2018-05-07 10:51:08 -04:00

1520 lines
31 KiB

* File:
* Author: Ryan Prather
* Purpose: Represent a target that needs to be scanned
* Created: Sep 12, 2013
* Portions Copyright 2016-2017: Cyber Perspectives, LLC, All rights reserved
* Released under the Apache v2.0 License
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Salient Federal Solutions
* Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
* Released under Modified BSD License
* See license.txt for details
* Change Log:
* - Sep 12, 2013 - File created
* - Sep 1, 2016 - Updated Copyright and added comments
* - Oct 10, 2016 - Added get_JSON function to support change in ajax.php
* - Nov 7, 2016 - Added append_Notes function
* - Jan 30, 2017 - Removed task status from get_JSON function return (only used in new-ops.php)
* - Apr 11, 2017 - Changed statuses to default to null instead of '0' which is not valid in the DB
* - Dec 27, 2017 - Updated syntax
* - Jan 10, 2018 - Added cat_1/2/3, nr, na, nf variables to store finding counts (and getter setter methods)
* And calculation methods for compliance and assessment percentages
* - Jan 15, 2018 - Added getDisplayNotes method and updated getAssessedPercent and getCompliantPercent to return float instead of string
* - Jan 16, 2018 - Added getIP method to return first non-loopback, non-0 IP address
include_once '';
* Represents a target present on the system being tested
* @author Ryan Prather
class target
* Integer used in the database for target ID
* @var integer
protected $id = 0;
* Integer used in database for ST&E ID
* @var integer
protected $ste_id = 0;
* Integer used in database for Category ID
* @var integer
protected $cat_id = null;
* Integer used in database for OS ID
* @var integer
protected $os_id = 0;
* Integer used in database for automated status ID
* @var integer
protected $auto_status_id = null;
* Integer used in database for manual status ID
* @var integer
protected $man_status_id = null;
* Integer used in database for data gathering status ID
* @var integer
protected $data_status_id = null;
* Integer used in database for false positive/Cat 1 status ID
* @var integer
protected $fp_cat1_status_id = null;
* String used to store the name of the target
* @var string
protected $name = '';
* String to store the physical location of the target
* @var string
protected $location = '';
* String to store the source
* @var string
protected $source = '';
* String to store the target notes
* @var string
protected $notes = '';
* String to store the target description
* @var string
protected $description = '';
* String to store the target netstat connections
* @var string
protected $netstat_connections = '';
* String to store the login on the target
* @var string
protected $login = '';
* String to store the checklists
* @var string
protected $missing_patches = '';
* Full OS string as detected by nessus or other tool
* @var string
protected $os_string = '';
* Flag to post-process this host
* @var integer
protected $pp_flag = 0;
* Flag to suspend post-processing
* @var integer
protected $pp_off = 0;
* Array of assigned interfaces
* @var array:interface
public $interfaces = [];
* Host classification
* @var string
public $classification = '';
* Array of assigned checklists
* @var array:checklist
public $checklists = [];
* Array of assigned software
* @var array:software
public $software = [];
* List of all drives that are currently mounted by the OS (may include_once shares)
* @var string
protected $mounted = '';
* List of all currently running processes on the target
* @var string
protected $process_list = '';
* List of all process set to autorun with system is booted or a user logs in
* @var string
protected $autorun = '';
* List of all services present on the target
* @var string
protected $services = '';
* List of all local users on the target
* @var string
protected $user_list = '';
* Time stamp of the last time the system was rebooted
* @var DateTime
protected $last_boot = null;
* User that last logged into the system
* @var string
protected $last_login = '';
* List of shares that are available on the target
* @var string
protected $shares = '';
* What are the remote registry settings (Windows Only)
* @var string
protected $remote_registry = '';
* List of users with disabled accounts
* @var string
protected $disabled_accts = '';
* List of users that have stagnate passwords (changed >90 days ago)
* @var string
protected $stag_pwds = '';
* List of user that have never logged into the system
* @var string
protected $never_logged_in = '';
* List of users that have passwords set to never expire
* @var string
protected $pwd_never_expires = '';
* Target copyright info
* @var string
protected $copyrighted = '';
* Is this target a VM
* @var boolean
protected $is_vm = false;
* Target system information
* @var string
protected $system = '';
