- removed ID property to prevent duplicate findings from being added to the table - deleted unused constructor - formatting db_schema.json - removed field (making tgt_id and pdi_id new primary keys), and updated references - updated routines for above change background_results.php - fixed bug #19 export-ckl.php - performance adjustments parse_excel_echecklist.php - performance improvements, ensure duplicate findings are not created, make eChecklist true status, update for removing field parse_nvd_json_cve.php - convert reading json to array instead of object for reading CPEs (which were updated to CPE 2.3 instead of 2.2) parse_* - remove field - formatting, and update for removing field index.php - ensure user can't import a host list without uploading a host list file Fixed: #65, #51, #28, #27, #10
381 lines
14 KiB
381 lines
14 KiB
* File: parse_excel_echecklist.php
* Author: Ryan Prather
* Purpose: Parse the Excel version (.xlsx or .xls) of an eChecklist
* Created: May 9, 2014
* Portions Copyright 2016-2018: Cyber Perspectives, LLC, All rights reserved
* Released under the Apache v2.0 License
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Salient Federal Solutions
* Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
* Released under Modified BSD License
* See license.txt for details
* Change Log:
* - May 9, 2014 - File created
* - Sep 1, 2016 - Copyright Updated, added CWD parameter,
* Updated file purpose, and functions after class merger
* - Jan 30, 2017 - Updated to use parse_config.ini file
* - Mar 3, 2017 - Converted to getmypid() method instead of using Thread class
* - Mar 8, 2017 - Added check for existence of {TMP}/echecklist directory and revised directories to use TMP constant
* - May 26, 2017 - Migrated to PHPSpreadsheet library
* - Aug 28, 2017 - Fixed couple minor bugs
* - Jan 15, 2018 - Formatting, reorganized use statements, and cleaned up
* - May 24, 2018 - Attempt to fix bug #413
* - Nov 6, 2018 - performance improvements, ensure duplicate findings are not created, make eChecklist true status, update for removing
$cmd = getopt("f:", ['debug::', 'help::']);
if (!isset($cmd['f']) || isset($cmd['help'])) {
if (!file_exists("parse_config.ini")) {
die("Could not find parse_config.ini configuration file");
$conf = parse_ini_file("parse_config.ini");
include_once '';
require_once "";
require_once '';
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
include_once '';
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
check_path(TMP . "/echecklist");
$log_level = convert_log_level();
$db = new db();
$base_name = basename($cmd['f']);
$log = new Logger("excel-echecklist");
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(logify($cmd['f']), $log_level));
if (!file_exists($cmd['f'])) {
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, ['name' => 'status', 'value' => 'ERROR']);
die($log->emergency("File not found"));
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, ['name' => 'pid', 'value' => getmypid()]);
$src = $db->get_Sources("eChecklist");
if (is_array($src) && count($src) && isset($src[0]) && is_a($src[0], 'source')) {
$src = $src[0];
else {
die($log->emergency("Could not find the source"));
$cacheMethod = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Collection\CellsFactory::cache_to_sqlite;
$cacheSettings = [
'memoryCacheSize' => '512MB'
\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Settings::setCacheStorageMethod($cacheMethod, $cacheSettings);
$host_list = [];
$Reader = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory::createReaderForFile($cmd['f']);
$objSS = $Reader->load($cmd['f']);
$dt = new DateTime();
$existing_scan = $db->get_ScanData($conf['ste'], $base_name);
if (is_array($existing_scan) && count($existing_scan) && isset($existing_scan[0]) && is_a($existing_scan[0], 'scan')) {
$scan = $existing_scan[0];
