2018-10-17 14:42:49 -04:00

458 lines
15 KiB

* File:
* Author: Ryan Prather
* Purpose: Represents a category that is assigned to an ST&E
* Created: Sep 16, 2013
* Portions Copyright 2016-2017: Cyber Perspectives, LLC, All rights reserved
* Released under the Apache v2.0 License
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Salient Federal Solutions
* Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
* Released under Modified BSD License
* See license.txt for details
* Change Log:
* - Sep 16, 2013 - File created
* - Sep 1, 2016 - Updated Copyright, added category editing,
* Added functionality for expected sources in this category,
* Converted category row to use div tags,
* Added vertical menu to accessing other functionality
* - Nov 21, 2016 - Added exclusion for Unassigned category so that the export button is not displayed
* - Dec 7, 2016 - Disabled eChecklist export on Unassigned category
* - Jan 30, 2017 - Removed eChecklist export for the Unassigned category and added autocategorization for Unassigned category
* - Feb 15, 2017 - Added Export CKL link in vertical menu. Need to add functionality to do that.
* - Feb 21, 2017 - Removed above Export CKL link in favor of writing a command script
* - Apr 5, 2017 - Removed "Rename Cat" vertical menu item, formatting, and expanded functionality of the add_Sources method
* - Apr 7, 2017 - Removed vertical menu for "Unassigned" category
* - Apr 11, 2017 - Make "Add target" open in new tab
* - May 13, 2017 - Added "Export CKL" to category header dropdown
* - Jan 10, 2018 - Formatting, added getSTECatRow method for /ste/stats.php and getSourceIDs method
* Represents the ST&E categories
* @author Ryan Prather
class ste_cat
* category ID
* @var integer
protected $id = 0;
* @var integer
protected $ste_id = 0;
* category name
* @var string
protected $name = '';
* Analyst in charge of category
* @var string
protected $analyst = '';
* Array of sources that are expected in the category
* @var array:sources
protected $sources = [];
* Variable to store count of Open findings in all targets in this category
* @var integer
public $open = 0;
* Variable to store count of Not a Finding findings in all targets in this category
* @var integer
public $nf = 0;
* Variable to store count of Not Reviewed findings in all targets in this category
* @var integer
public $nr = 0;
* Variable to store count of Not Applicable findings in all targets in this category
* @var integer
public $na = 0;
* Variable to store total number of PDIs
* @var integer
public $total = 0;
* Variable to store target count
* @var integer
public $tgt_count = 0;
* Constructor
* @param integer $int_ID
* @param integer $int_STE_ID
* @param string $str_Name
* @param string $str_Analyst
public function __construct($int_ID, $int_STE_ID, $str_Name, $str_Analyst)
$this->id = $int_ID;
$this->ste_id = $int_STE_ID;
$this->name = $str_Name;
$this->analyst = $str_Analyst;
* Getter function for ID
* @return integer
public function get_ID()
return $this->id;
* Setter function for ID
* @param integer $id_in
public function set_ID($id_in)
$this->id = $id_in;
* Getter function for STE ID
* @return integer
public function get_STE_ID()
return $this->ste_id;
* Getter function for name
* @return string
public function get_Name()
return $this->name;
* Getter function for analyst
* @return string
public function get_Analyst()
return $this->analyst;
* Getter function for the expected scan source array
* @return array:source
public function get_Sources()
return $this->sources;
* Getter function to return array of source IDs
* @return array:integer
public function getSourceIDs()
$ret = [];
if (is_array($this->sources) && count($this->sources)) {
foreach ($this->sources as $s) {
$ret[] = $s->get_ID();
return $ret;
* Function to add an expected scan source to the category
* @param source $src
public function add_Source($src)
if (is_array($src) && count($src) && isset($src[0]) && is_a($src[0], 'source')) {
$this->sources[$src[0]->get_ID()] = $src[0];
elseif (is_a($src, 'source')) {
$this->sources[$src->get_ID()] = $src;
* Function to remove an expected scan source from the category
* @param source $src
public function remove_Source($src)
* Getter function for preformated option tag
* @return string
public function get_Option()
return "<option value='" . $this->id . "'>" . $this->name . "</option>";
* Getter function for preformated table row
* @param integer$intCount
* @param mixed$status_count
* @return string
public function get_Table_Row($intCount = 0, $status_count = null)
$nf = $this->nf;
$open = $this->open;
$na = $this->na;
if (!is_null($status_count) && is_array($status_count)) {
if (isset($status_count['nf'])) {
$nf = $status_count['nf'];
if (isset($status_count['na'])) {
$na = $status_count['na'];
if (isset($status_count['open'])) {
$open = $status_count['open'];
if(!$intCount) {
$intCount = $this->tgt_count;
$cat_sources = [];
if (is_array($this->sources) && count($this->sources)) {
foreach ($this->sources as $src) {
$cat_sources[] = $src->get_ID();
$sources = json_encode($cat_sources);
$link = ($this->name != 'Unassigned' ? "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='open_echecklist({$this->id});'>{$this->name}</a>" : $this->name);
$analyst = ($this->analyst ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;({$this->analyst})" : "");
$export = ($this->name != 'Unassigned' ?