* Target bios info
* @var string
protected $bios = '';
* Windows target pid that is WMI is listening on
* @var int
protected $wmi_listening_pid = 0;
* Target IP routes
* @var string
protected $routes = '';
* Target firewall configuration info
* @var string
protected $firewall_config = '';
* Variable to store finding counts
* @var integer
protected $cat_1 = 0;
* Variable to store finding counts
* @var integer
protected $cat_2 = 0;
* Variable to store finding counts
* @var integer
protected $cat_3 = 0;
* Variable to store finding counts
* @var integer
protected $nf = 0;
* Variable to store finding counts
* @var integer
protected $nr = 0;
* Variable to store finding counts
* @var integer
protected $na = 0;
* Constructor
* @param string $str_Name
public function __construct($str_Name)
$this->name = $str_Name;
* Getter function for target ID
* @return integer
public function get_ID()
return $this->id;
* Setter function for target ID
* @param integer $id_in
public function set_ID($id_in)
$this->id = $id_in;
* Getter function for STE ID
* @return integer
public function get_STE_ID()
return $this->ste_id;
* Setter function for STE ID
* @param integer $int_STE_ID
public function set_STE_ID($int_STE_ID)
$this->ste_id = $int_STE_ID;
* Getter function for category ID
* @return integer
public function get_Cat_ID()
return $this->cat_id;
* Setter function for category Id
* @param integer $int_Cat_ID
public function set_Cat_ID($int_Cat_ID)
$this->cat_id = $int_Cat_ID;
* Getter function for the OS ID
* @return integer
public function get_OS_ID()
return $this->os_id;
* Setter function for OS ID
* @param integer $int_OS_ID
public function set_OS_ID($int_OS_ID)
$this->os_id = $int_OS_ID;
* Getter function for automated scan status
* @return integer
public function get_Auto_Status_ID()
return $this->auto_status_id;
* Setter function for automated scan status
* @param integer $int_Auto_Status_ID
public function set_Auto_Status_ID($int_Auto_Status_ID)
$this->auto_status_id = $int_Auto_Status_ID;
* Getter function for manual scan status
* @return integer
public function get_Man_Status_ID()
return $this->man_status_id;
* Setter function for manual scan status
* @param integer $int_Man_Status_ID
public function set_Man_Status_ID($int_Man_Status_ID)
$this->man_status_id = $int_Man_Status_ID;
* Getter function for data gathering scan status
* @return integer
public function get_Data_Status_ID()
return $this->data_status_id;
* Setter function for data gathering scan status
* @param integer $int_Data_Status_ID
public function set_Data_Status_ID($int_Data_Status_ID)
$this->data_status_id = $int_Data_Status_ID;
* Getter function for FP Cat1 scan status
* @return integer
public function get_FP_Cat1_Status_ID()
return $this->fp_cat1_status_id;
* Setter function for FP/Cat1 scan status
* @param integer $int_FP_Cat1_Status_ID
public function set_FP_Cat1_Status_ID($int_FP_Cat1_Status_ID)
$this->fp_cat1_status_id = $int_FP_Cat1_Status_ID;
* Getter function for target name
* @return string
public function get_Name()
return $this->name;
* Setter function for target name
* @param string $str_Name
public function set_Name($str_Name)
$this->name = $str_Name;
* Getter function for target location
* @return string
public function get_Location()
return $this->location;
* Setter function for target location
* @param string $str_Location
public function set_Location($str_Location)
$this->location = $str_Location;
* Gettr function for target source
* @return string
public function get_Source()
return $this->source;
* Setter function for target source
* @param string $str_Source
public function set_Source($str_Source)
$this->source = $str_Source;
* Getter function for target notes
* @return string
public function get_Notes()
return $this->notes;
* Function to get the formatted notes for display
* @return string
public function getDisplayNotes()
$notes = explode("\n", $this->notes);
$note = null;
if (is_array($notes) && isset($notes[0]) && strlen($notes[0]) <= 125) {
$note = $notes[0];
elseif (is_array($notes) && isset($notes[0]) && strlen($notes[0]) > 125) {
$note = substr($notes[0], 0, 125);
if (is_array($notes) && count($notes) > 1) {
$extra_notes = implode("\n", $notes);
if (strlen($extra_notes)) {
$note .= "&nbsp;<i class='fas fa-ellipsis-h' title='{$extra_notes}'></i>";
return $note;
* Setter function for target notes
* @param string $str_Notes
public function set_Notes($str_Notes)
$this->notes = $str_Notes;
* Function to append notes
* @param string $str_Notes
public function append_Notes($str_Notes)
$this->notes .= $str_Notes;
* Getter function for target netstat connections
* @return string
public function get_Netstat_Connections()
return $this->netstat_connections;
* Setter function for target netstat connections
* @param string $str_Netstat_Connections
public function set_Netstat_Connections($str_Netstat_Connections)
