Jeff Odegard 0425adacb6
Bug fixes for Nessus and Nmap parsers
Nessus was not assigning checklists to Oracle Solaris 11 for Sparc architectures.
Nmap was not correctly identifying normal text output files (.nmap)
2019-01-23 09:20:02 -07:00

3431 lines
102 KiB

* File: parse_nessus.php
* Author: Ryan Prather
* Purpose: Background script to parse Nessus result files
* Created: Feb 26, 2014
* Portions Copyright 2016-2017: Cyber Perspectives, LLC, All rights reserved
* Released under the Apache v2.0 License
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Salient Federal Solutions
* Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
* Released under Modified BSD License
* See license.txt for details
* Change Log:
* - Feb 26, 2014 - File created
* - Jun 17, 2014 - Added parsing for system ports
* - Sep 1, 2016 - Copyright Updated, added CWD parameter, and
* fixed bugs
* - Oct 24, 2016 - Updated class extension after rename from XMLParser to scan_xml_parser
* Updated PHP_DOC comments
* Added and updated E_DEBUG constant
* And fixed bug with OS determination
* - Nov 7, 2016 - Added d parameter documentation, added a ton of PHP_DOC comments, and added tons of debugging statements
* - Nov 9, 2016 - Simplified OS detection in HostProperties_end function
* - Jan 30, 2017 - Updated to use parse_config.ini file, and added populating new targets with shortened os software string if available.
* - Feb 15, 2017 - Added error message and die if parse_config.ini is not present
* - Mar 4, 2017 - Fixed parsing of Windows 2003 Server and Oracle Solaris
* - Mar 22, 2017 - Check for multi-lined operating-system tag and only use first line,
* If software not found using operating-system tag string then assign cpe:/o:generic:generic,
* Replaced instances of removed setter functions to add_Reference function
* - Apr 5, 2017 - Fixed bug with some content being overwritten due to parsing tags multiple times,
* Fixed bug with plugins not being assigned to the orphan checklist,
* Fixed bug with script not reading listening TCP ports correctly,
* Removed commented out content
* - May 13, 2017 - Removed adding note when not listening on any TCP 4/6 ports, also fixed error in compliance solution
* - Jun 27, 2017 - Fixed bug with target classifications not being set and ensure that file exists
* - Jul 21, 2017 - Check solution tag to make sure it's not 'n/a' before assigning, fixed software detection bug in n22869 method
* - Oct 27, 2017 - Fix to convert '*' to '' or '::' and validate IP's before making interface
* - Nov 25, 2017 - Fixed bug #345
* - Jan 16, 2018 - Updated to use host_list class
* - Jun 4, 2018 - Fixed bug #424 (IP address not pulled when name used for host)
$cmd = getopt("f:", ['debug::', 'help::']);
if (isset($cmd['help']) || !isset($cmd['f'])) {
if (!file_exists("parse_config.ini")) {
die("You must create parse_config.ini file with required parameters");
$conf = parse_ini_file("parse_config.ini");
if (!$conf) {
die("Could not find parse_config.ini configuration file");
include_once '';
include_once '';
include_once '';
Sagacity_Error::err_handler("Starting parse_nessus.php");
$base_name = basename($cmd['f']);
if (!file_exists($cmd['f'])) {
die("File {$cmd['f']} could not be found");
* Class to perform stream parsing of Nessus XML result file
class nessus_parser extends scan_xml_parser
* The host that is currently being parsed
* @var nessus_target
var $host;
* The plugin ID that is currently being parsed
* @var int
var $plugin;
* The target being parsed
* @var target
var $tgt;
* The tag being parsed
* @var int
var $tag;
* Counter
* @var int
var $count;
* Variable to store if there was an error in the scanner reading this target
* @var boolean
var $host_scan_error = false;
* Variable to store any host notes if there are errors in the scan
* @var string
var $host_scan_notes = null;
* Replacement CPE's because Nessus is messed up and they don't use the NIST CPEs
* @var array:string
private $sw_translation = [
"cpe:\/a:microsoft:ie:([\d]+)[\d\.]+.*" => "cpe:/a:microsoft:internet_explorer:$1",
"cpe:\/a:oracle:jre:1\.7\.0:update04.*" => "cpe:/a:oracle:jre:1.7.0:update4",
"cpe:\/a:oracle:jre:1\.7\.0:update60.*" => "cpe:/a:oracle:jre:1.7.0:update_60",
"cpe:\/o:cisco:ios_xe.*" => "cpe:/o:cisco:ios_xe:-",
"cpe:\/o:microsoft:windows_xp::sp([\d]+).*" => "cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_xp:-:sp$1",
"cpe:\/o:microsoft:windows_7::sp([\d]+):x([\d]+).*" => "cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_7:-:sp$1:x$2",
"cpe:\/o:microsoft:windows_2003_server::sp([\d]).*" => "cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_2003_server:-:sp$1",
"cpe:\/o:microsoft:windows_server_2008:r2::x64.*" => "cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_server_2008:r2",
"cpe:\/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:([\d]+)::.*" => "cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:$1",
"cpe:\/o:sun:sunos:([\d]+)::.*" => "cpe:/o:oracle:solaris:$1",
"cpe:\/o:vmware:esx_server.*" => "cpe:/o:vmware:esxi:5.0",
"cpe:\/o:centos:centos:([\d]+).*" => "cpe:/o:centos:centos:$1",
* List of plugin IDs to skip because they do not have any real info in them
* @var array:int
private $plugins_to_skip = [
10150, 10223, 10335, 10397, 10785, 10919, 11002, 11011, 11936,
22319, 24269, 25220, 34220, 42898, 53335, 54615, 55472, 57033,
64582, 70331, 72482, 72663
* Constructor
* @param int $ste_id_in
* @param string $fname_in
function __construct($ste_id_in, $fname_in)
parent::__construct($this, $ste_id_in, $fname_in);
$this->host_list = [];
$this->count = 0;
$this->type = 'nessus';
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Ready to parse {$this->file}", E_DEBUG);
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost($attrs)
global $conf;
$this->tag = [];
$this->host = new nessus_target();
$this->new_findings = [];
$this->updated_findings = [];
$this->host_scan_error = false;
$this->host_scan_notes = null;
$this->tgt_finding_count = 0;
$tgt_id = $this->db->check_Target($this->ste_id, $attrs['name']);
if ($tgt_id) {
$tgt = $this->db->get_Target_Details($this->ste_id, $tgt_id);
if (is_array($tgt) && count($tgt) && isset($tgt[0]) && is_a($tgt[0], 'target')) {
$this->tgt = $tgt[0];
else {
Sagacity_Error::err_handler("Unable to find target with IP {$attrs['name']}", E_ERROR);
else {
$this->tgt = new target($attrs['name']);
$this->tgt->set_Location(($conf['location'] ? $conf['location'] : null));
if (validation::valid_ip($attrs['name'])) {
$this->host->ip = $attrs['name'];
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_HostProperties_tag($attrs)
if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
$this->tag_id = $attrs['name'];
$this->tag[$this->tag_id] = null;
if (preg_match("/MS\d{2}\-\d{3}/", $this->tag_id)) {
$this->host->missing_patches[$this->tag_id] = null;
else {
$this->tag_id = null;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_HostProperties_tag_data($data)
$match = [];
switch ($this->tag_id) {
case (preg_match("/netstat\-listen\-udp[46]/", $this->tag_id) ? true : false):
case (preg_match("/netstat\-listen\-tcp([46])/", $this->tag_id) ? true : false):
$pp = explode(":", $data);
$port = end($pp);
if (is_numeric($port) && $port < 50000) {
$this->tag[$this->tag_id] .= $data;
else {
case (preg_match("/patch\-summary\-(cve\-num|cves|txt)\-([a-f0-9]+)/", $this->tag_id, $match) ? true : false):
$this->tag['patch'][$match[2]][$match[1]] = $data;
case (preg_match("/ \-\> /", $data) && preg_match("/cpe/", $this->tag_id) ? true : false):
$dash_pos = strpos($data, ' ->');
$data = substr($data, 0, $dash_pos + 1);
$this->tag[$this->tag_id] .= $data;
case 'operating-system':
if (strpos($data, "\n") !== false) {
$data = explode("\n", $data)[0];
// no break
$this->tag[$this->tag_id] .= $data;
//print ".";
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_HostProperties_end()
$this->log->script_log("Start parsing HostProperties", E_DEBUG);
$ip_port = [];
$os = [];
if (isset($this->tag['netbios-name'])) {
$this->log->script_log("Assigning netbios to target {$this->tag['netbios-name']}", E_DEBUG);
$name = explode(".", $this->tag['netbios-name']);
if ($tgt_id = $this->db->check_Target($this->ste_id, current($name))) {
$this->log->script_log("Found target with netbios-name {$this->tag['netbios-name']} ($tgt_id)", E_DEBUG);
$tgt = $this->db->get_Target_Details($this->ste_id, $tgt_id);
if (is_array($tgt) && count($tgt) && isset($tgt[0]) && is_a($tgt[0], 'target')) {
$this->tgt = $tgt[0];
else {
$this->log->script_log("Could not find the target", E_DEBUG);
$this->host->hostname = $this->tag['netbios-name'];
if (isset($this->tag['host-fqdn'])) {
$this->host->fqdn = $this->tag['host-fqdn'];
elseif (isset($this->tag['host-fqdn'])) {
