Added include for autoload in (bug #7) Removed a few unnecessary variables
740 lines
28 KiB
740 lines
28 KiB
* File: update_db.php
* Purpose: Script to download updated versions of the online files and update the database
* Author: Ryan Prather
* Created: Jan 5, 2015
* Portions Copyright 2016-2018: Cyber Perspectives, LLC, All rights reserved
* Released under the Apache v2.0 License
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Salient Federal Solutions
* Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
* Released under Modified BSD License
* See license.txt for details
* Change Log:
* - Jan 5, 2015 - File Created
* - Sep 1, 2016 - Copyright Updated and added file header
* - Oct 24, 2016 - Added check for presence of /tmp/cce, /tmp/cve, & /tmp/cpe directories before downloading
* - Nov 9, 2016 - Added command line parameters for each of the update types (CVE, CPE, CCE),
* Added detection if the file from same day already exists, added "download only" option,
* Added mkdir if temporary directories don't exist, added usage output,
* Changed URL for CCE and CPE to HTTPS paths
* - Nov 21, 2016 - Cleaned up code a little and added 3 second sleep between commands so user can see results
* - Dec 7, 2016 - Changed PHP constant to PHP_BIN
* - Jan 30, 2017 - Updated to parse Nessus NASL plugin update file
* - Jan 31, 2017 - Completed NASL plugin parsing
* - Feb 15, 2017 - Completed adding STIG download and update, added parse only (po) flag for offline systems,
* Added ping method to check for connection to internet. Added url_exists method to check for presence of file before attempting to download.
* - Feb 21, 2017 - Extended output for nasl on Windows hosts, store existing plugins in memory to speed up processing,
* Delete files if there are parsing errors, added --delete flag when parsing stigs,
* Added check to see if STIG file has been downloaded already today
* - Mar 3, 2017 - Fixed output of tar command like Jeff suggested, and clarified -u parameter
* - Mar 8, 2017 - Added check for presence of downloaded files before attempting to parse
* - Mar 13, 2017 - Cleaned up downloads of STIG compilation file, added check for * file
* - Mar 17, 2017 - Added check for previous STIG file that contains '_v2' at the end of the file,
* Added check for any other *.zip files in the /tmp folder just in case user only wants to upgrade FOUO files or individual XML files
* - Mar 20, 2017 - Added check for previous STIG that includes '_v2' at end of filename, and added checks to fix issues when FOUO file is present
* - Mar 22, 2017 - Added check for extracted STIG files in /tmp/stig/xml/*.xml
* - Apr 5, 2017 - Added check for previous STIG compilation_v2, so will now check for 4 different naming possibilities,
* Extended TIME_WAIT ports to 2000, started time totaling process
* - Apr 7, 2017 - Fixed typo in printed tar command
* - May 13, 2017 - Clarified if it cannot access the internet instead of "cannot connect to server"
* Fixed confusion with Cygwin and Bash on Windows paths
* - Jun 27, 2017 - Matt Shuter: Fixed bug #262 & #270
* - Dec 27, 2017 - Added database field and download progress flag
* - Apr 29, 2018 - Added extract parameter to only extract nasl archive file, fixed a couple bugs
* - May 10, 2018 - Removed ping of, and added 'po' and 'do' parameters for NVD CVE
* - Jun 5, 2018 - Fixed a couple setting updates
include_once '';
include_once '';
include_once '';
include_once '';
include_once 'DateTimeDiff.php';
include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
$current_date = new DateTime();
$total_time = null;
$total_diff = 0;
$summary_stats = [];
$cmd = getopt("h::u::p::", ['cpe::', 'cce::', 'cve::', 'nvd::', 'nasl::', 'stig::', 'do::', 'po::', 'help::', 'debug::', 'extract::', 'exclude::']);