$this->netstat_connections = $str_Netstat_Connections;
* Function to append a connection to the netstat string
* @param string $str_Netstat_Connections
public function append_Connection($str_Netstat_Connections)
$this->netstat_connections .= $str_Netstat_Connections;
* Getter function for login
* @return string
public function get_Login()
return $this->login;
* Setter funciton for login
* @param string $str_Login
public function set_Login($str_Login)
$this->login = $str_Login;
* Getter function for missing patches
* @return string
public function get_Missing_Patches()
return $this->missing_patches;
* Setter function for missing patches
* @param string $str_Missing_Patches
public function set_Missing_Patches($str_Missing_Patches)
$this->missing_patches = $str_Missing_Patches;
* Returns the OS string of the target
* @return string
public function get_OS_String()
return $this->os_string;
* Set OS String
* @param string $os_string
public function set_OS_String($os_string)
$this->os_string = $os_string;
* Returns true if system needs to be post-processed
* @return boolean
public function is_PP_Flag_Set()
return $this->pp_flag;
* Sets the post-processing flag
* @param boolean $pp_flag
public function set_PP_Flag($pp_flag)
$this->pp_flag = $pp_flag;
* Returns true if post-processing is suspended
* @return boolean
public function is_PP_Suspended()
return $this->pp_off;
* Suspends the post-processing
* @param boolean $pp_off
public function set_PP_Suspended($pp_off)
$this->pp_off = $pp_off;
* Getter function for mounted info
* @return string
public function get_Mounted()
return $this->mounted;
* Setter function for mounted info
* @param string $str_Mounted
public function set_Mounted($str_Mounted)
$this->mounted = $str_Mounted;
* Getter function for process list
* @return string
public function get_Process_List()
return $this->process_list;
* Setter function for process list
* @param string $str_Process_List
public function set_Process_List($str_Process_List)
$this->process_list = $str_Process_List;
* Getter function for autorun list
* @return string
public function get_Autorun()
return $this->autorun;
* Setter function for autorun list
* @param string $str_Autorun
public function set_Autorun($str_Autorun)
$this->autorun = $str_Autorun;
* Getter function target service list
* @return string
public function get_Services()
return $this->services;
* Setter function for target service list
* @param string $str_Services
public function set_Services($str_Services)
$this->services = $str_Services;
* Getter function for target user list
* @return string
public function get_User_List()
return $this->user_list;
* Setter function for target user list
* @param string $str_User_List
public function set_User_List($str_User_List)
$this->user_list = $str_User_List;
* Getter function for last boot datetime stamp
* @return DateTime
public function get_Last_Boot()
return $this->last_boot;
* Setter function for last boot timestamp
* @param string|DateTime $str_Last_Boot
public function set_Last_Boot($str_Last_Boot)
if (is_a($str_Last_Boot, 'DateTime')) {
$this->last_boot = $str_Last_Boot;
else {
$this->last_boot = new DateTime($str_Last_Boot);
* Getter function for last logged in user
* @return string
public function get_Last_Login()
return $this->last_login;
* Setter function for last logged in user
* @param string $str_Last_Login
public function set_Last_Login($str_Last_Login)
$this->last_login = $str_Last_Login;
* Getter function for target shares
* @return string
public function get_Shares()
return $this->shares;
* Setter function for target shares
* @param string $str_Shares
public function set_Shares($str_Shares)
$this->shares = $str_Shares;
* Getter function for remote registry settings
* @return string
public function get_Remote_Registry()
return $this->remote_registry;
* Setter function for remote registry settings
* @param string $str_Remote_Registry
public function set_Remote_Registry($str_Remote_Registry)
$this->remote_registry = $str_Remote_Registry;
* Getter function for disabled user accounts
* @return string
public function get_Disabled_Accts()
return $this->disabled_accts;
* Setter function for disabled user accounts
* @param string $str_Disabled_Accts
public function set_Disabled_Accts($str_Disabled_Accts)
$this->disabled_accts = $str_Disabled_Accts;
* Getter function for stagnant user passwords
* @return string
public function get_Stag_Pwds()
return $this->stag_pwds;
* Setter function for stagnant user passwords
* @param string $str_Stag_Pwds
public function set_Stag_Pwds($str_Stag_Pwds)
$this->stag_pwds = $str_Stag_Pwds;
* Getter function for user never logged in
* @return string
public function get_Never_Logged_In()
return $this->never_logged_in;
* Setter function for users never logged in
* @param string $str_Never_Logged_In