else {
$ste = $db->get_STE($conf['ste']);
if (is_array($ste) && count($ste) && isset($ste[0]) && is_a($ste[0], 'ste')) {
$ste = $ste[0];
else {
die($log->emergency("Could not retrieve ST&E"));
$scan = new scan(null, $src, $ste, 1, $base_name, $dt->format('Y-m-d'));
if (!$scan_id = $db->save_Scan($scan)) {
die($log->error("Failed to add scan for file: {$cmd['f']}"));
$gen_os = $db->get_Software("cpe:/o:generic:generic:-", true);
if (is_array($gen_os) && count($gen_os) && isset($gen_os[0]) && is_a($gen_os[0], 'software')) {
$gen_os = $gen_os[0];
foreach ($objSS->getWorksheetIterator() as $wksht) {
if (preg_match('/Instruction|Cover Sheet/i', $wksht->getTitle())) {
$log->debug("Skipping instruction and cover worksheet");
elseif (isset($conf['ignore']) && $wksht->getSheetState() == Worksheet::SHEETSTATE_HIDDEN) {
$log->info("Skipping hidden worksheet {$wksht->getTitle()}");
$log->notice("Reading from {$wksht->getTitle()}");
if (!preg_match('/STIG ID/i', $wksht->getCell("A10")->getValue()) &&
!preg_match('/VMS ID/i', $wksht->getCell("B10")->getValue()) &&
!preg_match('/CAT/i', $wksht->getCell("C10")->getValue()) &&
!preg_match('/IA Controls/i', $wksht->getCell("D10")->getValue()) &&
!preg_match('/Short Title/i', $wksht->getCell("E10")->getValue())) {
$log->warning("Invalid headers in {$wksht->getTitle()}");
$idx = [
'stig_id' => 1,
'vms_id' => 2,
'cat_lvl' => 3,
'ia_controls' => 4,
'short_title' => 5,
'target' => 6,
'overall' => 7, // min col
'consistent' => 8,
'notes' => 9,
'check_contents' => 10
$tgts = [];
$short_title_col = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($idx['short_title']);
$row_count = $highestRow = $wksht->getHighestDataRow() - 10;
$highestCol = $wksht->getHighestDataColumn(10);
$tgt_findings = [];
for ($col = 'F' ; $col != $highestCol ; $col++) {
$cell = $wksht->getCell($col . '10');
$log->debug("Checking column: {$cell->getColumn()} {$cell->getCoordinate()}");
$ip = null;
if (!preg_match('/Overall/i', $cell->getValue())) {
if (preg_match('/status/i', $cell->getValue())) {
$log->error("Invalid host name ('status') in {$wksht->getTitle()}");
if ($tgt_id = $db->check_Target($conf['ste'], $cell->getValue())) {
$log->debug("Found host for {$cell->getValue()}");
$tgt = $db->get_Target_Details($conf['ste'], $tgt_id);
if (is_array($tgt) && count($tgt) && isset($tgt[0]) && is_a($tgt[0], 'target')) {
$tgt = $tgt[0];
else {
$log->error("Could not find host {$cell->getValue()}");
else {
$log->debug("Creating new target {$cell->getValue()}");
$tgt = new target($cell->getValue());
$tgt->set_Notes('New Target');
if (preg_match('/((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4}/', $cell->getValue())) {
$ip = $cell->getValue();
$int = new interfaces(null, null, null, $ip, null, null, null, null);
$tgt->interfaces["{$ip}"] = $int;
$tgts[] = $tgt;
$log->debug("Adding new target to host list", ['row_count' => $row_count, 'tgt_id' => $tgt->get_ID(), 'tgt_name' => $tgt->get_Name()]);
$hl = new host_list();
if ($ip) {
elseif (is_array($tgt->interfaces) && count($tgt->interfaces)) {
foreach ($tgt->interfaces as $int) {
if (!in_array($int->get_IPv4(), ['', ''])) {
$ip = $int->get_IPv4();
$tgt_findings[$tgt->get_ID()] = $db->get_Finding($tgt);
if (preg_match('/overall/i', $cell->getValue())) {
$log->debug("Found overall: {$cell->getColumn()}");
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, ['name' => 'host_count', 'value' => count($tgts)]);
// increment the column indexes for notes, check contents, and missing PDI
if (is_array($tgts) && count($tgts) > 1) {
$increase = count($tgts) - 1;
$idx['overall'] += $increase;
$idx['consistent'] += $increase;
$idx['notes'] += $increase;
$idx['check_contents'] += $increase;
elseif (empty($tgts)) {
$log->warning("Failed to identify targets in worksheet {$wksht->getTitle()}");