$db = new db();
$diff = new DateTimeDiff();
$log_level = Logger::ERROR;
switch (LOG_LEVEL) {
$log_level = Logger::WARNING;
case E_NOTICE:
$log_level = Logger::NOTICE;
case E_DEBUG:
$log_level = Logger::DEBUG;
if (isset($cmd['debug']) && $cmd['debug']) {
$log_level = Logger::DEBUG;
$stream = new StreamHandler("php://output", $log_level);
$stream->setFormatter(new LineFormatter("%datetime% %level_name% %message%" . PHP_EOL, "H:i:s.u"));
$log = new Logger("update_db");
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(LOG_PATH . "/update_db.log", $log_level));
if (isset($cmd['h'], $cmd['help']) ||
(!isset($cmd['cpe']) && !isset($cmd['cve']) && !isset($cmd['nasl']) && !isset($cmd['stig']) && !isset($cmd['nvd']))) {
if (isset($cmd['do']) || !isset($cmd['po'])) {
if (!ping("")) {
$log->emergency("Cannot connect to internet");
* Update CPE content downloaded from NIST
if (isset($cmd['cpe'])) {
'cpe-dl-progress' => 0,
'cpe-progress' => 0,
'cpe-count' => 0
$path = TMP . "/cpe";
if (isset($cmd['p']) && $cmd['p']) {
$path = $cmd['p'];
print "Started CPE ingestion ({$diff->getStartClockTime()})" . PHP_EOL;
// search for an unzip any zip files in the tmp directory
$zip_files = glob("{$path}/*cpe-dictionary*.zip");
if (count($zip_files)) {
$log->debug("Found a existing file, unzipping then parsing");
$zip = new ZipArchive();
foreach ($zip_files as $file) {
$log->debug("Unzipping {$file}");
// search for any existing cpe-dictionary files in the /tmp directory
$tmp_files = glob(TMP . "/*cpe-dictionary*.xml");
if (count($tmp_files)) {
$log->debug("Found existing cpe-dictionary.xml file in TMP folder, moving to TMP/cpe then processing");
foreach ($tmp_files as $fname) {
$name = basename($fname);
if ($name == 'official-cpe-dictionary_v2.3.xml') {
$name = "cpe-dictionary-{$diff->getStartClock()->format("Ymd")}.xml";
rename($fname, "{$path}/{$name}");
$cpe_fname = realpath($path) . "/cpe-dictionary-{$current_date->format('Ymd')}.xml";
$cpe_url = "";
$cpe_parse_fname = null;
// download the file if the do flag is used even if it already exists
if (isset($cmd['do']) && !isset($cmd['po'])) {
download_file($cpe_url, $cpe_fname, $db->help, 'cpe-dl-progress');
// download the file only if it doesn't exist
elseif (!file_exists($cpe_fname) && !isset($cmd['po'])) {
download_file($cpe_url, $cpe_fname, $db->help, 'cpe-dl-progress');
elseif (!isset($cmd['po'])) {
$log->error("Could not connect to to download the CPE library");
$dt = new DateTime();
if (!isset($cmd['do']) || isset($cmd['po'])) {
$cpe_files = glob("{$path}/*cpe-dictionary*.xml");
rsort($cpe_files, SORT_NATURAL);
if (count($cpe_files)) {
$match = [];
if (preg_match("/cpe\-dictionary\-([\d]+)\.xml/", $cpe_files[0], $match)) {
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd", $match[1]);
$seven_days_old = new DateTime();
$seven_days_old->sub(DateInterval::createFromDateString("7 days"));
if ($dt < $seven_days_old) {
$log->warning("The file that is being ingested is more than 7 days old ({$dt->format('Y-m-d')})");
$cpe_parse_fname = $cpe_files[0];
else {
$log->warning("Don't know when the file was downloaded, but parsing it anyway");
$cpe_parse_fname = $cpe_files[0];
if (is_null($cpe_parse_fname)) {
$log->warning("Could not find a CPE file to parse");
$script = realpath(defined('PHP_BIN') ? PHP_BIN : PHP) .
" -c " . realpath(PHP_CONF) .
" -f " . realpath(DOC_ROOT . "/exec/parse_cpe.php") . " --" .
" -f=\"" . realpath($cpe_parse_fname) . "\"" .
" -d=\"{$dt->format("Y-m-d")}\"";
$log->debug("Running CPE parsing script on file: $cpe_parse_fname");
$cpe_count = $db->help->execute();
$db->set_Setting("cpe-count", $cpe_count);
print PHP_EOL . "Finished at {$diff->getEndClockTime()}" . PHP_EOL .