$this->log->script_log("Assigning FQDN to target {$this->tag['host-fqdn']}", E_DEBUG);
$name = explode(".", $this->tag['host-fqdn']);
if ($tgt_id = $this->db->check_Target($this->ste_id, current($name))) {
$tgt = $this->db->get_Target_Details($this->ste_id, $tgt_id);
if (is_array($tgt) && count($tgt) && isset($tgt[0]) && is_a($tgt[0], 'target')) {
$this->tgt = $tgt[0];
$this->host->fqdn = $this->tag['host-fqdn'];
$this->host->hostname = explode(".", $this->tag['host-fqdn'])[0];
if (isset($this->tag['patch']) && is_array($this->tag['patch'])) {
$this->host->missing_patches = array_merge($this->host->missing_patches, $this->tag['patch']);
$this->tgt->set_Missing_Patches(print_r($this->host->missing_patches, true));
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("All HostProperties data: " . print_r($this->tag, true), E_DEBUG);
$cpe_keys = preg_grep("/cpe\-[\d]+/", array_keys($this->tag));
if (count($cpe_keys)) {
$this->log->script_log("Found " . count($cpe_keys) . " CPEs", E_DEBUG);
foreach (array_values($cpe_keys) as $key) {
$this->log->script_log("Finding software for CPE: {$this->tag[$key]}", E_DEBUG);
$db_sw = null;
foreach ($this->sw_translation as $old => $replacement) {
if (preg_match("/$old/i", $this->tag[$key])) {
$this->tag[$key] = preg_replace("/$old/i", "$replacement", $this->tag[$key]);
$cpe = $this->tag[$key];
if (($pos = strpos($cpe, " ")) !== false) {
$cpe = substr($cpe, 0, $pos);
$sw = new software($cpe, null);
while (!$sw->get_ID()) {
$db_sw = $this->db->get_Software($sw->get_CPE());
if (!count($db_sw)) {
if ($sw->reduce_CPE()) {
else {
$db_sw = $db_sw[0];
$sw = $db_sw;
if (is_a($db_sw, 'software') && !$db_sw->is_OS()) {
if (!in_array($db_sw, $this->tgt->software)) {
$this->log->script_log("Adding software {$db_sw->get_CPE()} to {$this->tgt->get_Name()}", E_DEBUG);
$this->tgt->software[] = $db_sw;
elseif (is_a($db_sw, 'software') && $db_sw->is_OS()) {
$this->log->script_log("Setting OS to {$db_sw->get_CPE()} for {$this->tgt->get_Name()}", E_DEBUG);
if ($db_sw->get_Shortened_SW_String()) {
else {
if (!$this->tgt->get_OS_ID()) {
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Could not determine OS so setting to generic", E_DEBUG);
$os = $this->db->get_Software("cpe:/o:generic:generic:-");
if (is_array($os) && count($os) && isset($os[0]) && is_a($os[0], 'software')) {
$os = $os[0];
if ($os->get_Shortened_SW_String()) {
else {
else {
if (isset($this->tag['operating-system'])) {
$os_regex = $this->db->get_Regex_Array("os");
$os_arr = software::identify_Software($os_regex, $this->tag['operating-system']);
if (is_array($os_arr) && count($os_arr)) {
$os_arr = $os_arr[0];
if (!is_a($os_arr, 'software')) {
$os_arr = $this->db->get_Software("cpe:/o:generic:generic")[0];
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Identified this software ({$os_arr->get_CPE()}) from operating-system string {$this->tag['operating-system']}", E_DEBUG);
while (!$os_arr->get_ID()) {
$os = $this->db->get_Software($os_arr->get_CPE());
// was there software with that CPE
if (!count($os)) {
// if no software found, then reduce the CPE to potentially find matching software
//if($this->debug){$this->log->script_log("Reducing software count: {($os_arr->get_Reduct_Count()+1)}", E_DEBUG);}
if ($os_arr->reduce_CPE()) {
// if we weren't able to find anything within 4 attempts break out
else {
// we found software
$os = $os[0];
$os_arr = $os; // this break's out of the above while loop
// assign the detected software to the target
if (is_a($os, 'software') && $os->get_ID()) {
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Assigning {$os->get_SW_String()} ({$os->get_ID()}) to {$this->tgt->get_Name()}", E_DEBUG);
if ($os->get_Shortened_SW_String()) {
else {
else {
// could not detect the operating system so assign the generic software and allow the user to specify
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Assigning the generic OS to {$this->tgt->get_Name()}", E_DEBUG);
$os = $this->db->get_Software("cpe:/o:generic:generic:-")[0];
if ($os->get_Shortened_SW_String()) {
else {
$this->log->script_log("Assigning target classification to same as system", E_DEBUG);
$sys = $this->db->get_System_By_STE_ID($this->ste_id);
switch ($sys->get_Classification()) {
case 'Classified':
$this->tgt->classification = 'S';
case 'Sensitive':
$this->tgt->classification = 'FOUO';
$this->tgt->classification = 'U';
if (isset($this->tag['smb-login-used'])) {
$this->log->script_log("Assigning login used for target access", E_DEBUG);
elseif (isset($this->tag['ssh-login-used'])) {
$this->log->script_log("Assigning login used for target access", E_DEBUG);
if (isset($this->tag['mac-address'])) {
$this->log->script_log("Adding MAC address to target");
$this->host->mac = $this->tag['mac-address'];
if (!empty($this->host->ip) && validation::valid_ip($this->host->ip)) {
if (!isset($this->tgt->interfaces[$this->host->ip])) {
$this->log->script_log("Adding new interface to target with IP: {$this->host->ip}");
$this->tgt->interfaces[$this->host->ip] = new interfaces(null, $this->tgt->get_ID(), null, $this->host->ip, null, $this->host->hostname, $this->host->fqdn, null);
else {
$this->log->script_log("Interface already exists: {$this->host->ip}");
if (!empty($this->tag['host-ip']) && validation::valid_ip($this->tag['host-ip'])) {
if (!isset($this->tgt->interfaces[$this->tag['host-ip']])) {
$this->log->script_log("Adding new interface to target with IP: {$this->tag['host-ip']}");
$this->tgt->interfaces[$this->tag['host-ip']] = new interfaces(null, $this->tgt->get_ID(), null, $this->tag['host-ip'], null, $this->host->hostname, $this->host->fqdn, null);
else {
$this->log->script_log("Interface already exists for target: {$this->tag['host-ip']}");
$netstat_keys = preg_grep("/netstat\-established\-tcp/", array_keys($this->tag));
$this->log->script_log("Start established tcp conns...found " . count($netstat_keys) . " connections", E_DEBUG);
foreach (array_values($netstat_keys) as $key) {
$src_dest = explode('-', $this->tag[$key]);
$this->tgt->append_Connection(" TCP " . str_pad($src_dest[0], 45) . str_pad($src_dest[1], 45) . "ESTABLISHED" . PHP_EOL);
$netstat_keys = preg_grep("/netstat\-listen\-tcp4/", array_keys($this->tag));
$this->log->script_log("Start listening tcp4 conns...found " . count($netstat_keys) . " connections", E_DEBUG);
if (between(count($netstat_keys), 1, PORT_LIMIT)) {
foreach (array_values($netstat_keys) as $key) {
// split into "ip:port" array
$ip_port = explode(":", $this->tag[$key]);
// skip this entry if it is not a valid IP
if ($ip_port[0] == '*') {
$ip_port[0] = '';
elseif (!validation::valid_ip($ip_port[0])) {
//$this->host->netstat['listening']['tcp'][$ip_port[0]][] = $ip_port[1];
$port = $this->db->get_TCP_Ports($ip_port[1])[0];
$port->set_Notes($port->get_Notes() . PHP_EOL . "Found in scan file " . $this->scan->get_File_Name());
$port->listening = true;
if (!isset($this->tgt->interfaces[$ip_port[0]])) {
$name = ($this->host->hostname ? $this->host->hostname : explode(".", $this->host->fqdn)[0]);
$this->tgt->interfaces["{$ip_port[0]}"] = new interfaces(null, $this->tgt->get_ID(), null, $ip_port[0], null, $name, $this->host->fqdn, '');
if (empty($this->host->ip) && $ip_port[0] != '' && $ip_port[0] != '') {
$this->host->ip = $ip_port[0];
$this->tgt->append_Connection(" TCP " . str_pad($this->tag[$key], 45) . str_pad("", 45) . "LISTENING" . PHP_EOL);
else {
$this->log->script_log("Skipping tcp4 ports because there are " . count($netstat_keys) . " listening", E_DEBUG);
$netstat_keys = preg_grep("/netstat\-listen\-tcp6/", array_keys($this->tag));
$this->log->script_log("Start listening tcp6 conns...found " . count($netstat_keys) . " connections", E_DEBUG);
if (between(count($netstat_keys), 1, PORT_LIMIT)) {
foreach (array_values($netstat_keys) as $key) {
if (preg_match("/(.*)\:(\d+)/", $this->tag[$key], $ip_port)) {
$ip_port[1] = str_replace(array("[", "]"), "", $ip_port[1]);
if ($ip_port[0] == '*') {
$ip_port[0] = '::';
elseif (!validation::valid_ip($ip_port[0])) {
//$this->host->netstat['listening']['tcp'][$ip_port[1]][] = $ip_port[2];
$port = $this->db->get_TCP_Ports($ip_port[2])[0];
$port->set_Notes($port->get_Notes() . PHP_EOL . "Found in scan file " . $this->scan->get_File_Name());
$port->listening = true;
if (!isset($this->tgt->interfaces[$ip_port[0]])) {
$name = ($this->host->hostname ? $this->host->hostname : explode(".", $this->host->fqdn)[0]);
$this->tgt->interfaces[$ip_port[0]] = new interfaces(null, $this->tgt->get_ID(), null, null, $ip_port[0], $name, $this->host->fqdn, '');
$this->tgt->append_Connection(" TCP " . str_pad($this->tag[$key], 45) . str_pad("[::]:0", 45) . "LISTENING" . PHP_EOL);
else {
