2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00

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Sagacity is a project with a long history. It began at SAIC in 2008 as a set of Perl scripts, text and CSV files and a spreadsheet used to reduce weeks of boredom, manually copying STIG results from paper checklists to a computer. At Salient Federal Solutions in 2012 it gained a web interface and a database. In 2016, thanks to foresighted Air Force personnel who decided to release it, it is an open source, collaborative effort, designed to save hundreds of man-hours assessing STIG and RMF compliance. Cyber Perspectives, LLC is managing the Sagacity project in the hope that it will be a huge benefit to many in the DoD, Federal and commercial Cyber Security communities.
The following individuals have contributed code or ideas to Sagacity, the original ST&E Manager or its components. We are very grateful for everyone's vision and hard work.
Jeff Odegard: SAIC, Salient Federal Solutions, Engility Corporation, Cyber Perspectives, LLC
- Mastermind, ST&E process optimization, E-checklist and Perl script creator, parsers, tweak functions. Lead hack.
Ryan Prather: Salient Federal Solutions, Cyber Perspectives, LLC
- Lead Developer, UI design and coding, database guru, the one responsible for the darn thing actually working.
Matt Shuter: SAIC, Salient Federal Solutions, Engility Corporation, UCCS Master's Project
- E-checklist design, script usability and bug hunting. UI usability consultant
Dan Hans: BTAS, Salient Federal Solutions, Engility Corporation
- One of the best bug hunters we've ever known. E-checklist design, script feedback. Breaking the UI and demonstrating its shortcomings.
- Mastermind behind FIFI, the Gold Disk parser. E-Checklist feedback, script bug hunter and code consultation. Asker of why we didn't write this in Python.
Brian Copeland: SAIC
- E-Checklist design, script usage feedback
Scott Welker: Quantech, Booz-Allen Hamilton
- Script and E-Checklist feedback, database SRR rewrite. Convinced us of the need to use XAMPP and not tie ourselves to expensive Microsoft or Adobe products.
Paul Porter: Salient Federal Solutions
- Page layouts and design, reporting stylesheets, UI coding
Teresa Campos: STS Systems Integration
- Software design documentation, page layouts
Douglas Rothnie: The Aerospace Corporation
- Script and E-Checklist feedback, Perl programming support
Ken Elliott: The Aerospace Corporation
- Script and E-Checklist layout ideas
Michael Cole: The Aerospace Corporation
- SCAP handling ideas, script and E-Checklist feedback
- Procedural E-Checklist modifications to adapt to EMASS
Erik Wohlgemuth: Raytheon
- Fixes for Linux data collection script
Jason Gagnon: Raytheon
- Fixes for Windows data collection script