"Total time: {$diff->getDiffString()}" . PHP_EOL;
* Update CVE content
if (isset($cmd['cve'])) {
'nvd-cve-dl-progress' => 0,
'nvd-cve-progress' => 0,
'nvd-cve-count' => 0,
'cve-dl-progress' => 0,
'cve-progress' => 0,
'cve-count' => 0
$path = TMP . "/cve";
if (isset($cmd['p']) && $cmd['p']) {
$path = $cmd['p'];
print "Started CVE ingestion {$diff->getStartClockTime()}" . PHP_EOL;
$cve_files = glob(TMP . "/allitems.xml");
if (count($cve_files)) {
foreach ($cve_files as $file) {
rename($file, "{$path}/cve-all-{$diff->getStartClock()->format("Ymd")}.xml");
$tmp_files = glob("{$path}/cve*.xml");
if (count($tmp_files)) {
foreach ($tmp_files as $fname) {
rename($fname, "{$path}/" . basename($fname));
$cve_fname = realpath($path) . "/cve-all-{$current_date->format('Ymd')}.xml";
$cve_url = "";
$cve_parse_fname = null;
if (isset($cmd['do']) && !isset($cmd['po'])) {
download_file($cve_url, $cve_fname, $db->help, 'cve-dl-progress');
elseif (!file_exists($cve_fname) && !isset($cmd['po'])) {
download_file($cve_url, $cve_fname, $db->help, 'cve-dl-progress');
elseif (!isset($cmd['po'])) {
Sagacity_Error::err_handler("Could not connect to to download the CVE library", E_ERROR);
if (!isset($cmd['do']) || isset($cmd['po'])) {
$cve_files = glob("{$path}/cve-all-*.xml");
rsort($cve_files, SORT_NATURAL);
if (count($cve_files)) {
$match = [];
if (preg_match("/cve\-all\-([\d]+)\.xml/", $cve_files[0], $match)) {
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat("Ymd", $match[1]);
$seven_days_old = new DateTime();
$seven_days_old->sub(DateInterval::createFromDateString("7 days"));
if ($dt < $seven_days_old) {
$log->warning("The CVE file that is being ingested is more than 7 days old ({$dt->format('Y-m-d')})");
$cve_parse_fname = $cve_files[0];
if (is_null($cve_parse_fname)) {
$log->error("Could not find a CVE file to parse");
$script = realpath(defined('PHP_BIN') ? PHP_BIN : PHP) .
" -c " . realpath(PHP_CONF) .
" -f " . realpath(DOC_ROOT . "/exec/parse_cve.php") . " --" .
" -f=\"" . realpath($cve_parse_fname) . "\"" .
" -d=\"{$dt->format("Y-m-d")}\"";
$log->debug("Script to run $script");
$cve_count = $db->help->execute();
'cve-dl-progress' => 100,
'cve-progress' => 100,
'cve-count' => $cve_count,
'cve-load-date' => new DateTime(),
'nvd-cve-dl-progress' => 100,
'nvd-cve-progress' => 100,
'nvd-cve-count' => $cve_count,
'nvd-cve-load-date' => new DateTime()
print "Finished at {$diff->getEndClockTime()}" . PHP_EOL .