$this->log->script_log("Skipping tcp6 ports because there are " . count($netstat_keys) . " listening", E_DEBUG);
$this->tgt->set_ID($this->db->save_Target($this->tgt, false));
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat("D M d H:i:s Y", $this->tag["HOST_START"]);
if ($dt < $this->scan->get_File_DateTime()) {
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("End parsing tag", E_DEBUG);
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem($attrs)
if (in_array($attrs['pluginID'], $this->plugins_to_skip)) {
$this->skip = true;
$this->tag_id = $attrs['pluginID'];
else {
$this->skip = false;
//print ".";
$this->plugin = new nessus_plugin();
$this->plugin->port = $attrs['port'];
$this->plugin->svc_name = $attrs['svc_name'];
$this->plugin->proto = $attrs['protocol'];
$this->plugin->sev = $attrs['severity'];
$this->plugin->id = $attrs['pluginID'];
$this->plugin->name = $attrs['pluginName'];
$this->plugin->family = $attrs['pluginFamily'];
if (preg_match("/2115[67]|33814|46689|66756/", $this->plugin->id)) {
$this->plugin->result = new compliance();
else {
$this->plugin->result = new nessus_result();
$this->plugin->result->cat = 3;
$this->plugin->result->status = 'Open';
switch ($this->plugin->sev) {
case 0:
$this->plugin->result->status = "Not a Finding";
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
$this->plugin->result->cat = 2;
$this->plugin->result->cat = 1;
$this->plugin->db_plugin = $this->db->get_Nessus($this->plugin->id);
$add_stig = false;
if (empty($this->plugin->db_plugin)) {
$pdi = new pdi(null, $this->plugin->result->cat, "NOW");
$pdi->set_ID($pdi_id = $this->db->save_PDI($pdi));
$stig = new stig($pdi_id, $this->plugin->id, $this->plugin->name);
$this->plugin->db_plugin = new nessus($pdi_id, $this->plugin->id);
$this->plugin->db_plugin->add_Reference('protocol', $this->plugin->port);
$this->plugin->db_plugin->add_Reference('family', $this->plugin->family);
$add_stig = true;
else {
if (!$this->plugin->db_plugin->get_PDI_ID()) {
$pdi = new pdi(null, $this->plugin->result->cat, "NOW");
$pdi->set_ID($pdi_id = $this->db->save_PDI($pdi));
$stig = new stig($pdi_id, $this->plugin->id, $this->plugin->name);
$add_stig = true;
if ($add_stig) {
$chk = $this->db->get_Checklist("Orphan");
if (is_array($chk) && isset($chk[0]) && is_a($chk[0], 'checklist')) {
$chk = $chk[0];
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_description_data($data)
$this->plugin->desc .= $data;
$this->plugin->db_plugin->add_Reference('description', $data);
if (preg_match("/Executing the command failed/i", $data)) {
$this->plugin->result->status_override = true;
elseif (preg_match("/Nessus has not performed this query/i", $data)) {
$this->plugin->result->status_override = true;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_fname_data($data)
$this->plugin->fname .= $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_plugin_modification_date_data($data)
$this->plugin->mod_date = new DateTime($data);
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_plugin_name_data($data)
$this->plugin->name = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_plugin_publication_date_data($data)
$this->plugin->pub_date = new DateTime($data);
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_plugin_type_data($data)
$this->plugin->type = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_risk_factor_data($data)
$this->plugin->risk_factor = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_solution_data($data)
if ($data != 'n/a') {
$this->plugin->solution = $data;
$this->plugin->db_plugin->add_Reference('solution', $data);
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_synopsis_data($data)
$this->plugin->synopsis = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_see_also_data($data)
$this->plugin->see_also = explode(PHP_EOL, $data);
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_xref_data($data)
$src_id = explode(":", $data);
$this->plugin->ref[] = [
'src' => strtolower($src_id[0]),
'id' => $src_id[1]
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cpe_data($data)
$cpes = explode(PHP_EOL, $data);
foreach ($cpes as $cpe) {
if (!in_array($cpe, $this->host->cpes)) {
$this->host->cpes[] = $cpe;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_bid_data($data)
if (!isset($this->plugin->refs['bid'])) {
$this->plugin->refs['bid'][] = $data;
elseif (!in_array($data, $this->plugin->refs['bid'], true)) {
$this->plugin->refs['bid'][] = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cve_data($data)
if (!isset($this->plugin->refs['cve'])) {
$this->plugin->refs['cve'][] = $data;
elseif (!in_array($data, $this->plugin->refs['cve'], true)) {
$this->plugin->refs['cve'][] = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_osvdb_data($data)
if (!isset($this->plugin->refs['osvdb'])) {
$this->plugin->refs['osvdb'][] = $data;
elseif (!in_array($data, $this->plugin->refs['osvdb'], true)) {
$this->plugin->refs['osvdb'][] = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cvss_base_score_data($data)
$this->plugin->cvss_base = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cvss_vector_data($data)
$this->plugin->cvss_vector = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_plugin_output_data($data)
if (in_array($this->plugin->id, [20811, 22869, 22689])) {
elseif ($this->plugin->id == 10891) {
$this->plugin->result->plugin_output .= html_entity_decode($data);
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_script_version_data($data)
$ver = [];
if (preg_match("/(\d+\.\d+)/", $data, $ver)) {
$this->plugin->script_ver = $ver[1];
elseif (preg_match("/(\d+)/", $data, $ver)) {
$this->plugin->script_ver = $ver[1];
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_stig_severity_data($data)
$this->plugin->result->cat = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cm_compliance_result_data($data)
if ($this->plugin->result->status_override) {
if ($data == 'PASSED') {
$this->plugin->result->status = 'Not a Finding';
elseif ($data == 'FAILED') {
$this->plugin->result->status = 'Open';
else {
$this->plugin->result->status = 'Not Reviewed';
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cm_compliance_info_data($data)
$match = [];
if (preg_match("/Title - ([^\n]+)/", $data, $match)) {
$this->plugin->result->short_title = $match[1];
else {
if (preg_match("/([^\n]+)/", $data, $match)) {
$this->plugin->result->short_title = $match[1];
if (preg_match("/<VulnDiscussion>(.*)<\/VulnDiscussion>/", $data, $match)) {
$this->plugin->result->desc = $match[1];
elseif (preg_match("/^[^\n]\n(.*)$/", $data, $match)) {
$this->plugin->result->desc = $match[1];
if (preg_match("/<IAControls>(.*)<\/IAControls>/", $data, $match)) {
$this->plugin->result->ia_controls = preg_split("/, ?/", $match[1]);
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cm_compliance_audit_file_data($data)
$this->plugin->result->audit_file = $data;
* @TODO check to see if there is already a OS assigned to the target
* if not, parse audit file and see if we can identify the OS, then assign to target
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cm_compliance_check_name_data($data)
$match = [];
if (strpos($data, ":") !== false) {
$check = explode(":", $data);
if (is_array($check) && count($check) < 5) {
if (preg_match("/(SV\-.*\_rule)/", $data, $match)) {
$sv_rule = $this->db->get_SV_Rule(null, $match[1]);
if (is_array($sv_rule) && count($sv_rule) && isset($sv_rule[0]) && is_a($sv_rule[0], 'sv_rule')) {
$this->plugin->result->sv_rule = $sv_rule[0];
$this->plugin->result->stig = $this->db->get_STIG_By_PDI($sv_rule[0]->get_PDI_ID());
if (empty($this->plugin->result->stig)) {
$this->plugin->result->stig = $sv_rule[0]->get_SV_Rule();
$cce = $check[0];
if ($cce != 'noCCE') {
$this->plugin->result->cce = $cce;
$oval = $check[1];
$this->plugin->result->oval_id = $oval;
$sv_rule_id = $check[2];
$sv_rule = $this->db->get_SV_Rule(null, $sv_rule_id);
if (is_array($sv_rule) && count($sv_rule) && isset($sv_rule[0]) && is_a($sv_rule[0], 'sv_rule')) {
$this->plugin->result->sv_rule = $sv_rule[0];
$this->plugin->result->stig = $this->db->get_STIG_By_PDI($this->plugin->result->sv_rule->get_PDI_ID());
if (empty($this->plugin->result->stig)) {
$this->plugin->result->stig = $sv_rule_id;
else {
print "can't find SV rule: $sv_rule_id" . PHP_EOL;
$chk = $this->db->get_Checklist(array('checklist_id' => $check[3], 'type' => 'manual'), true);
if (!is_null($chk) && count($chk)) {
$this->plugin->chk = $chk[0];
elseif (preg_match("/(W[AW][\d]+\-[WA]+[\d]+) \((V0+[\d]+)\)/", $data, $match)) {
$stig = $this->db->get_Stig($match[1], true);
if (is_array($stig) && count($stig) && isset($stig[0]) && is_a($stig[0], 'stig')) {
if (empty($this->plugin->result->stig)) {
$this->plugin->result->stig = $stig[0];
else {
