Jeff Odegard 0425adacb6
Bug fixes for Nessus and Nmap parsers
Nessus was not assigning checklists to Oracle Solaris 11 for Sparc architectures.
Nmap was not correctly identifying normal text output files (.nmap)
2019-01-23 09:20:02 -07:00

441 lines
17 KiB

* File: parse_nmap.php
* Author: Ryan Prather
* Purpose: Parse an nmap result file
* Created: Jul 3, 2014
* Portions Copyright 2016: Cyber Perspectives, All rights reserved
* Released under the Apache v2.0 License
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Salient Federal Solutions
* Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
* Released under Modified BSD License
* See license.txt for details
* Change Log:
* - Jul 3, 2014 - File created
* - Sep 1, 2016 - Copyright Updated, added CWD parameter, and
* updated function calls after class merger
* - Oct 24, 2016 - Fixed bug (#6) when parsing port data, and added exclusion for "[host down]"
* - Nov 7, 2016 - Added d parameter documentation
* - Dec 7, 2016 - Added check for "Interesting ports on {IP}" line
* - Jan 30, 2017 - Updated to use parse_config.ini file, and added populating new targets with shortened os software string if available.
* - Jan 21, 2019 - fixed filetype check for .nmap and .gnmap files.
$cmd = getopt("f:", ['debug::', 'help::']);
if (!isset($cmd['f']) || isset($cmd['help'])) {
$conf = parse_ini_file("parse_config.ini");
if (!$conf) {
die("Could not find parse_config.ini configuration file");
include_once '';
include_once '';
include_once '';
$db = new db();
$base_name = basename($cmd['f']);
$err = new Sagacity_Error($cmd['f']);
if (!file_exists($cmd['f'])) {
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, ['name' => 'status', 'value' => 'ERROR']);
$err->script_log("File not found", E_ERROR);
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, ['name' => 'pid', 'value' => getmypid()]);
$src = $db->get_Sources("NMAP");
$existing_scan = $db->get_ScanData($conf['ste'], $base_name);
if (is_array($existing_scan) && count($existing_scan)) {
$scan = $existing_scan[0];
else {
$mtime = filemtime($cmd['f']);
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat("U", $mtime);
$ste = $db->get_STE($conf['ste'])[0];
$scan = new scan(null, $src, $ste, 1, $base_name, $dt->format("Y-m-d"));
$scan_id = $db->save_Scan($scan);
//echo "\$steid ($steid) will be used later\n";
# file is cool - reads the whole file into an array with one command...
$lines = file($cmd['f']);
$target = [];
foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
$db->help->select("scans", ['status'], [
'field' => 'id',
'op' => '=',
'value' => $scan->get_ID()
$thread_status = $db->help->execute();
if ($thread_status['status'] == 'TERMINATED') {
rename(realpath(TMP . "/{$scan->get_File_Name()}"), TMP . "/terminated/{$scan->get_File_Name()}");
$err->script_log("File parsing terminated by user");
if (preg_match('/^[\r\n]+$/', $line)) {
} # skip blank lines
$line = trim($line, "\t\n\r"); # chomp would be nice...
$matches = [];
if (!isset($filetype)) {
if (preg_match('/\.nmap/', $cmd['f'])) {
$filetype = "text";
elseif (preg_match('/\.gnmap/', $cmd['f'])) {
$filetype = "grep";
elseif (preg_match('/Starting|\-oN/', $line)) {
$filetype = "text";
elseif (preg_match('/\-oG/', $line)) {
$filetype = "grep";
elseif (preg_match('/xml version/', $line)) {
$filetype = "xml";
if ($line_num >= 1 && !isset($filetype)) {
$err->script_log("ERROR File Type not found");
if ($filetype == "text") {
//echo "Text:$line_num: $line\n";
if (preg_match("/Host is up|Not shown|PORT\s+STATE|\[host down\]/", $line)) {
if (preg_match("/Interesting ports on ([\d\.]+)/", $line, $matches)) {
$ip = $matches[1];
$target[$ip] = [];
$target[$ip]['hostname'] = $ip;
elseif (preg_match("/Nmap scan report for ([^ ]+) \(([0-9\.]+)\)/", $line, $matches)) {
$ip = $matches[2];
if (preg_match('/\./', $matches[1])) {
$name = explode('.', $matches[1]);
$target[$ip]['hostname'] = $name[0];
$target[$ip]['fqdn'] = $matches[1];
else {
$target[$ip]['hostname'] = $matches[1];
$err->script_log($target[$ip]['hostname'] . ":$ip");
elseif (preg_match("/Nmap scan report for ([0-9\.]+)/", $line, $matches)) {