"Total Time: {$diff->getDiffString()}" . PHP_EOL;
* Update to NVD CVE content
if (isset($cmd['nvd'])) {
'nvd-cve-dl-progress' => 0,
'nvd-cve-progress' => 0,
'nvd-cve-count' => 0,
'cve-dl-progress' => 0,
'cve-progress' => 0,
'cve-count' => 0
$path = TMP . "/nvd";
if (isset($cmd['p']) && $cmd['p']) {
$path = $cmd['p'];
print "Started NVD CVE ingestion ({$diff->getStartClockTime()})" . PHP_EOL;
$nvd_years = [];
for ($x = 2002; $x <= $diff->getStartClock()->format("Y"); $x++) {
$nvd_years[] = $x;
if (isset($cmd['do']) || !isset($cmd['po'])) {
$too_old = new DateTime();
$too_old->sub(DateInterval::createFromDateString("7 days"));
$load_date = new DateTime($db->get_Settings("nvd-cve-load-date"));
if ($load_date < $too_old) {
// More than 7 days old so have to do a full load
foreach ($nvd_years as $x => $yr) {
$db->set_Setting('nvd-year', $yr);
$db->set_Setting('nvd-cve-dl-progress', (($x + 1) / count($nvd_years)) * 100);
download_file("{$yr}", TMP . "/nvd/nvdcve-{$yr}");
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$zip->open(TMP . "/nvd/nvdcve-{$yr}");
$zip->extractTo(TMP . "/nvd");
unlink(TMP . "/nvd/nvdcve-{$yr}");
else {
$db->set_Setting('nvd-year', 'modified');
download_file("", TMP . "/nvd/", $db->help, 'nvd-cve-dl-progress');
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$zip->open(TMP . "/nvd/");
$zip->extractTo(TMP . "/nvd");
unlink(TMP . "/nvd/");
$db->set_Setting('nvd-year', 'recent');
download_file("", TMP . "/nvd/", $db->help, 'nvd-cve-dl-progress');
$zip->open(TMP . "/nvd/");
$zip->extractTo(TMP . "/nvd");
unlink(TMP . "/nvd/");
chdir(DOC_ROOT . "/exec");
if (isset($cmd['po']) || !isset($cmd['do'])) {
$json_files = glob(TMP . "/nvd/*.json");
foreach ($json_files as $x => $j) {
$match = [];
if (preg_match("/(\d{4}|recent|modified)/", basename($j), $match)) {
$db->set_Setting('nvd-year', $match[1]);
else {
$db->set_Setting('nvd-year', null);
$script = realpath(defined('PHP_BIN') ? PHP_BIN : PHP) .
" -c " . realpath(PHP_CONF) .
" -f " . realpath(DOC_ROOT . "/exec/parse_nvd_json_cve.php") . " --" .
" -f=\"" . realpath($j) . "\"";
$log->debug("Running NVD CVE parsing script on file: $j");
$db->set_Setting('nvd-cve-progress', (($x + 1) / count($json_files)) * 100);
$nvd_count = $db->help->execute();
print "Finished at {$diff->getEndClockTime()}" . PHP_EOL .
"Total time {$diff->getTotalDiffString()}" . PHP_EOL;
'nvd-cve-load-date' => $diff->getEndClock()->format(MYSQL_DT_FORMAT),
'nvd-cve-count' => $nvd_count,
'nvd-cve-progress' => 100,
'nvd-cve-dl-progress' => 100,
'nvd-year' => null,
'cve-load-date' => $diff->getEndClock()->format(MYSQL_DT_FORMAT),
'cve-count' => $nvd_count,
'cve-progress' => 100,
'cve-dl-progress' => 100
* Update CCE content
if (isset($cmd['cce'])) {
check_path(TMP . "/cce");
$cce_fname = TMP . "/cce/cce-all-20130214.xml";
if (!file_exists($cce_fname) && ping("") && !isset($cmd['po'])) {
download_file("", $cce_fname);
if (!isset($cmd['do']) || isset($cmd['po'])) {
* Parse NASL content from NVT and/or Nessus
if (isset($cmd['nasl'])) {
'nasl-dl-progress' => 0,
'nasl-progress' => 0,
'nasl-count' => 0
// Capture start time for performance monitoring
print "Started NASL ingestion ({$diff->getStartClockTime()})" . PHP_EOL;
// Generate a unique filename for the OpenVAS feed archive using the current date
$nasl_fname = TMP . "/nessus_plugins/nasl_plugins-{$current_date->format("Ymd")}.tar.bz2";
// Download OpenVAS feed if a) it doesn't exist, b) can reach, and c) parse only flag not set
if (!file_exists($nasl_fname) && ping("") && !isset($cmd['po'])) {
$log->debug("Downloading new NASL library");
download_file("", $nasl_fname, $db->help, 'nasl-dl-progress');
// Can only extract .tar.bz2 files on Linux so...
if (!isset($cmd['do']) || isset($cmd['po'])) {
if (file_exists($nasl_fname)) {
if (substr(strtolower(PHP_OS), 0, 3) == 'lin') {
$log->debug("Extracting NASL files from archive");
passthru("tar xvf $nasl_fname -C " . realpath(TMP . "/nessus_plugins") .