$vms_id = preg_replace("/V0+/", "V-", $match[2]);
$vms = $this->db->get_GoldDisk($vms_id);
if (is_array($vms) && count($vms) && isset($vms[0]) && is_a($vms[0], 'golddisk')) {
$this->plugin->result->stig = $this->db->get_STIG_By_PDI($vms[0]->get_PDI_ID());
$this->plugin->result->short_title = $data;
elseif (preg_match("/(W[WAG][\d]+) \((V0+[\d]+)\)/", $data, $match)) {
$stig = $this->db->get_Stig($match[1], true);
if (is_array($stig) && count($stig) && isset($stig[0]) && is_a($stig[0], 'stig')) {
if (empty($this->plugin->result->stig)) {
$this->plugin->result->stig = $stig[0];
else {
$vms_id = preg_replace("/V0+/", "V-", $match[2]);
$vms = $this->db->get_GoldDisk($vms_id);
if (is_array($vms) && count($vms) && isset($vms[0]) && is_a($vms[0], 'golddisk')) {
$this->plugin->result->stig = $this->db->get_STIG_By_PDI($vms[0]->get_PDI_ID());
$this->plugin->result->short_title = $data;
elseif (preg_match("/(JRE[^ ])/", $data, $match)) {
$stig = $this->db->get_Stig($match[1]);
if (is_array($stig) && count($stig) && isset($stig[0]) && is_a($stig[0], 'stig')) {
if (empty($this->plugin->result->stig)) {
$this->plugin->result->stig = $stig[0];
$this->plugin->result->short_title = $data;
else {
$this->plugin->result->short_title = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cm_compliance_check_id_data($data)
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cm_compliance_reference_data($data)
$match = [];
if (preg_match("/CAT\|([I]+)/", $data, $match)) {
$this->plugin->result->cat = substr_count($match[1], "I");
if (preg_match("/CCI\|([^\,]+)/", $data, $match)) {
$this->plugin->result->cci = $match[1];
if (empty($this->plugin->result->stig)) {
if (preg_match("/STIG\-ID\|([^\,]+)/", $data, $match)) {
$stig = $this->db->get_Stig($match[1]);
if (is_array($stig) && count($stig) && isset($stig[0]) && is_a($stig[0], 'stig')) {
$this->plugin->result->stig = $stig[0];
else {
$this->plugin->result->stig = $match[1];
if (empty($this->plugin->result->sv_rule)) {
if (preg_match("/Rule\-ID\|([^\,]+)/", $data, $match)) {
$sv_rule = $this->db->get_SV_Rule(null, $match[1]);
if (is_array($sv_rule) && count($sv_rule) && isset($sv_rule[0]) && is_a($sv_rule[0], 'sv_rule')) {
$this->plugin->result->sv_rule = $sv_rule[0];
$stig = $this->db->get_STIG_By_PDI($sv_rule[0]->get_PDI_ID());
if (is_a($stig, 'stig')) {
$this->plugin->result->stig = $stig;
if (empty($this->plugin->result->vms)) {
if (preg_match("/Vuln\-ID\|([^\,]+)/", $data, $match)) {
$match[1] = preg_replace("/V0+/", "V-", $match[1]);
$vms = $this->db->get_GoldDisk($match[1]);
if (is_array($vms) && count($vms) && isset($vms[0]) && is_a($vms[0], 'golddisk')) {
$this->plugin->result->vms = $vms[0];
else {
$this->plugin->result->vms = $match[1];
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cm_compliance_see_also_data($data)
if (!empty($this->plugin->see_also)) {
if (!is_array($this->plugin->see_also)) {
$this->plugin->see_also = [0 => $this->plugin->see_also];
else {
$this->plugin->see_also = [];
$this->plugin->see_also = array_merge($this->plugin->see_also, explode(PHP_EOL, $data));
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cm_compliance_solution_data($data)
if (isset($this->plugin->result->solution) && !empty($this->plugin->result->solution)) {
$this->plugin->result->solution .= $data;
elseif (isset($this->plugin->result->solution)) {
$this->plugin->result->solution = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cm_compliance_file_data($data)
$this->plugin->result->file = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cm_compliance_actual_value_data($data)
$this->plugin->result->actual_value = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_cm_compliance_policy_value_data($data)
$this->plugin->result->policy_value = $data;
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_ReportItem_end()
if ($this->skip) {
$this->skip = false;
// add plugin if not present or update if it is.
$note = '';
if (is_a($this->plugin->result, 'compliance') && !empty($this->plugin->result->actual_value)) {
$note = "Expected: {$this->plugin->result->policy_value}\rFound: {$this->plugin->result->actual_value}";
elseif (!empty($this->plugin->result->plugin_output)) {
$note = $this->plugin->result->plugin_output;
else {
$note = "Nessus provided no plugin_output";
$this->log->script_log("ReportItem_end-START: {$this->plugin->id}");
//if($this->debug){$this->log->script_log("All data: ".print_r($this->plugin, true), E_DEBUG);}
$func = null;
$finding = null;
if (function_exists("n{$this->plugin->id}") && is_callable("n{$this->plugin->id}", false, $func)) {
$this->log->script_log("Calling function n{$this->plugin->id}");
$param = [&$this];
call_user_func_array($func, $param);
$this->log->script_log("Returned from calling function: $func");
elseif (in_array($this->plugin->id, [21156, 21157, 33814, 46689, 66756])) {
$this->log->script_log("Starting compliance check", E_DEBUG);
if (is_a($this->plugin->result->stig, "stig")) {
$this->log->script_log("{$this->plugin->id} Processing compliance (" . $this->plugin->result->stig->get_ID() . ")");
$finding = $this->db->get_Finding($this->tgt, $this->plugin->result->stig);
$pdi = $this->db->get_PDI($this->plugin->result->stig->get_PDI_ID());
if (is_array($finding) && count($finding) && isset($finding[0])) {
$finding = $finding[0];
$orig_scan = $this->db->get_ScanData($this->ste_id, $finding->get_Scan_ID())[0];
//$orig_src = $this->db->get_Sources($orig_scan->get_Source_ID());
$finding->set_Finding_Iteration($finding->get_Finding_Iteration() + 1);
if (isset($this->updated_findings[$pdi->get_ID()])) {
$this->updated_findings[$pdi->get_ID()]->get_Finding_Iteration() + 1
else {
$this->updated_findings[$pdi->get_ID()] = $finding;
else {
$tmp = new finding($this->tgt->get_ID(), $this->plugin->result->stig->get_PDI_ID(), $this->scan->get_ID(), $this->plugin->result->status, "[{$this->tgt->get_Name()}]: {$note}", finding::NC, "Nessus", 1);
if (!is_null($pdi)) {
else {
if (isset($this->new_findings[$tmp->get_PDI_ID()])) {
$this->new_findings[$tmp->get_PDI_ID()]->prepend_Notes("[{$this->tgt->get_Name()}]: " . $note);
else {
$this->new_findings[$tmp->get_PDI_ID()] = $tmp;
elseif (is_string($this->plugin->result->stig)) {
// add pdi & stig?
$pdi = new pdi(null, $this->plugin->result->cat, "NOW");
if (!empty($this->plugin->chk)) {
$pdi->set_ID($pdi_id = $this->db->save_PDI($pdi, $this->plugin->chk));
else {
$pdi->set_ID($pdi_id = $this->db->save_PDI($pdi));
$stig = new stig($pdi_id, $this->plugin->result->stig, $this->plugin->desc);
$tmp = new finding($this->tgt->get_ID(), $pdi->get_ID(), $this->scan->get_ID(), $this->plugin->result->status, "[" . $this->tgt->get_Name() . "]: " . $note, finding::NC, "Nessus", 1);
if (isset($this->new_findings[$tmp->get_PDI_ID()])) {
$this->new_findings[$tmp->get_PDI_ID()]->append_Notes(PHP_EOL . "[" . $this->tgt->get_Name() . "]: " . $note);
else {
$this->new_findings[$pdi->get_ID()] = $tmp;
else {
$this->log->script_log("Could not determine STIG ID for {$this->plugin->id}", E_WARNING);
$this->log->script_log("Finished processing compliance");
else {
$this->log->script_log("Performing regular check");
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("{$this->plugin->id}\tPerforming regular check", E_DEBUG);
if ($this->plugin->sev == 0) {
/** @var nessus_result $this->plugin->result */
$finding = $this->db->get_Finding($this->tgt, $this->plugin->db_plugin);
if (is_array($finding) && count($finding)) {
$finding = current($finding);
if (is_a($finding, 'finding')) {
/** @var finding $finding */
$this->log->script_log("Updating finding");
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Finding exists: " . print_r($finding, true), E_DEBUG);
$orig_scan = $this->db->get_ScanData($this->ste_id, $finding->get_Scan_ID());
//$orig_src = $this->db->get_Sources($orig_scan->get_Source()->get_ID());
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Previous scan: " . print_r($orig_scan, true), E_DEBUG);
if (is_array($orig_scan) && count($orig_scan)) {
/** @var scan $orig_scan */
$orig_scan = $orig_scan[0];
$finding->set_Finding_Iteration($finding->get_Finding_Iteration() + 1);
$pdi_id = $finding->get_PDI_ID();
if (isset($this->updated_findings[$pdi_id])) {
else {
$this->updated_findings[$finding->get_PDI_ID()] = $finding;
$this->log->script_log("Finding updated");
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Updated finding: " . print_r($finding, true), E_DEBUG);
else {
$this->log->script_log("Adding new finding");
$tmp = new finding($this->tgt->get_ID(), $this->plugin->db_plugin->get_PDI_ID(), $this->scan->get_ID(), $this->plugin->result->status, $note, finding::NC, "Nessus", 1);
$this->new_findings[$tmp->get_PDI_ID()] = $tmp;