"<a href='/ste/export.php?cat={$this->id}' target='_new'>" .
"<img src='/img/export.jpg' class='cat_icons' title='Export eChecklist' />" .
"</a>" :
"<img src='/img/move.jpg' class='cat_icons' title='Autocategorize targets' onclick='javascript:auto_cat();' />"
$vert_menu = ($this->name != 'Unassigned' ? $this->get_Vert_Option_Menu() : '');
return <<<EOC
<div class='table-cat' id='cat_{$this->id}'>
<input type='hidden' id='cat_{$this->id}_dl' value='0' />
<input type='hidden' id='cat_sources_{$this->id}' value='{$sources}' />
<span class='cat-cell' style='width:200px;'>
<span class='cat-cell' style=''>
<i class='far toggler fa-plus-square' id='collapse_{$this->id}' data-id='{$this->id}' title='Expand/Collapse All'></i>
<span class='cat-cell' style=''>
<img src='/img/select_all.png' class='cat_icons' title='Select All/None' onclick='javascript:select("{$this->id}");' />
<span class='nf cat-cell' style='min-width:25px;' title='Not a Finding'>{$nf}</span>
<span class='open cat-cell' style='min-width:25px;' title='Open'>{$open}</span>
<span class='na cat-cell' style='min-width:25px;' title='Not Applicable'>{$na}</span>
<span class='cat-cell' style='width:800px;' id='cat_name_{$this->id}'>
{$link} ({$intCount}){$analyst}
<span class='cat-cell' style='width:200px;'>
<span class='cat-cell' style=''>
<span class='cat-cell' style=''>
<form method='post' style='display: inline;' action='index.php' id='assign_{$this->id}'>
<input type='hidden' name='action' value='assign' />
<input type='hidden' name='ste' value='{$this->ste_id}' />
<input type='hidden' name='cat_id' value='{$this->id}' />
<input type='hidden' name='analyst' id='analyst_{$this->id}' value='' />
<img src='/img/assign-to.png' class='cat_icons' title='Assign category to analyst' onclick='assign("{$this->id}");' />
* Getter function for preformated table row
* @param mixed $status_count
* @return string
public function getStatsCategoryRow($status_count = null)
$nf = "0%";
$nr = "0%";
$na = "0%";
$open = "0%";
if (!is_null($status_count)) {
if (isset($status_count['nf'])) {
$nf = number_format(($status_count['nf'] / $this->total) * 100, 0) . "%";
if (isset($status_count['na'])) {
$na = number_format(($status_count['na'] / $this->total) * 100, 0) . "%";
if (isset($status_count['open'])) {
$open = number_format(($status_count['open'] / $this->total) * 100, 0) . "%";
if (isset($status_count['nr'])) {
$nr = number_format(($status_count['nr'] / $this->total) * 100, 0) . "%";
else {
if ($this->total - $this->nr > 0) {
$nf = ($this->total ? number_format(($this->nf / ($this->total - $this->nr)) * 100, 0) . "%" : "0%");
$na = ($this->total ? number_format(($this->na / ($this->total - $this->nr)) * 100, 0) . "%" : "0%");
$open = ($this->total ? number_format(($this->open / ($this->total - $this->nr) * 100), 0) . "%" : "0%");
$nr = ($this->total ? number_format(($this->nr / $this->total) * 100, 0) . "%" : "0%");
$cat_sources = [];
if (is_array($this->sources) && count($this->sources)) {
foreach ($this->sources as $src) {
$cat_sources[] = $src->get_ID();
$sources = json_encode($cat_sources);
$link = ($this->name != 'Unassigned' ? "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='open_echecklist({$this->id});'>{$this->name}</a>" : $this->name);
$analyst = ($this->analyst ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;({$this->analyst})" : "");
$export = ($this->name != 'Unassigned' ?