$stig_col = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($idx['stig_id']);
$vms_col = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($idx['vms_id']);
$cat_col = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($idx['cat_lvl']);
$ia_col = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($idx['ia_controls']);
$title_col = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($idx['short_title']);
$notes_col = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($idx['notes']);
$log->debug("Columns", [
'stig_col' => $stig_col,
'vms_col' => $vms_col,
'cat_col' => $cat_col,
'ia_col' => $ia_col,
'title_col' => $title_col,
'overall_col' => Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($idx['overall']),
'consistent_col' => Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($idx['consistent']),
'check_contents_col' => Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($idx['check_contents']),
'notes_col' => $notes_col
$new_findings = [];
$updated_findings = [];
$row_count = 0;
foreach ($wksht->getRowIterator(11) as $row) {
$stig_id = $wksht->getCell("{$stig_col}{$row->getRowIndex()}")->getValue();
$cat_lvl = substr_count($wksht->getCell("{$cat_col}{$row->getRowIndex()}")->getValue(), "I");
$short_title = $wksht->getCell("{$title_col}{$row->getRowIndex()}")->getValue();
$notes = $wksht->getCell("{$notes_col}{$row->getRowIndex()}")->getValue();
$stig = $db->get_Stig($stig_id);
if($row->getRowIndex() % 10 == 0) {
if (is_array($stig) && count($stig) && isset($stig[0]) && is_a($stig[0], 'stig')) {
$stig = $stig[0];
else {
$pdi = new pdi(null, $cat_lvl, $dt->format("Y-m-d"));
if (!($pdi_id = $db->save_PDI($pdi))) {
die($log->error("Failed to add new PDI for STIG ID {$stig_id}"));
$stig = new stig($pdi_id, $stig_id, $short_title);
$x = 0;
foreach ($tgts as $tgt) {
$status = $wksht->getCell(Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($idx['target'] + $x) . $row->getRowIndex())
$findings = $tgt_findings[$tgt->get_ID()];
if (is_array($findings) && count($findings) && isset($findings[$stig->get_PDI_ID()]) && is_a($findings[$stig->get_PDI_ID()], 'finding')) {
/** @var finding $tmp */
$tmp = $findings[$stig->get_PDI_ID()];
$updated_findings[] = $tmp;
else {
$tmp = new finding($tgt->get_ID(), $stig->get_PDI_ID(), $scan->get_ID(), $status, $notes, null, null, null);
$new_findings[] = $tmp;
$log->debug("{$tgt->get_Name()} {$stig->get_ID()} ({$tmp->get_Finding_Status_String()})");
if($row_count % 100 == 0) {
if(!$db->add_Findings_By_Target($updated_findings, $new_findings)) {
die(print_r(debug_backtrace(), true));
} else {
$updated_findings = [];
$new_findings = [];
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, ['name' => 'perc_comp', 'value' => (($row->getRowIndex() - 10) / $highestRow) * 100]);
if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') {
print "\r" . sprintf("%.2f%%", (($row->getRowIndex() - 10) / $highestRow) * 100);
if (!$db->add_Findings_By_Target($updated_findings, $new_findings)) {
print "Error adding finding" . PHP_EOL;
/** @var host_list $h */
foreach($scan->get_Host_List() as $h) {
$db->update_Scan_Host_List($scan, $host_list);
if (!isset($cmd['debug'])) {
rename($cmd['f'], TMP . "/echecklist/$base_name");
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, ['name' => 'perc_comp', 'value' => 100, 'complete' => 1]);
function usage()
print <<<EOO
Purpose: To import an Excel E-Checklist file.
Usage: php parse_excel_echecklist.php -f={eChecklist File} [-i] [--debug] [--help]
-f={eChecklist File} The file to import
-i Ignore hidden worksheets. This run by default when run through Sagacity
--debug Debugging output
--help This screen
* Function to validate and make sure spreadsheet is as it should be
* @param \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet $wksht
function check_worksheet(\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet &$wksht)