if (isset($this->plugin->refs['cve']) && is_array($this->plugin->refs['cve']) && count($this->plugin->refs['cve'])) {
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Found " . count($this->plugin->refs['cve']) . " CVE references", E_DEBUG);
foreach ($this->plugin->refs['cve'] as $ref) {
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Adding CVE ref $ref to plugin", E_DEBUG);
if (!$this->plugin->db_plugin->ref_Found('cve', $ref)) {
$this->plugin->db_plugin->add_Reference('cve', $ref);
if (isset($this->plugin->refs['bid']) && is_array($this->plugin->refs['bid']) && count($this->plugin->refs['bid'])) {
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Found " . count($this->plugin->refs['bid']) . " BID references", E_DEBUG);
foreach ($this->plugin->refs['bid'] as $ref) {
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Adding BID ref $ref to plugin", E_DEBUG);
if (!$this->plugin->db_plugin->ref_Found('bid', $ref)) {
$this->plugin->db_plugin->add_Reference('bid', $ref);
if (isset($this->plugin->refs['osvdb']) && count($this->plugin->refs['osvdb'])) {
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Found " . count($this->plugin->refs['osvdb']) . " OSVDB references", E_DEBUG);
foreach ($this->plugin->refs['osvdb'] as $ref) {
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Adding OSVDB ref $ref to plugin", E_DEBUG);
if (!$this->plugin->db_plugin->ref_Found('osvdb', $ref)) {
$this->plugin->db_plugin->add_Reference('osvdb', $ref);
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log->script_log("Saving {$this->plugin->db_plugin->get_Nessus_ID()}", E_DEBUG);
$this->log->script_log("Finished processing regular check for plugin " . $this->plugin->id);
// update status
$this->plugin->chk = null;
$this->log->script_log("ReportItem_end-END: " . $this->plugin->id);
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_ReportHost_end()
$this->log->script_log("ReportHost_end-START: {$this->tgt->get_Name()}");
// save findings
$this->db->save_Target($this->tgt, false);
$this->log->script_log("Added finding counts: " . count($this->new_findings) . " for target " . $this->tgt->get_Name());
$this->log->script_log("Updated finding counts: " . count($this->updated_findings) . " for target " . $this->tgt->get_Name());
$this->log->script_log("Starting to add findings for target");
$this->db->add_Findings_By_Target($this->updated_findings, $this->new_findings);
$this->log->script_log("Finished adding findings");
$this->updated_findings = [];
$this->new_findings = [];
$hl = new host_list();
$this->db->update_Running_Scan(basename($this->file), ["name" => "last_host", "value" => $this->tgt->get_Name()]);
$this->log->script_log("End of host " . $this->tgt->get_Name());
$this->log->script_log("ReportHost_end-END: " . $this->tgt->get_Name());
function NessusClientData_v2_Report_end()
$this->log->script_log("Saving host list");
* The details of the target nessus found
class nessus_target
* IP Address of the target
* @var string
var $ip;
* What type of target is this
* @var string
var $type;
* The operating system string
* @var string
var $os_string;
* The OS specifics
* @var software
var $os;
* The login used to access the target
* @var string
var $login;
* The hostname of the target
* @var string
var $hostname;
* The full-qualified domain name
* @var string
var $fqdn;
* The MAC address of the target
* @var string
var $mac;
* Interface used by nessus to access the target
* @var interfaces
var $interface;
* Array of open ports or established connections
* @var array:string
var $netstat = [];
* Array of CPEs found on the target
* @var array:string
var $cpes = [];
* Array of missing patches
* @var array:string
var $missing_patches = [];
* The port info from the finding
class port_info
var $port_num;
var $proto;
var $status;
var $svc_name;
* Specifics of the plugin
class nessus_plugin
* Nessus plugin ID
* @var integer
var $id;
* The nessus object
* @var nessus
var $db_plugin;
* The port number that the nessus plugin is evaulating (not always used)
* @var integer
var $port;
* The name of the plugin
* @var string
var $name;
* The service name
* @var string
var $svc_name;
* The protocol used (TCP/UDP)
* @var string
var $proto;
* The severity of the vulnerability
* @var integer
var $sev;
* The family of vulnerabilities
* @var string
var $family;
* The file name of the nessus plugin (.nasl or .nbin)
* @var string
var $fname;
* The publication date of the plugin
* @var DateTime
var $pub_date;
* The date of last modification of the plugin
* @var DateTime
var $mod_date;
* The description of the plugin
* @var string
var $desc;
* The type of plugin
* @var string
var $type;
* A plugin synopsis
* @var string
var $synopsis;
* The published solution to fix the vulnerability
* @var string
var $solution;
* Certain risk factors of the vulnerability
* @var string
var $risk_factor;
* The version of the plugin script
* @var float
var $script_ver;
* A link to more details for the plugin and vulnerability
* @var string
var $see_also;
* Array of references for the plugin
* @var array
var $refs = [];
* The results of the checklist
* @var nessus_result|compliance
var $result;
* The checklists associated with this plugin
* @var array:checklist
var $chk;
* The base CVSS score
* @var float
var $cvss_base;
* The calculated CVSS score
* @var float
var $cvss_vector;
* The results of the nessus plugin
class nessus_result
* The overall status of the vulnerability
* @var string
var $status;
* Should the status be overridden
* @var boolean
var $status_override = false;
* The plugin output contents
* @var string
var $plugin_output;
* The notes contents
* @var string
var $notes;
* The short title
* @var string
var $short_title;
* The category/severity of vulnerability
* @var string
var $cat;
* Constructor
function __construct()
$this->status = 'Not Reviewed';
$this->plugin_output = '';
* Specifics if this is a compliance scan
class compliance extends nessus_result
* The STIG id of the finding
* @var string
var $stig;
* The SV Rule of the finding
* @var string
var $sv_rule;
* The VMS ID of the finding
* @var string
var $vms;
* The checklist
* @var checklist
var $checklist;
* The description of the finding
* @var string
var $desc;
* The check contents of the finding
* @var string
var $check_content;
* The CCE ID of the finding
* @var string
var $cce;
* The available OVAL ID
* @var string
var $oval_id;
* The DISA IA control under DIACAP
* @var string
var $ia_controls;
* The audit file used to find this vulnerability
* @var string
var $audit_file;
* The CCI ID of the finding (if applicable)
* @var string
var $cci;
* How to fix the finding and bring it into compliance
* @var string
var $solution;
* @var string
var $file;
* What the actual value of the setting is
* @var string
var $actual_value;
* What the STIG policy says the value is supposed to be
* @var string
var $policy_value;
$xml = new nessus_parser($conf['ste'], $cmd['f']);
$xml->debug = (isset($cmd['debug']) || LOG_LEVEL == E_DEBUG ? true : false);
//Enter xml code here
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10107
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10107(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10144
* @todo fix
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10144(&$parser)
$match = [];
$ver = '0';
if (preg_match("/([\d\.?]+)/", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $match)) {
$ver = $match[1];
/* @TODO - FIX! */
//$sw = software::toSoftwareFromArray(array('man'=>'microsoft','name'=>'sql server','ver'=>$ver,'type'=>false));
$sw = $parser->db->get_Software("cpe:/a:microsoft:sql_server:$ver");
if (is_array($sw) && count($sw)) {
$sw = $sw[0];
else {
//$sw = software::toSoftwareFromArray(array('man'=>'microsoft','name'=>'sql server','ver'=>$ver,'type'=>false));
$sw_id = $parser->db->save_Software("cpe:/a:microsoft:sql_server:$ver");
$parser->tgt->software[] = $sw;
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10158
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10158(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10185
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10185(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10264
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10264(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10267
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10267(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10287
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10287(&$parser)
if (!empty($parser->host->ip)) {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10395
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10395(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Shares()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Shares($parser->tgt->get_Shares() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10396