public function set_Never_Logged_In($str_Never_Logged_In)
$this->never_logged_in = $str_Never_Logged_In;
* Getter function for passwords that never expire
* @return string
public function get_Pwds_Never_Expire()
return $this->pwd_never_expires;
* Setter function for passwords that never expire
* @param string $str_Pwd_Never_Expire
public function set_Pwds_Never_Expire($str_Pwd_Never_Expire)
$this->pwd_never_expires = $str_Pwd_Never_Expire;
* Getter function for copyright info
* @return string
public function get_Copyright()
return $this->copyrighted;
* Setter function for copyright info
* @param string $str_Copyright
public function set_Copyright($str_Copyright)
$this->copyrighted = $str_Copyright;
* Is the target a virtual machine guest
* @return boolean
public function is_VM()
return $this->is_vm;
* Set if the target is a virtual machine guest
* @param string $is_VM
public function set_VM($is_VM)
$this->is_vm = $is_VM;
* Getter function for system information
* @return string
public function get_System()
return $this->system;
* Setter function for system information
* @param string $str_System
public function set_System($str_System)
$this->system = $str_System;
* Getter function for system BIOS information
* @return string
public function get_BIOS()
return $this->bios;
* Setter function for system BIOS informatino
* @param string $str_BIOS
public function set_BIOS($str_BIOS)
$this->bios = $str_BIOS;
* Getter function for the PID that WMI is running on
* @return int
public function get_WMI_PID()
return $this->wmi_listening_pid;
* Setter function for PID that WMI is running on
* @param int $int_WMI_PID
public function set_WMI_PID($int_WMI_PID)
$this->wmi_listening_pid = $int_WMI_PID;
* Getter function for target routing information
* @return string
public function get_Routes()
return $this->routes;
* Setter function for targert routing information
* @param string $str_Routes
public function set_Routes($str_Routes)
$this->routes = $str_Routes;
* Getter function for the target firewall configuration
* @return string
public function get_Firewall_Config()
return $this->firewall_config;
* Setter function for the target firewall configuration
* @param string $str_Firewall_Config
public function set_Firewall_Config($str_Firewall_Config)
$this->firewall_config = $str_Firewall_Config;
* Getter function for cat_1 findings
* @return integer
public function getCat1Count()
return $this->cat_1;
* Setter function for cat_1 findings
* @param integer $count
public function setCat1Count($count)
if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) {
$this->cat_1 = $count;
* Getter function for cat_2 finding
* @return integer
public function getCat2Count()
return $this->cat_2;
* Setter function for cat_2 findings
* @param integer $count
public function setCat2Count($count)
if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) {
$this->cat_2 = $count;
* Getter function for cat_3 findings
* @return integer
public function getCat3Count()
return $this->cat_3;
* Setter function for cat_3 findings
* @param integer $count
public function setCat3Count($count)
if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) {
$this->cat_3 = $count;
* Getter function for nf findings
* @return integer
public function getNotAFindingCount()
return $this->nf;
* Setter function for nf findings
* @param integer $count
public function setNotAFindingCount($count)
if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) {
$this->nf = $count;
* Getter function for na findings
* @return integer
public function getNotApplicableCount()
return $this->na;
* Setter function for na findings
* @param integer $count
public function setNotApplicableCount($count)
if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) {
$this->na = $count;
* Getter function for nr findings
* @return integer
public function getNotReviewedCount()
return $this->nr;
* Setter function for nr findings
* @param integer $count
public function setNotReviewedCount($count)
if (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) {
$this->nr = $count;
* Getter method to calculate the total finding count
* @return integer
public function getTotalFindingCount()
return ($this->nr +
$this->na +
$this->nf +
$this->cat_1 +
$this->cat_2 +
* Getter method to calculate the compliant percentage
* @return float
public function getCompliantPercent()
if ($this->getTotalFindingCount() - $this->nr == 0) {
return 0;
$comp = ($this->na + $this->nf) / ($this->getTotalFindingCount() - $this->nr);
return $comp;
* Getter method to calculate the assessed percentage
* @return float
public function getAssessedPercent()
if ($this->getTotalFindingCount() == 0) {
return 0;
$ass = ($this->getTotalFindingCount() - $this->nr) / $this->getTotalFindingCount();
return $ass;
* Returns the first non-loopback, non-0 IP address for the target or NULL if none found.