" --wildcards --transform='s/.*\///' '*.nasl'");
if (isset($cmd['extract'])) {
print "Completed extracting files from archive" . PHP_EOL;
if (isset($cmd['extract'])) {
// ...if there are no .nasl files in the directory, die and give instructions for unzipping in Windows
$files = glob(TMP . "/nessus_plugins/*.nasl");
if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'win') {
if (file_exists(getenv("%ProgramData%") . "/Tenable/Nessus/nessus/plugins")) {
$log->debug("Importing local Nessus plugin files");
$files = array_merge($files, glob(getenv("%ProgramData%") . "/Tenable/Nessus/nessus/plugins/*.nasl"));
elseif (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'lin') {
if (file_exists("/opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins") && is_readable("/opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins")) {
$log->debug("Importing local Nessus plugin files");
$files = array_merge($files, glob("/opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins/*.nasl"));
if (file_exists("/opt/sc/data/nasl") && is_readable("/opt/sc/data/nasl")) {
$log->debug("Importing local Nessus plugin files");
$files = array_merge($files, glob("/opt/sc/data/nasl/*.nasl"));
$files = array_unique($files);
if (!($file_count = count($files))) {
$log->emergency("Downloaded the OpenVAS NVT plugin repository, please extract *.nasl files to " . realpath(TMP . "/nessus_plugins") . PHP_EOL .
"If you have Bash on Windows ({path} = /mnt/c/xampp/www) or Cygwin ({path} = /cygdrive/c/xampp/www) installed you can run the following command on the downloaded file tweaking the paths" . PHP_EOL .
"tar xvf {path}/tmp/nessus_plugins/" . basename($nasl_fname) . " -C {path}/tmp/nessus_plugins --wildcards --transform='s/.*\///' '*.nasl'" . PHP_EOL);
// Report how many NASL files were found in the directory
print "Found {$file_count} NASL files" . PHP_EOL . "Started at {$diff->getStartClockTime()}" . PHP_EOL;
// Query database to build an array of existing plugins to compare against on import
$existing_plugins = [];
$db->help->select("nessus_plugins", ['plugin_id', 'file_date']);
$rows = $db->help->execute();
if (is_array($rows) && count($rows)) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$existing_plugins[$row['plugin_id']] = DateTime::createFromFormat("U", $row['file_date']);
$log->debug("Count of existing plugins " . count($existing_plugins));
// Sort the files and loop over them
foreach ($files as $file) {
// Read the current NASL file into a nasl object
$nasl = new nasl($file);
// calculate percent complete
$comp = number_format(($total_complete / $file_count) * 100, 2);
print "\r{$comp}%";
$log->debug("Parsing {$file} ({$comp}%)");
// If no plugin ID, delete file and continue to the next plugin
if (!isset($nasl->id)) {
$log->warning("Could not locate an ID in the plugin, skipping");
// Only process if plugin doesn't already exist or has an older last_modificaiton date
if (!isset($existing_plugins[$nasl->id]) ||
(isset($nasl->last_modification) && $existing_plugins[$nasl->id] > $nasl->last_modification)) {
$log->info("Updating plugin {$nasl->id}");
// define command line to call script to parse the file
$script = realpath(defined('PHP_BIN') ? PHP_BIN : PHP) .
" -c " . realpath(PHP_CONF) .
" -f " . realpath(DOC_ROOT . "/exec/nessus-plugin-to-database.php") . " --" .
" -f=\"{$file}\"";
$threads[] = new \Cocur\BackgroundProcess\BackgroundProcess($script);
if($total_complete % 100 == 0) {
$db->set_Setting('nasl-progress', $comp);
'nasl-dl-progress' => 100,
'nasl-progress' => 100,
'nasl-count' => $total_complete,
'nasl-load-date' => new DateTime()
print PHP_EOL . "Finished at {$diff->getEndClockTime()}" . PHP_EOL .