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10396(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Shares()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Shares($parser->tgt->get_Shares() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10437
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10437(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Shares()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Shares($parser->tgt->get_Shares() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10456
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10456(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Services()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Services($parser->tgt->get_Services() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10546
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10546(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_User_List()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_User_List($parser->tgt->get_User_List() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10547
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10547(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Services()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Services($parser->tgt->get_Services() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10550
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10550(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Process_List()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Process_List($parser->tgt->get_Process_List() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10551
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10551(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10736
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10736(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10800
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10800(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10874
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10874(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10884
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10884(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10902
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10902(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_User_List()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_User_List($parser->tgt->get_User_List() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10904
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10904(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_User_List()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_User_List($parser->tgt->get_User_List() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10905
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10905(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_User_List()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_User_List($parser->tgt->get_User_List() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10906
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10906(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_User_List()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_User_List($parser->tgt->get_User_List() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10913
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10913(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Disabled_Accts()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Disabled_Accts($parser->tgt->get_Disabled_Accts() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10914
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10914(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Stag_Pwds()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Stag_Pwds($parser->tgt->get_Stag_Pwds() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10915
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10915(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Never_Logged_In()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Never_Logged_In($parser->tgt->get_Never_Logged_In() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 10916
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n10916(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Pwds_Never_Expire()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Pwds_Never_Expire($parser->tgt->get_Pwds_Never_Expire() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 11111
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n11111(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 11219
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n11219(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 11777
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n11777(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 12634
* @todo finish
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n12634(&$parser)
$os = $parser->db->get_Software($parser->tgt->get_OS_ID());
if (!empty($os)) {
$os = $os[0];
else {
// parse results and put in proper place
//if($os->get_SP() != $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
* Function to parse the content of plugin 19506
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n19506(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 19763
* @todo finish
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n19763(&$parser)
$sw_arr = explode("\n", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
foreach ($sw_arr as $key => $sw) {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 20094
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n20094(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 20148
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n20148(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 20811
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n20811(&$parser)
$sw_arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
$ms_regex = $parser->db->get_Regex_Array("ms");
for ($x = 3; $x < count($sw_arr) - 1; $x++) {
if (empty($sw_arr[$x])) {
$x = count($sw_arr);
if (preg_match("/outlook web access|security update|nvidia|visio viewer/i", $sw_arr[$x])) {
//$sw = what_software($sw_arr[$x]);
$sw = software::identify_Software($ms_regex, $sw_arr[$x], true);
if ($parser->debug) {
$parser->log->script_log("Identified {$sw_arr[0]} as " . print_r($sw, true), E_DEBUG);
if (count($sw)) {
$sw = $sw[0];
$db_sw = $parser->db->get_Software($sw->get_CPE());
if (count($db_sw)) {
if (!in_array($db_sw[0], $parser->tgt->software)) {
if ($parser->debug) {
$parser->log->script_log("Adding {$db_sw[0]->get_Name()} to {$parser->tgt->get_Name()}", E_DEBUG);
$parser->tgt->software[] = $db_sw[0];
* Function to parse the content of plugin 21745
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n21745(&$parser)
$parser->host_scan_error = true;
$parser->host_scan_notes = "Authentication failure: " . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output;
//$parser->tgt->set_Notes("Authentication failure: " . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
* Function to parse the content of plugin 22869
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n22869(&$parser)
$sw_arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
$nix_regex = $parser->db->get_Regex_Array("nix");
for ($x = 3; $x < count($sw_arr) - 1; $x++) {
//$sw = what_software($sw_arr[$x]);
$sw = software::identify_Software($nix_regex, $sw_arr[$x], true);
if (is_array($sw) && count($sw)) {
$sw = $sw[0];
$db_sw = $parser->db->get_Software($sw->get_CPE());
if (is_array($db_sw) && count($db_sw)) {
if (!in_array($db_sw[0], $parser->tgt->software)) {
$parser->tgt->software[] = $db_sw[0];
* Function to parse the content of plugin 22964
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n22964(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 24260
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n24260(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 24270
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n24270(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_System()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_System($parser->tgt->get_System() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 24272
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n24272(&$parser)
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
$name = '';
$mac = '';
$ipv4 = '';
$ipv6 = '';
$match = [];
foreach ($arr as $line) {
if (preg_match("/Routing Information/i", $line)) {
switch ($line) {
case (preg_match("/Network Interface Information/i", $line) ? true : false):