* @return string|NULL
public function getIP()
foreach($this->interfaces as $int) {
if(!in_array($int->get_IPv4(), ['', '', ''])) {
return $int->get_IPv4();
return null;
* Getter function for pre-formatted table row
* @param boolean $odd
* @return string
public function get_Table_Row($odd)
if ($odd) {
$class = "odd_row";
else {
$class = "even_row";
$auto_class = "task-" . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($this->get_Task_Status($this->auto_status_id)));
$man_class = "task-" . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($this->get_Task_Status($this->man_status_id)));
$data_class = "task-" . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($this->get_Task_Status($this->data_status_id)));
$fp_class = "task-" . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($this->get_Task_Status($this->fp_cat1_status_id)));
$ret = "<tr class='$class cat_" . $this->cat_id . "'>" .
"<td style='width:110px;'>" .
"<input type='checkbox' value='" . $this->id . "' onclick='javascript:update_tgt_chk(this);' />" .
"<a href='target.php?ste=" . $this->ste_id . "&tgt=" . $this->id . "' class='host'>" . $this->name . "</a>";
foreach ($this->interfaces as $int) {
if (false) {
$int = new interfaces();
if (!in_array($int->get_IPv4(), array("", ""))) {
$ret .= "<a href='target.php?ste=" . $this->ste_id . "&tgt=" . $this->id . "' class='ip'>" . $int->get_IPv4() . "</a>";
$ret .= "</td>" .
"<td style='width:100px;line-height:1.25;'>" . $this->os_string . "</td>" .
"<td style='width:100px;'>" . $this->location . "</td>" .
"<td class='$auto_class'>" . $this->get_Task_Status($this->auto_status_id) . "</td>" .
"<td class='$man_class'>" . $this->get_Task_Status($this->man_status_id) . "</td>" .
"<td class='$data_class'>" . $this->get_Task_Status($this->data_status_id) . "</td>" .
"<td class='$fp_class'>" . $this->get_Task_Status($this->fp_cat1_status_id) . "</td>" .
$icons = array();
if (is_array($this->checklists) && count($this->checklists)) {
foreach ($this->checklists as $key => $chklst) {
$current_icon = $chklst->get_Icon();
if ($current_icon == '') {
if (!array_key_exists($current_icon, $icons)) {
$icons[$current_icon] = array(
'icon' => $current_icon,
'title' => '- ' . $chklst->get_Name() . " V" . $chklst->get_Version() . "R" . $chklst->get_Release() . ' (' . $chklst->get_type() . ')'
else {
$icons[$current_icon]['title'] .= PHP_EOL . " - " . $chklst->get_Name() . " V" . $chklst->get_Version() . "R" . $chklst->get_Release() . ' (' .
$chklst->get_type() . ')';
if (is_array($icons) && count($icons)) {
foreach ($icons as $key => $icon) {
$ret .= "<img src='/img/checklist_icons/" . $icon['icon'] . "' title='" . $icon['title'] .
"' class='checklist_image' />";
else {
$ret .= "&nbsp;";
$ret .= "</td>" . "<td style='width:350px;'>" . $this->notes . "</td>" . "</tr>";
return $ret;
* Getter function for task status
* @param integer $intStatus
* @return string
public function get_Task_Status($intStatus)
$status = array(
1 => "Comp",
2 => "IP",
3 => "NP",
4 => "NA",
5 => "NR"
if (is_numeric($intStatus)) {
return $status[$intStatus];
else {
return 'NR';
* Get array to convert to JSON
* @return array
public function get_JSON()
return array(
'id' => $this->id,
'ste_id' => $this->ste_id,
'cat_id' => $this->cat_id,
'name' => $this->name,
'os' => $this->os_string,
'location' => $this->location,
'notes' => nl2br($this->notes)