Jeff Odegard 4f53418e8c
Created uinstall.bat, updated install.bat
Adding an uninstall.bat that, when run as administrator, will stop the apache2.4 and mysql services, delete the mysql service (which XAMPP uninstall leaves behind...), deletes the www folder and uninstalls XAMPP.

Modified the install.bat script to suppress output when deleting the unnecessary XAMPP htdocs folder and added a friendly "contact us" message to encourage some feedback from our users.
2018-10-03 15:06:56 -06:00

55 lines
1.4 KiB

@echo off
REM File: uninstall.bat
REM Author: Jeff Odegard
REM Purpose: Windows / XAMPP Uninstallation Script
REM Created: Oct 3, 2018
REM Copyright 2018: Cyber Perspective, All rights reserved
REM Released under the Apache v2.0 License
REM See license.txt for details
REM Change Log:
REM - Oct 3, 2018 - File created
echo This will completely uninstall Sagacity and XAMPP and delete
echo the findings database and all result files in www/tmp.
echo This cannot be undone.
set /p uninstall="Are you sure? (y/N) "
set result=0
if "%uninstall%"=="Y" (set result=1)
if "%uninstall%"=="y" (set result=1)
if "%uninstall%"=="Yes" (set result=1)
if "%uninstall%"=="yes" (set result=1)
if "%uninstall%"=="YES" (set result=1)
if "%result%"=="1" (
cd C:\
echo - Stopping Apache and MySQL services.
sc stop Apache2.4
sc stop mysql
echo - Deleting the MySQL service.
sc delete mysql
echo - Deleting the Sagacity www folder.
del /F /S /Q C:\xampp\www 1>nul
rmdir /S /Q C:\xampp\www
echo - Uninstalling XAMPP
C:\xampp\uninstall.exe --mode unattended
echo Thank you for trying Sagacity. If you have any questions or comments, please echo contact us at
if "%result%"=="1" (
set /p foo="Uninstall complete. Press enter to continue."
) else (
set /p foo="Whew, that was a close one! Uninstall aborted. Press enter to continue."