if ($name && $mac && $ipv4) {
if (!isset($parser->tgt->interfaces[$ipv4])) {
$parser->tgt->interfaces[$ipv4] = new interfaces(null, $parser->tgt->get_ID(), $name, $ipv4, null, $parser->host->hostname, $parser->host->fqdn, null);
if ($name && $mac && $ipv6) {
if (!isset($parser->tgt->interfaces[$ipv6])) {
$parser->tgt->interfaces[$ipv6] = new interfaces(null, $parser->tgt->get_ID(), $name, null, $ipv6, $parser->host->hostname, $parser->host->fqdn, null);
$name = '';
$mac = '';
$ipv4 = '';
$ipv6 = '';
case (preg_match("/Network Interface \= (.*)/i", $line, $match) ? true : false):
$name = $match[1];
case (preg_match("/MAC Address \= ([\d\:]+)/i", $line, $match) ? true : false):
$mac = $match[1];
case (preg_match("/IPAddress\/IPSubnet \= ([\d\.]+)\/([\d\.]+)/i", $line, $match) ? true : false):
$ipv4 = $match[1];
case (preg_match("/IPAddress\/IPSubnet \= ([a-f\d\:]+)\/([\d]+)/i", $line, $match) ? true : false):
$ipv6 = $match[1];
* Function to parse the content of plugin 24745
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n24745(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Notes())) {
$parser->tgt->set_Notes($parser->plugin->synopsis . PHP_EOL . $parser->tgt->get_Notes());
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 25202
* @todo finish
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n25202(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 25203
* @todo finish
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n25203(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 25221
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n25221(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Process_List()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Process_List($parser->tgt->get_Process_List() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 26921
* @todo finish
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n26921(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 29217
* @todo finish
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n29217(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 34022
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n34022(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Routes()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Routes($parser->tgt->get_Routes() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 34096
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n34096(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_BIOS()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_BIOS($parser->tgt->get_BIOS() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 34098
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n34098(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_BIOS()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_BIOS($parser->tgt->get_BIOS() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 34252
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n34252(&$parser)
$match = [];
if (preg_match("/\(pid ([\d]+)\)/", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $match)) {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 35296
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n35296(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 35716
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n35716(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 38153
* @param nessus_parser $parser
* @todo - fix
function n38153(&$parser)
$parser->tgt->set_Missing_Patches($parser->tgt->get_Missing_Patches() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
* Main section removed because it takes entirely too long. Need to revise operation after release
$match = [];
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
for ($x = 2; $x < count($lines) - 1; $x++) {
if (preg_match("/ \- ([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)/i", $lines[$x], $match)) {
$iavm = $parser->db->get_IAVM_From_External($match[1]);
if (!empty($iavm)) {
// add finding
else {
$cve = $parser->db->get_CVE_From_External($match[1]);
if (!empty($cve)) {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 38689
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n38689(&$parser)
$match = [];
if (preg_match("/Last Successful logon \: (.*)\n/i", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $match)) {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 40448
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n40448(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 41028
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n41028(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 42799
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n42799(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 43069
* @todo finish
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n43069(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 43111
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n43111(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 44401
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n44401(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Services()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Services($parser->tgt->get_Services() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 45590
* @todo loop through to get better resolution on installed software once CPE's are running
* Partially complete
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n45590(&$parser)
// this is a duplicate of the <tag name="cpe-\d"> in the host properties section, may remove since parsing CPE in host properties
$match = [];
if (preg_match("/(cpe\:\/o[^\s]+)/", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $match)) {
$os_cpe = $match[1];
$os = $parser->db->get_Software($os_cpe, true);
if (is_array($os) && count($os)) {
if ($os[0]->get_ID() != $parser->tgt->get_OS_ID()) {
$parser->log->script_log("Enhancing OS detection with " . $os[0]->get_Man() . " " . $os[0]->get_Name() . " " . $os[0]->get_Version);
$cpes = explode(PHP_EOL, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
$cpes = array_values(preg_grep("/cpe\:\/a/i", $cpes));
if (is_array($cpes) && count($cpes)) {
foreach ($cpes as $cpe) {
$cpe = preg_replace("/(cpe\:[^\s]+)/", "$1", $cpe);
$sw = $parser->db->get_Software($cpe, true);
if (is_array($sw) && count($sw)) {
if (!in_array($sw[0], $parser->tgt->software)) {
$parser->tgt->software[] = $sw[0];
$parser->log->script_log("Adding software " . $sw[0]->get_Man() . " " . $sw[0]->get_Name() . " " . $sw[0]->get_Version());
* Function to parse the content of plugin 46742
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n46742(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 48337
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n48337(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_System()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_System($parser->tgt->get_System() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 48942
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n48942(&$parser)
$match = [];
$ver = '';
$arch = '';
if (preg_match("/Operating System Version \= ([\d\.]+)/", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $match)) {
$ver = $match[1];
if (preg_match("/Architecture \= ([x\d]+)/", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $match)) {
$arch = $match[1];
// @todo Add fidelity to CPE if available
* Function to parse the content of plugin 52001
* @todo finish
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n52001(&$parser)
$match = [];
if (preg_match("/\+ KB([\d]+)/", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $match)) {
$iavm = $parser->db->get_IAVM_From_External("KB" . $match[1]);
if (!empty($iavm)) {
// add finding
else {
$cve = $parser->db->get_CVE_From_External("KB" . $match[1]);
if (!empty($cve)) {
// get linked IAVM and add finding if available
* Function to parse the content of plugin 52459
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n52459(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 53360
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n53360(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 56310
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n56310(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Firewall_Config()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Firewall_Config($parser->tgt->get_Firewall_Config() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 56468
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n56468(&$parser)
$match = [];
if (preg_match("/([\d]{14}[\d\.\-]+)/", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $match)) {
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat("YmdHis.uO", $match[1]);
