2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00

194 lines
4.4 KiB

* File: parse_ms_kb_to_cve.php
* Author: Ryan Prather
* Purpose: To parse Excel MS/KB to CVE file retrieved from
* Released on the second Tues of the month
* Created: Jul 9, 2014
* Portions Copyright 2016: Cyber Perspectives, All rights reserved
* Released under the Apache v2.0 License
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Salient Federal Solutions
* Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
* Released under Modified BSD License
* See license.txt for details
* Change Log:
* - Jul 9, 2014 - File created
* - Sep 1, 2016 - Copyright Updated and updated functions after class merger
$cmd = getopt("f:", array('debug::'));
include_once '';
include_once '';
include_once '';
chdir(DOC_ROOT . "/tmp");
$db = new db();
$base_name = basename($cmd['f']);
$err = new Sagacity_Error($cmd['f']);
if (!file_exists($cmd['f'])) {
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, array('name' => 'status', 'value' => 'ERROR'));
$err->script_log("File not found", E_ERROR);
$start = new DateTime();
$fh = fopen($cmd['f'], "r");
$row = fegetcsv($fh);
while ($row = fgetcsv($fh)) {
print ".";
$adv = array();
$ms_url = '';
$kb_url = '';
$sev = 'II';
$pdi_id = 0;
$date = $row[0];
$ms = $row[1];
switch ($row[3]) {
case 'Critical':
case 'Important':
$sev = 'I';
case 'Low':
$sev = 'III';
$impact = $row[4];
$title = $row[5];
$prod = $row[6];
$kb = "KB" . (isset($row[7]) && !empty($row[7]) ? $row[7] : $row[2]);
$comp = $row[8];
$cves = explode(",", $row[13]);
if (isset($cmd['debug'])) {
$db_cve = null;
$has_cve = false;
if (is_array($cves) && count($cves)) {
foreach ($cves as $cve) {
$db_cve = $db->get_CVE($cve);
if (!is_null($db_cve)) {
if ($db_cve->get_PDI_ID()) {
$has_cve = true;
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat("m-d-y", $date);
if ($ms && !$db_cve->ref_Exists($ms)) {
$db_cve->add_Reference(new cve_reference(null, 'MS', $ms_url, $ms));
if ($kb && !$db_cve->ref_Exists($kb)) {
$db_cve->add_Reference(new cve_reference(null, 'MS', $kb_url, $kb));
$db->save_CVE(array(0 => $db_cve));
$stig = $db->get_Stig($ms);
if (!$iavm = $db->get_IAVM_From_External($ms)) {
$iavm = $db->get_IAVM_From_External($kb);
if (is_array($stig) && count($stig) && isset($stig[0]) && is_a($stig[0], 'stig')) {
$stig = $stig[0];
else {
$err->script_log("Failed to identify the correct STIG", E_WARNING);
// insert pdi and advisory
if ($iavm) {
$pdi_id = $iavm->get_PDI_ID();
elseif ($has_cve && $db_cve->get_PDI_ID()) {
$pdi_id = $db_cve->get_PDI_ID();
elseif ($stig) {
$pdi_id = $stig->get_PDI_ID();
else {
// insert PDI, STIG, advisory, and CVE's
$pdi = new pdi(null, $sev, null);
$pdi_id = $db->save_PDI($pdi);
$stig = new stig($pdi_id, $ms, $title);
if ($tmp = $db->get_Advisory($ms)) {
$adv[] = $tmp[0];
if ($tmp = $db->get_Advisory("$kb")) {
$adv[] = $tmp[0];
if (is_array($adv) && count($adv)) {
foreach ($adv as $key => $ad) {
//if(!$ad->get_PDI_ID()) {
else {
if ($ms && $kb) {
$adv = array(
0 => new advisory($pdi_id, $ms, "", "", $ms_url),
1 => new advisory($pdi_id, $kb, "", "", $kb_url)
elseif ($ms) {
$adv = array(
0 => new advisory($pdi_id, $ms, "", "", $ms_url)
elseif ($kb) {
$adv = array(
0 => new advisory($pdi_id, $kb, "", "", $kb_url)
$end = new DateTime();
$diff = $start->diff($end);