$ip = $matches[1];
$target[$ip]['hostname'] = "";
$err->script_log($target[$ip]['hostname'] . ":$ip");
elseif (preg_match("/^Discovered ([a-z]+) port (\d+)\/([udtcp]+) on (\d\.]+)$/", $line, $matches)) {
$state = $matches[1];
$port = $matches[2];
$proto = $matches[3];
$ip = $matches[4];
$target[$ip][$proto][$port]['state'] = $state;
elseif (preg_match("/Other addresses.*: ([0-9\. ]+)/", $line, $matches)) {
$target[$ip]['otherips'] = $matches[1];
$err->script_log("\tOther:" . $matches[1]);
elseif (preg_match('/(\d+)\/([udtcp]+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/', $line, $matches)) {
if ($matches[3] == 'unknown') {
$port = $matches[1];
$proto = $matches[2];
if (!empty($ip)) {
$target[$ip][$proto][$port]['state'] = $matches[3];
$target[$ip][$proto][$port]['iana'] = $matches[4];
if (preg_match("/\d+\/[udtcp]+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(.*)/", $line, $matches)) {
$target[$ip][$proto][$port]['banner'] = $matches[1];
elseif (preg_match('/MAC Address: ([A-F0-9:]+)/', $line, $matches)) {
$target[$ip]['mac'] = $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/MAC Address: [A-F0-9:]+\s+\((.*)\)/', $line, $matches)) {
$target[$ip]['description'] = $matches[1];
$err->script_log("\t" . $target[$ip]['mac'] . ": Interface:$matches[1]");
elseif (preg_match('/Service Info: OS: (\S+);/', $line, $matches)) {
$target[$ip]['OS'] = $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/Service Info: OS: \S+; CPE: (.+)/', $line, $matches)) {
$target[$ip]['cpe'] = $matches[1];
else {
$target[$ip]['cpe'] = null;
$err->script_log("\t" . $target[$ip]['OS'] . ", " . $target[$ip]['cpe']);
elseif ($filetype == "grep") {
$err->script_log("Grep:$line_num: $line" . PHP_EOL);
# -oG grep format is not recommended - it discards helpful information like hostname
if (preg_match("/Host: ([0-9\.]+) \((.*)\)\s+(Ports|Protocols):(.*)/", $line, $matches)) {
$ip = $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/\./', $matches[2])) {
$name = explode('.', $matches[2]);
$target[$ip]['hostname'] = $name[0];
$target[$ip]['fqdn'] = $matches[2];
else {
$target[$ip]['hostname'] = $matches[2];
$err->script_log("$ip:" . $matches[2]);
$type = $matches[3]; # will be used later when we support IP protocol scans
$ports_string = $matches[4];
$ports_list = explode(",", $ports_string);
foreach ($ports_list as $port_num => $port_str) {
# fields: port, state, owner, service/sunRPC/banner
# need to read the manual for grepable!
$port_info = explode("/", $port_str);
$port = $port_info[0];
$proto = $port_info[2];
$target[$ip][$proto][$port]['state'] = $port_info[1];
$target[$ip][$proto][$port]['iana'] = $port_info[4];
$target[$ip][$proto][$port]['banner'] = $port_info[6];
$err->script_log("\t$port:$proto:" . $port_info[1] . $port_info[4]);
$err->script_log("\tBanner: " . $port_info[6]);
} # end Grep parsing
} # end foreach line in file
if ($filetype == "xml") {
$err->script_log("Parsing XML");
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$hosts = getValue($xml, "/nmaprun/host", null, true);
$count = 0;
foreach ($hosts as $host) {
$addrs = getValue($xml, "address", $host, true);
foreach ($addrs as $addr) {
$addrtype = $addr->getAttribute("addrtype");
if ($addrtype == "ipv4") {
$ip = $addr->getAttribute("addr");
elseif ($addrtype == "mac") {
$vendor = $addr->getAttribute("vendor");
$mac = $addr->getAttribute("addr");
$target[$ip]['hostname'] = getValue($xml, "hostnames/hostname[@type='user']/@name", $host);
$target[$ip]['mac'] = $mac;
$target[$ip]['description'] = $vendor;
# Iterate through ports
$ports = getValue($xml, "ports/port", $host, true);
foreach ($ports as $portxml) {
$portid = $portxml->getAttribute("portid");
$proto = $portxml->getAttribute("protocol");
if ($proto == 'tcp') {
$port = $db->get_TCP_Ports($portid)[0];
else {
$port = $db->get_UDP_Ports($portid)[0];
$target[$ip][$proto][$portid]['state'] = getValue($xml, "state/@state", $portxml);
$target[$ip][$proto][$portid]['iana'] = getValue($xml, "service/@name", $portxml);
$product = getValue($xml, "service/@product", $portxml);