elseif (preg_match("/^\n reboot system boot [\d\.\-a-z]+ (.*) \-.* $/m", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $match)) {
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat("D M j H:i", $match[1]);
elseif (preg_match("/^\n\s+reboot\s+system boot\s+(.*) $/", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $match)) {
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat("D M j H:i", $match[1]);
* Function to parse the content of plugin 58452
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n58452(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 58651
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n58651(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 63080
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n63080(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Mounted()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Mounted($parser->tgt->get_Mounted() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 63620
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n63620(&$parser)
$match = [];
if (preg_match("/Product key \: (.*)/", $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $match)) {
// @todo going to have to redo this and assign software per host and add product key to that
* Function to parse the content of plugin 66334
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n66334(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70329
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70329(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Process_List()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Process_List($parser->tgt->get_Process_List() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70330
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70330(&$parser)
if (empty($parser->tgt)) {
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Process_List()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Process_List($parser->tgt->get_Process_List() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70613
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70613(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70615
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70615(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70616
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70616(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70917
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70617(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70618
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70618(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70619
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70619(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70620
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70620(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70621
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70621(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70622
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70622(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70623
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70623(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70624
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70624(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70625
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70625(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70626
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70626(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70628
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70628(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70629
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70629(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70630
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70630(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70657
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70657(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70658
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70658(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 70918
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n70918(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_Autorun()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_Autorun($parser->tgt->get_Autorun() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 71049
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n71049(&$parser)
* Function to parse the content of plugin 71246
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n71246(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_User_List()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_User_List($parser->tgt->get_User_List() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Function to parse the content of plugin 72684
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function n72684(&$parser)
if (strlen($parser->tgt->get_User_List()) > 0) {
$parser->tgt->set_User_List($parser->tgt->get_User_List() . PHP_EOL . $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
* Generic function to update the port notes
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function update_Port_Notes(&$parser)
if (empty($parser->host->ip)) {
if ($parser->plugin->proto == 'tcp') {
if (isset($parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip])) {
if ($port = $parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip]->get_TCP_Port_By_Port_Number($parser->plugin->port)) {
else {
$port = new tcp_ports(null, $parser->plugin->port, $parser->plugin->svc_name, null, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
$parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip] = new interfaces(null, $parser->tgt->get_ID(), null, $parser->host->ip, null, $parser->host->hostname, $parser->host->fqdn, null);
$port = new tcp_ports(null, $parser->plugin->port, $parser->plugin->svc_name, null, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
if (isset($parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip])) {
if ($port = $parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip]->get_UDP_Port_By_Port_Number($parser->plugin->port)) {
else {
$port = new udp_ports(null, $parser->plugin->port, $parser->plugin->svc_name, null, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
else {
$parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip] = new interfaces(null, $parser->tgt->get_ID(), null, $parser->host->ip, null, $parser->host->hostname, $parser->host->fqdn, null);
$port = new udp_ports(null, $parser->plugin->port, $parser->plugin->svc_name, null, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output);
* Generic function to update the port banner
* @param nessus_parser $parser
function update_Port_Banner(&$parser)
if (empty($parser->host->ip)) {
if ($parser->plugin->proto == 'tcp') {
if (isset($parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip])) {
if ($port = $parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip]->get_TCP_Port_By_Port_Number($parser->plugin->port)) {
else {
$port = new tcp_ports(null, $parser->plugin->port, $parser->plugin->svc_name, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $parser->plugin->solution);
else {
$parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip] = new interfaces(null, $parser->tgt->get_ID(), null, $parser->host->ip, null, $parser->host->hostname, $parser->host->fqdn, null);
$port = new tcp_ports(null, $parser->plugin->port, $parser->plugin->svc_name, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $parser->plugin->solution);
else {
if (isset($parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip])) {
if ($port = $parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip]->get_UDP_Port_By_Port_Number($parser->plugin->port)) {
else {
$port = new udp_ports(null, $parser->plugin->port, $parser->plugin->svc_name, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $parser->plugin->solution);
else {
$parser->tgt->interfaces[$parser->host->ip] = new interfaces(null, $parser->tgt->get_ID(), null, $parser->host->ip, null, $parser->host->hostname, $parser->host->fqdn, null);
$port = new udp_ports(null, $parser->plugin->port, $parser->plugin->svc_name, $parser->plugin->result->plugin_output, $parser->plugin->solution);
* Function to print the usage statement to the command-line
function usage()
print <<<EOO
Purpose: To import a Nessus result file
Usage: php parse_nessus.php -s={ST&E ID} -f={Nessus result file} -d={document root} [--debug] [--help]
-s={ST&E ID} The ST&E ID this result file is being imported for
-f={Nessus file} The result file to import
-d={document root} The document root of the web server
--debug Debugging output
--help This screen