"<a href='/ste/export.php?cat={$this->id}' target='_new'>" .
"<img src='/img/export.jpg' class='cat_icons' title='Export eChecklist' />" .
"</a>" :
"<img src='/img/move.jpg' class='cat_icons' title='Autocategorize targets' onclick='javascript:auto_cat();' />"
$vert_menu = ($this->name != 'Unassigned' ? $this->get_Vert_Option_Menu() : '');
return <<<EOC
<div class='table-cat' id='cat_{$this->id}'>
<input type='hidden' id='cat_{$this->id}_dl' value='0' />
<input type='hidden' id='cat_sources_{$this->id}' value='{$sources}' />
<span class='cat-cell' style='width:250px;'>
<span class='cat-cell'>
<i class='far toggler fa-plus-square' id='collapse_{$this->id}' data-id='{$this->id}' title='Expand/Collapse All'> </i>
<span class='cat-cell'>
<img src='/img/select_all.png' class='cat_icons' title='Select All/None' onclick='javascript:select("{$this->id}");' />
<span class='open cat-cell' style='width:50px;' title='Open'>{$open}</span>
<span class='nf cat-cell' style='width:50px;' title='Not a Finding'>{$nf}</span>
<span class='na cat-cell' style='width:50px;' title='Not Applicable'>{$na}</span>
<span class='nr cat-cell' style='width:50px;' title='Not Reviewed'>{$nr}</span>
<span class='cat-cell' style='width:700px;' id='cat_name_{$this->id}'>$link&nbsp;&nbsp;({$this->tgt_count})$analyst</span>
<span class='cat-cell' style='width:250px;'>
<span class='cat-cell' style=''>{$export}</span>
<span class='cat-cell' style=''>
<form method='post' style='display: inline;' action='index.php' id='assign_{$this->id}'>
<input type='hidden' name='action' value='assign' />
<input type='hidden' name='ste' value='{$this->ste_id}' />
<input type='hidden' name='cat_id' value='{$this->id}' />
<input type='hidden' name='analyst' id='analyst_{$this->id}' value='' />
<img src='/img/assign-to.png' class='cat_icons' title='Assign category to analyst' onclick='assign("{$this->id}");' />
public function getTaskStatusCategoryRow()
$auto = 'NR';
$man = 'NR';
$data = 'NR';
$fp = 'NR';
* Function to create vertical menu
* @return string
public function get_Vert_Option_Menu()
return <<<EOC
<dl id='menu'>
<dt onmouseover='javascript:montre("smenu{$this->id}");'>
<img src='/img/options.png' style='width:20px;vertical-align:middle;' />
<dd id='smenu{$this->id}' onmouseover='javascript:montre("smenu{$this->id}");' onmouseout='javascript:montre();'>
<li><a href='/ste/target.php?ste={$this->ste_id}&cat={$this->id}' target='_blank'>Add Target</a></li>
<li><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='javascript:edit_cat({$this->id});'>Edit Category</a></li>
<li><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='javascript:delete_cat({$this->id});'>Delete Category</a></li>
<li><a href='interview.php?cat={$this->id}' target='_new'>Category Interview</a></li>
<li><a href='bulk_edit.php?cat={$this->id}'>Bulk Edit</a></li>
<li><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='javascript:export_ckl({$this->id});'>Export CKL</a></li>