OS; } /** * Getter function for service pack * * @return string */ public function get_SP() { return $this->sp; } /** * Setter fucntion for service pack * * @param string $str_SP */ public function set_SP($str_SP) { $this->sp = $str_SP; } /** * Getter function for software string * * @return string */ public function get_SW_String() { return $this->sw_string; } /** * Setter function for software string * * @param string $sw_string_in */ public function set_SW_String($sw_string_in) { $this->sw_string = $sw_string_in; } /** * To get the shortened software string * * @return string */ public function get_Shortened_SW_String() { return $this->short_sw_string; } /** * To set the shortened software string * * @param string $sw_string_in */ public function set_Shortened_SW_String($sw_string_in) { $this->short_sw_string = $sw_string_in; } /** * Getter function for the CPE string * * @return string */ public function get_CPE($refresh = false) { if ($refresh) { $cpe = "cpe:" . ($this->os ? "/o" : "/a") . ":" . (isset($this->man) ? $this->man : "*") . ":" . (isset($this->name) ? $this->name : "*") . ":" . (isset($this->ver) ? $this->ver : "") . (!empty($this->sp) ? ":" . $this->sp : ""); $this->cpe = strtolower(str_replace(" ", "_", $cpe)); $cpe23 = "cpe:2.3:" . ($this->os ? "o" : "a") . ":" . (isset($this->man) ? $this->man : "*") . ":" . (isset($this->name) ? $this->name : "*") . ":" . (isset($this->ver) ? $this->ver : "-") . (!empty($this->sp) ? ":" . $this->sp : "") . ":*:*:*:*:*:*"; $this->cpe23 = strtolower(str_replace(" ", "_", $cpe23)); } return $this->cpe; } /** * Setter function for the CPE string * * @param string $cpe_in */ public function set_CPE($cpe_in) { $this->cpe = $cpe_in; } /** * Getter function for the CPE v2.3 string * * @return string */ public function get_CPE23() { return $this->cpe23; } /** * Setter function for the CPE v2.3 string * * @param string $cpe23_in */ public function set_CPE23($cpe23_in) { $this->cpe23 = $cpe23_in; } /** * Getter function for the software architecture * * @return string */ public function get_Arch() { return $this->arch; } /** * Setter function for the software architecture * * @param string $arch_in */ public function set_Arch($arch_in) { $this->arch = $arch_in; } /** * Getter function for the reducing count */ public function get_Reduce_Count() { return $this->reduce_count; } /** * Getter function for preformated option tag * * @return string */ public function print_Option() { return ""; } /** * Function to take the CPE from specific to generic * * @return boolean */ public function reduce_CPE() { switch ($this->reduce_count) { case 0: // this is to reduce the CPE for Cisco if (($pos = strpos($this->ver, "%")) !== false) { $this->ver = substr($this->ver, 0, $pos); } break; case 1: // this simply allows the removal of the SP/update if (!is_null($this->sp)) { $this->sp = null; break; } if (($pos = strpos($this->ver, '-')) !== false) { $this->ver = substr($this->ver, 0, ($pos > 0 ? $pos : $pos + 1)); } break; case 2: // this reduces the version to remove any . so that 11.2 becomes 11 if (($pos = strpos($this->ver, ".")) !