"Total Time: {$diff->getDiffString()}" . PHP_EOL;
* Update STIG library from DISA content
if (isset($cmd['stig'])) {
'stig-dl-progress' => 0,
'stig-progress' => 0,
'stig-count' => 0
$path = TMP . "/stigs";
print "Started STIG ingestion ({$diff->getStartClockTime()})" . PHP_EOL;
$mon = '01';
$prev_mon = '10';
$year = (int) $current_date->format("Y");
if (between($current_date->format("n"), 4, 6)) {
$mon = '04';
$prev_mon = '01';
elseif (between($current_date->format("n"), 7, 9)) {
$mon = '07';
$prev_mon = '04';
elseif (between($current_date->format("n"), 10, 12)) {
$mon = '10';
$prev_mon = '07';
$current_url = "{$year}_{$mon}.zip";
$current_v2_url = "{$year}_{$mon}";
$stig_fname = "{$path}/stig_library-{$year}_{$mon}.zip";
if (!file_exists($stig_fname) && ping("") && !isset($cmd['po'])) {
if (isset($cmd['u'])) {
$url = $cmd['u'];
$log->debug("Checking for $url");
if (url_exists($url)) {
download_file($url, $stig_fname, $db->help, 'stig-dl-progress');
else {
$log->debug("Checking for $current_url");
if ($found = url_exists($current_url)) {
download_file($current_url, $stig_fname, $db->help, 'stig-dl-progress');
if (!$found) {
$log->debug("Checking for $current_v2_url");
if ($found = url_exists($current_v2_url)) {
download_file($current_v2_url, $stig_fname, $db->help, 'stig-dl-progress');
if ($mon == '01') {
$prev_url = "{$year}_{$prev_mon}.zip";
$prev_v2_url = "{$year}_{$prev_mon}";
if (!$found) {
$log->debug("Checking for $prev_url");
if ($found = url_exists($prev_url)) {
download_file($prev_url, $stig_fname, $db->help, 'stig-dl-progress');
if (!$found) {
$log->debug("Checking for $prev_v2_url");
if (url_exists($prev_v2_url)) {
download_file($prev_v2_url, $stig_fname, $db->help, 'stig-dl-progress');
if (!isset($cmd['do']) || isset($cmd['po'])) {
$stig_files = array_merge(
glob("{$path}/*.zip"), glob("{$path}/*.xml"), glob(TMP . "/*.zip"), glob(TMP . "/*.xml"), glob(TMP . "/stigs/xml/*.xml")
if (!file_exists($stig_fname) && !count($stig_files)) {
die("Could not locate $stig_fname or find any other zip files in " . realpath(TMP));
$script = realpath(defined('PHP_BIN') ? PHP_BIN : PHP) .
" -c " . realpath(PHP_CONF) .
" -f " . realpath(DOC_ROOT . "/exec/background_stigs.php") . " --" .
(isset($cmd['exclude']) && $cmd['exclude'] ? " --exclude=\"{$cmd['exclude']}\"" : "") .
" --delete";
$log->debug("Script to run $script");
$stig_count = $db->help->execute();
$db->set_Setting("stig-count", $stig_count);
print PHP_EOL . "Finished at {$diff->getEndClockTime()}" . PHP_EOL .
"Total Time: {$diff->getDiffString()}" . PHP_EOL;
if (is_a($diff->getTotalDiff(), 'DateInterval')) {
print "Total Script Time: {$diff->getTotalDiffString()}" . PHP_EOL;
* Usage information about the script
function usage()
$tmp = realpath(TMP);
print <<<EOO
Purpose: The purpose of this script is to update the CVE, CPE, and CCE databases. Script will sleep for 3 seconds between actions to allow you review the results.
Usage: php update_db.php [--cpe] [--cve] [--nvd] [--nasl] [--stig] [-u={URL}] [--do] [--po] [-h|--help] [--debug] [--exclude="ex1"]
--cpe To download and update the CPE catalog
--cve To download and update the CVE catalog using Mitre's database
--nvd To download and update the CVE catalog using the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) JSON library
--nasl To download OpenVAS NVT library and update NASL files
You can also extract *.nasl files from the Nessus library to $tmp/nessus_plugins and it will include these in the update
--stig To download and update the STIG library
--do To download the files not call the parsers will overwrite any existing files
--po To parse the downloaded files only, do not download
--exclude="ex1" Insert a valid regex expression (properly escaped) to exclude specific STIGs from parsing (no '/' necessary)
--extract Used so script will download and extract files from archive and stop processing
-u={url} Used only for STIGs because sometimes DISA will use a non-standard link which makes it difficult to download the file.
-h|--help This screen
--debug To print verbose debugging messages to the console