Revert update_db.php to download compilation STIG library instead of individual as links are inconsistent (#60, #64, #61
Add scape_webpage method to for future efforts
Fixed typo in uninstall.bat
installer.php - Fix bug when
update_db.php - Converted STIG download to identify the zip files from the a-z master list and download them individually instead of downloading the compilation zip file. Also integrated the sunset list into the same process so ALL STIGs are downloaded and imported at the same time
Adding an uninstall.bat that, when run as administrator, will stop the apache2.4 and mysql services, delete the mysql service (which XAMPP uninstall leaves behind...), deletes the www folder and uninstalls XAMPP.
Modified the install.bat script to suppress output when deleting the unnecessary XAMPP htdocs folder and added a friendly "contact us" message to encourage some feedback from our users.
background_stigs.php - change to support adding sunset STIGs to update_db.php
parse_nessus.php/parse_nmap.php - disable post processing until the end of reading the file
update_db.php - Add sunset STIGs downloading and parsing - Removed unnecessary variables ($key, etc), fixed typo (proc_ia_control v. proc_ia_controls), fix typo line 11072, added query_type to other queries in post_Processing method, call update_Target_Count method at the end of post_Processing, convert update_Target_Count to use queries instead of get_pdi_count and get_finding_count views (caused a performance hit), removed calling update_Target_Count from save_Target method to support previously mentioned changes
index.php - removed ajax timeout when bulk removing targets