== false) { $this->ver = substr($this->ver, 0, ($pos > 0 ? $pos : $pos + 1)); } break; case 3: // this removes the version since the SP is already null $this->ver = null; break; } $this->cpe = (substr($this->get_CPE(true), -1) == '-' ? substr($this->get_CPE(true), 0, -1) : $this->get_CPE(true)); $this->reduce_count++; return (is_null($this->sp) && is_null($this->ver) ? true : false); } /** * Function to return the software object for this CPE string * * @param array $sw_in * * @return array:software */ public static function toSoftwareFromArray($sw_in) { $sw = array(); foreach ($sw_in as $s) { $cpe_str = "cpe:" . ($s['type'] ? "/o" : "/a") . ":" . (isset($s['man']) ? $s['man'] : "*") . ":" . (isset($s['name']) ? $s['name'] : "*") . ":" . (isset($s['ver']) ? $s['ver'] : "-") . (isset($s['sp']) && !empty($s['sp']) ? ":" . $s['sp'] : ""); $cpe_str = strtolower( str_replace( array(" ", "(", ")"), array("_", "%28", "%29"), $cpe_str ) ); $sw[] = new software($cpe_str, null); } return $sw; } /** * Function to attempt to identify the software * * @param array $regex_arr * Array of regular expressions to evaluate the software against * @param string $sw_in * The string software to evaluate * @param boolean $return_obj [optional] * Boolean to decide if we are returning a software object instead of an array * * @return array */ public static function identify_Software($regex_arr, $sw_in, $return_obj = false) { $looking = true; $match = array(); $ret = array(); $start = $sw = array( 'man' => null, 'name' => null, 'ver' => null, 'type' => false, 'sp' => null, 'build' => null ); if (substr($sw_in, 0, 7) == 'cpe:2.3') { return new software(null, $sw_in); } elseif (substr($sw_in, 0, 3) == 'cpe') { return new software($sw_in, null); } else { $end = end($regex_arr); while ($looking) { foreach ($regex_arr as $regex) { if (preg_match("/{$regex['rgx']}/i", $sw_in)) { $sw['man'] = $regex['man']; $start['man'] = $regex['man']; foreach ($regex['name'] as $regex2) { if ($regex2['name_match'] || $regex2['ver_match'] || $regex2['update_match']) { if (preg_match("/{$regex2['rgx']}/i", $sw_in, $match)) { $sw['name'] = $regex2['name']; if (!empty($regex2['man_override'])) { $sw['man'] = $regex2['man_override']; } if ($regex2['name_match']) { foreach (explode(",", $regex2['name_match']) as $idx) { if (isset($match[$idx])) { $sw['name'] .= " " . $match[$idx]; } } } if ($regex2['ver_match']) { foreach (explode(",", $regex2['ver_match']) as $idx) { if (isset($match[$idx])) { $sw['ver'] .= $match[$idx] . " "; } } $sw['ver'] = str_replace("_", ".", trim($sw['ver'])); if ($sw['man'] == 'Oracle' && $sw['name'] == 'JRE') { $sw['ver'] = "1.{$sw['ver']}.0"; } elseif (substr($sw['ver'], -1) == '.') { $sw['ver'] = substr($sw['ver'], 0, -1); } } if (empty($sw['ver'])) { if (!empty($regex2['ver'])) { $sw['ver'] = $regex2['ver']; } else { $sw['ver'] = "-"; } } if ($regex2['update_match']) { foreach (explode(",", $regex2['update_match']) as $idx) { if (isset($match[$idx]) && !empty($match[$idx])) { if (preg_match("/service pack [\d]+/i", $match[$idx])) { $sw['sp'] .= preg_replace("/service pack ([\d]+)/i", "sp$1", $match[$idx]) . " "; } elseif ($sw['man'] == 'Oracle' && $sw['name'] == 'JRE') { $sw['sp'] .= "update_" . $match[$idx]; } else { $sw['sp'] .= $match[$idx] . " "; } } } $sw['sp'] = trim($sw['sp']); if (substr($sw['sp'], -1) == '.') { $sw['sp'] = substr($sw['sp'], 0, -1); } } else { $sw['sp'] = null; } $sw['type'] = $regex2['is_os']; $ret[] = $sw; if (!$regex2['multiple']) break; $sw = $start; } } else { if (preg_match("/{$regex2['rgx']}/i", $sw_in)) { $sw['name'] = $regex2['name']; if (!empty($regex2['man_override'])) { $sw['man'] = $regex2['man_override']; } if (!empty($regex2['ver'])) { $sw['ver'] = $regex2['ver']; } else { $sw['ver'] = "-"; } $sw['type'] = $regex2['is_os']; $ret[] = $sw; if (!$regex2['multiple']) break; $sw = $start; } } } $looking = false; break; } if ($regex == $end) { $looking = false; break; } } } } if ($return_obj) { $ret = software::toSoftwareFromArray($ret); } return $ret; } }