$version = getValue($xml, "service/@version", $portxml);
$extrainfo = getValue($xml, "service/@extrainfo", $portxml);
$target[$ip][$proto][$portid]['banner'] = "$product $version $extrainfo";
$port->set_Banner("$product $version $extrainfo");
$port->set_IANA_Name(getValue($xml, "service/@name", $portxml));
if ($proto == 'tcp') {
$tcp_ports[] = $port;
else {
$udp_ports[] = $port;
//echo "$portid, $proto, " .$target[$ip][$proto][$portid]['banner'] ."\n";
} # end foreach port
$target[$ip]['OS'] = getValue($xml, "os/osmatch/@name", $host);
} # end foreach host
} # end XML parsing
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, ['name' => 'host_count', 'value' => count($target)]);
$count = 0;
$tgt_ip = null;
foreach ($target as $ip => $tgt) {
# get target ID
$tgt_id = 0;
if (!in_array($ip, ['', '', '::0'])) {
$tgt_ip = $ip;
if ($tgt['hostname']) {
$tgt_id = $db->check_Target($conf['ste'], $tgt['hostname']);
if (!$tgt_id) {
$tgt_id = $db->check_Target($conf['ste'], $ip);
if (!$tgt_id) { # insert
$sw = $db->get_Software("cpe:/o:generic:generic:-")[0];
$tgt_obj = new target(($tgt['hostname'] ? $tgt['hostname'] : $ip));
//$tgt_obj->set_Notes("New target found by NMap");
if ($sw->get_Shortened_SW_String()) {
else {
$tgt_obj->set_Location(($conf['location'] ? $conf['location'] : ''));
$tgt_obj->interfaces["{$ip}"] = new interfaces(null, null, null, $ip, null, $tgt_obj->get_Name(), (isset($tgt['fqdn']) ? $tgt['fqdn'] : $tgt_obj->get_Name()), (isset($tgt['description']) ? $tgt['description'] : ""));
if (isset($tgt['tcp'])) {
foreach ($tgt['tcp'] as $port_num => $port) {
if ($port['state'] != 'open') {
$tcp = $db->get_TCP_Ports($port_num)[0];
if (!empty($port['banner'])) {
//$tcp->set_Notes("Found in scan file " . $scan->get_File_Name());
if (isset($tgt['udp'])) {
foreach ($tgt['udp'] as $port_num => $port) {
if ($port['state'] != 'open') {
$udp = $db->get_UDP_Ports($port_num)[0];
if (!empty($port['banner'])) {
//$udp->set_Notes("Found in scan file " . $scan->get_File_Name());
$tgt_obj->set_ID($tgt_id = $db->save_Target($tgt_obj, false));
else { #Update
$db_tgt = $db->get_Target_Details($conf['ste'], $tgt_id)[0];
if (isset($tgt['tcp'])) {
foreach ($tgt['tcp'] as $port_num => $port) {
if ($port['state'] != 'open') {
$tcp = new tcp_ports(null, $port_num, $port['iana'], (isset($port['banner']) ? $port['banner'] : ""), "");
if (!isset($db_tgt->interfaces["{$ip}"])) {
$db_tgt->interfaces["{$ip}"] = new interfaces(null, null, null, $ip, null, $tgt['hostname'], $tgt['hostname'], (isset($tgt['description']) ? $tgt['description'] : ""));
if ($db_tgt->interfaces["{$ip}"]->is_TCP_Port_Open($port_num)) {
else {
if (isset($tgt['udp'])) {
foreach ($tgt['udp'] as $port_num => $port) {
if ($port['state'] != 'open') {
$udp = new udp_ports(null, $port_num, $port['iana'], (isset($port['banner']) ? $port['banner'] : ""), "");
if (!isset($db_tgt->interfaces["{$ip}"])) {
$interface = new interfaces(null, $tgt_id, null, $ip, null, $tgt['hostname'], $tgt['hostname'], (isset($tgt['description']) ? $tgt['description'] : ""));
$db_tgt->interfaces["{$ip}"] = $interface;
if ($db_tgt->interfaces["{$ip}"]->is_UDP_Port_Open($port_num)) {
else {
$db->save_Target($db_tgt, false);
$db_tgt = $db->get_Target_Details($conf['ste'], $tgt_id)[0];
$hl = new host_list();
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, ['name' => 'perc_comp', 'value' => ($count / count($target) * 100)]);
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, ['name' => 'last_host', 'value' => $db_tgt->get_Name()]);
$db->update_Running_Scan($base_name, ['name' => 'perc_comp', 'value' => 100, 'complete' => 1]);
if (!isset($cmd['debug'])) {
rename($cmd['f'], TMP . "/nmap/" . $base_name);
function usage()
print <<<EOO
Purpose: To import an NMap result file
Usage: php parse_nmap.php -s={ST&E ID} -f={NMap result file} -d={Document root} [--debug] [--help]
-s={ST&E ID} The ST&E ID this result file is being imported for
-f={NMap file} The result file to import (will import text, XML, and grepable files)
-d={Document Root} The document root of the web server
--debug Debugging output
--help This screen